1、和煦的晨风,是想把哈哈哈疲惫风干。 The warm morning breeze is to dry my mother's tired.

2、因为母亲,让我拥有了完整的人格。 Because of my mother, I have a complete personality.

3、当你成功时,想想你的母亲。 When you succeed, think about your mother.

4、当你生病时,想想你的母亲。 When you are sick, think about your mother.

5、当你迷路时,想想你的母亲。 When you get lost, think about your mother.

6、当你饥饿时,想想你的母亲。 When you are hungry, think about your mother.

7、想化作一幅手杖,母亲困了可以依靠。 Want to turn into a walking stick, mother sleepy can rely on.

8、想化作一把藤椅,母亲累了可以休息。 Want to turn into a rattan chair, mother tired can rest.

9、想化作一缕阳光,温暖母亲的心房。 Want to turn into a ray of sunshine, warm mother's heart.

10、母亲像温暖的阳光,让我满怀期望。 Mother is like warm sunshine, which makes me full of expectation.

11、母亲像点燃的蜡烛,让我看到光明。 Mother is like a candle, let me see the light.

12、母亲是一朵花,让我学会了宽容。 Mother is a flower, let me learn tolerance.

13、母亲是太阳,给我火热的拥抱。 Mother is the sun, give me a hot hug.

14、母亲是山,我童年的依靠。 Mother is a mountain, my childhood rely on.

15、母亲是月亮,洒满温柔的月光。 Mother is the moon, full of gentle moonlight.

16、母亲是海,我童年的摇篮。 Mother is the sea, the cradle of my childhood.

17、母亲,多么让天下儿女敬仰的字眼。 Mother, how let the world children respect the words.

18、母亲,是寂寞孤单时温暖的依赖。 Mother is the warm dependence when she is lonely.

19、母爱像太阳,托起我的希望。 Maternal love is like the sun, holding up my hope.

20、母爱像春风一样抚摸着我们的脸庞。 Maternal love caresses our faces like spring breeze.

21、母爱像河,灌溉了我干涸的心田。 Mother's love is like a river, which irrigates my dry heart.

22、母爱像泉水一样滋润我们幼小的心田。 Maternal love moistens our young hearts like spring water.

23、母爱如雪,纯洁无暇。 Maternal love is as pure as snow.

24、母爱如雪,细小但滋润我的心田。 Maternal love is like snow, small but moistening my heart.

25、母爱是一团炉火,让温暖填满心田。 Maternal love is a fire, let the warmth fill the heart.

26、母爱是一幅山水画,自然清新。 Maternal love is a landscape painting, natural and fresh.

27、母爱是一首歌,婉转深情。 Maternal love is a song, tactful and affectionate.

28、母爱是乘法,距离越长,牵挂越长。 Maternal love is multiplication. The longer the distance, the longer the concern.

29、母爱是你伤心时,一块温暖的手帕。 Maternal love is a warm handkerchief when you are sad.

30、母爱是减法,减去自己,呵护我们。 Maternal love is subtraction, subtracting ourselves and taking care of us.

31、母爱是加法,岁月渐增,关怀渐增。 Mother's love is addition, with the increase of time and care.

32、母爱是夏天的绿荫,为我遮挡着骄阳。 Maternal love is the shade of summer, covering the scorching sun for me.

33、母爱是无私的,更是值得珍惜的。 Maternal love is unselfish, but also worth cherishing.

34、母爱是春风,使我们变坚强。 Maternal love is the spring breeze that makes us strong.

35、母爱是春风,绿了万树新芽。 Mother's love is the spring breeze, green trees sprout.

36、母爱是树,为你撑起绿阴。 Mother's love is a tree, supporting green shade for you.

37、母爱是水,清洗心灵的水。 Maternal love is water, the water to clean the soul.

38、母爱是甘露,滋润我们成长。 Maternal love is nectar, moistening our growth.

39、母爱是秋天的果实,任我采摘。 Maternal love is the fruit of autumn, let me pick.

40、母爱是秋水,黄河流长源远。 Mother's love is autumn water, the Yellow River flows far away.

41、母爱是除法,除了儿女,还是儿女。 Maternal love is division, in addition to children, or children.

42、母爱是风,卷来浓密的云。 Mother's love is the wind, rolling thick clouds.

43、母爱,人世间最仁慈的爱。 Maternal love is the most kind love in the world.

44、母爱,人世间最伟大的爱! Maternal love, the greatest love in the world!

45、母爱,人世间最宽容的爱。 Maternal love is the most tolerant love in the world.

46、母爱,像优酸乳,酸酸甜甜就是我。 Maternal love, like yogurt, sour sweet is me.

47、母爱,像益达,关爱牙齿更关心你。 Maternal love, like Yida, cares about teeth and cares more about you.

48、母爱,是一把伞,为我遮风挡雨。 Mother's love is an umbrella to protect me from the wind and rain.

49、母爱,让快乐升级为幸福。 Maternal love, let happiness upgrade to happiness.

50、鲜花灿烂,比不上母亲的微笑灿烂。 The flowers are not as bright as mother's smile.