1、一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains, no gains.

2、万丈高楼、华衣彩车,源于工人的劳动。 Thousands of tall buildings and colorful floats originated from the labor of workers.

3、三尺讲台育桃李,是教师的背影。 The three foot platform is the back of the teacher.

4、不怕天寒地冻,就怕手脚不动。 I'm not afraid of the cold, but I'm afraid of not moving.

5、人生最大快乐,是自己的劳动得到了成果。 The greatest happiness in life is the result of one's own labor.

6、以勤劳俭朴为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻。 He is proud of being industrious and thrifty, and ashamed of being fond of leisure and averse to hard work.

7、你越爱劳动,你就会愈变得越富有。 The more you love to work, the richer you will become.

8、使人愉快的劳动,能医治心灵的创伤。 Pleasant labor can heal the wounds of the soul.

9、劳动之所以美丽,是因为天道酬勤。 The reason why labor is beautiful is that heaven rewards diligence.

10、劳动创造美丽,人生劳动最光荣。 Labor creates beauty and life is the most glorious.

11、劳动是一件极其艰苦的事。 Labor is an extremely hard work.

12、劳动是一件,尊贵不过的事情。 Labor is a noble thing.

13、劳动是一种光荣,也是一种付出。 Labor is a kind of glory, but also a kind of pay.

14、劳动是惟一导向知识的道路。 Labor is the only way to knowledge.

15、劳动永远是医治精神创伤的良药。 Labor is always a good medicine for mental trauma.

16、劳动照亮社会,无私温暖人心。 Labor lights up the society and selflessly warms people's hearts.

17、勤奋出贵族,财富是勤奋的副产品。 Diligence makes nobles, and wealth is the by-product of diligence.

18、只有人的劳动才是神圣的。 Only human labor is sacred.

19、天才就是长期劳动的结果。 Genius is the result of long labor.

20、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。 Learning is labor, full of thought.

21、山河无恙,只因有你。 The mountains and rivers are all right, just because of you.

22、平时不劳动的人,一生没有节日过。 People who don't work usually have no festivals in their life.

23、沉思就是劳动,思考就是行动。 Meditation is labor, and thinking is action.

24、没有劳动,就不可能有正常人的生活。 Without labor, there can be no normal life.

25、用浪漫的激情,去创造美好的生活。 With romantic passion, to create a better life.

26、真正高宏之人,必能造福于人类。 A truly high minded person will surely benefit mankind.

27、红糖甜,白糖甜,不如劳动果实甜。 Brown sugar is sweet, white sugar is sweet, not as sweet as fruit.

28、要工作,要勤劳:劳作是最可靠的财富。 Work hard: work is the most reliable asset.

29、靠劳动创造财富,让知识成为力量。 We should create wealth through labor and let knowledge become power.

30、面朝黄土背朝天,日起日落苦煎熬。 Facing the Loess and back to the sky, the sun rises and sets.