1、一万次的感动,终抵不过一次的心动。 Ten thousand times of moving, but one heart.

2、下雨了,别人都在等人接,我在等雨停。 It's raining. Others are waiting to pick up. I'm waiting for the rain to stop.

3、习惯不能忘记一切,只能麻木一切。 Habit can not forget everything, can only numb everything.

4、从此心如止水,难起波澜。 From then on, my heart is as still as water.

5、你不在身边,思念像影子逼迫我想起你所有模样。 When you are not around, missing is like the shadow forcing me to think of you.

6、你不开心,甚至难过,归根到底就是你喜欢他。 You are not happy, even sad, in the final analysis is that you like him.

7、你不是我的唯一没有关系,我一直这样告诉我自己。 It doesn't matter that you are not the only one for me. I always tell myself that.

8、你给我的天堂其实是一片荒凉!毫无生机可言。 The heaven you give me is actually a desolation! There is no life to speak of.

9、别仗着我爱你,就对我生气。 Don't be angry with me just because I love you.

10、回忆就是非常完美的,只要你能过去都能过去。 Memories are perfect, as long as you can go, you can go.

11、因为我爱你,所以永远斗不过你。 Because I love you, so I can never fight you.

12、在别人那叫离婚,在我这不叫离婚,叫解聘。 In others, it's called divorce. In me, it's not called divorce, it's called dismissal.

13、在这个无理取闹的世界,连吃醋都是需要资格的。 In this vexatious world, even being jealous needs qualification.

14、天冷了,爱淡了,梦远了,也会再爱你了。 Cold days, love light, dream far away, will love you again.

15、天很漂亮,蓝蓝的,只是少了太阳就单调了。 The sky is beautiful, blue, but it's monotonous without the sun.

16、她可以爱烟喜酒爱自残爱鲜血却再也爱不上任何人。 She can love smoke and wine, love self mutilation, love blood, but she can no longer love anyone.

17、如果你喜欢她,就告诉她,因为她不会永远等你。 If you like her, tell her, because she won't wait for you forever.

18、如若爱你只是场梦,那这场梦什么时候才会醒来。 If love you is just a dream, when will this dream wake up.

19、就算删除了来访痕迹,我也知道你曾经来过。 I know you've been here, even if you've deleted the visit marks.

20、年轻就是这样,有错过有遗憾,最后才会学着珍惜。 Young is like this, there are missed regret, the last will learn to cherish.

21、幸福右边,荒芜人烟。 On the right side of happiness is desolation.

22、当我流下泪时,我已经努力了。 When I shed tears, I have tried.

23、心伤了,才会想起你。心碎了,自己一个人慢慢缝合。 Heartbreak, will think of you. Heartbreak, a person slowly suture.

24、悲伤着我的悲伤、寂寞着我的寂寞、一个人的生活。 Sad with my sadness, lonely with my loneliness, a person's life.

25、惟愿这一生,执子之手,与子偕老。 I wish I could grow old with my son in this life.

26、感谢你们从我生命里抽离,疼的我歇斯底里。 Thank you for pulling away from my life. I'm hysterical.

27、成熟是把许多不想与不舍,通通都变成不得不。 Maturity is to turn many people who don't want to and don't give up into having to.

28、成长、原来不过是由无数离别构成的相遇。 Growth, the original is just composed of countless parting encounter.

29、我也有诗和远方,只不过诗很烂,远方也很黑暗。 I also have poetry and distance, but poetry is very bad, distance is also very dark.

30、我可以装作无所谓,然后到没你的地方再崩溃。 I can pretend it doesn't matter, and then go to a place without you and collapse.

31、我很想联系你,就是缺个身份。 I'd like to contact you, but I don't have an identity.

32、我忘了多少天,没有这么用情的哭过。 I've forgotten how many days I haven't cried so much.

33、我深知爱他无果,可依旧爱他如初。 I know that love him fruitless, but still love him as before.

34、我的世界突然变暗了,没有你我该怎么办。 My world suddenly darkened. What should I do without you.

35、我的事情和你没有半毛钱关系,你凭什么管我。 My business has nothing to do with you. Why do you care about me.

36、我知道你终会离去,就像美丽的烟花终会消散而尽。 I know you will leave, just like the beautiful fireworks will dissipate.

37、我羡慕她,她拥有的,是我得不到的。 I envy her. What she has is what I can't get.

38、拼命的挽留,最后却换来一句请放开手。 Desperate to retain, but finally in exchange for a please let go.

39、无论你多么渺小,人潮拥挤我也能一眼望到你。 No matter how small and crowded you are, I can see you at a glance.

40、有些路我不知道怎么走,你应该指引我找到方向。 Some roads I don't know how to go, you should guide me to find the direction.

41、有时候,分手了,不是不爱,而是明知道没有结果。 Sometimes, break up, not do not love, but know that there is no result.

42、梦的最后,我们没有在一起,你过得很幸福。 At the end of the dream, we are not together, you are very happy.

43、每个人人不一样,结果是每个人都一样。 Everyone is different, and the result is everyone is the same.

44、毕竟来日方长,所以你来就行,我等多久都没关系。 After all, there is a long way to go, so you can come. It doesn't matter how long I wait.

45、没什么,只是学聪明了,不再问你离开我的原因。 Nothing, just learn smart, no longer ask why you left me.

46、相识是缘,相爱是分,那么相识不相爱又是什么。 Acquaintance is predestined relationship, love is divided, so what is acquaintance without love.

47、种一棵树,最好的时间是十年前,其次是现在。 The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, followed by now.

48、美人对眼睛来说是天堂,对腰包来说是地狱! Beauty is heaven to eyes, hell to purse!

49、走不通的路你怎么不回头,不爱你的人你怎么还在等。 Why don't you look back on the road you can't get through? Why are you still waiting for people who don't love you.

50、这一场来历不明的幸福,我看不到出路。 I can't see a way out for this unidentified happiness.