1、一生何其漫长,也只不过别人口中故事一场。 Life is so long that it is just a story in the mouth of others.

2、不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。 Do not have a trace of fantasy, do not give up a chance, do not stop a day of efforts.

3、不拼尽最后一丝力气,怎能确定你不行。 If you don't make the last effort, you can't be sure you can't.

4、不管未来是否遍体鳞伤,必须挽起衣袖,带上坚强勇敢去闯。 No matter whether the future is full of black and blue, we must pull up our sleeves and take strong and brave to break through.

5、不要有怀才不遇的想法,怀才不遇多半是自己造成的。 Don't have the idea of failing to meet your talents. Most of them are caused by yourself.

6、不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 Don't feel inferior. You are no more stupid than others. Don't be complacent. Others are no more stupid than you.

7、不要轻易评判一个人,因为你没经历过他所经历的事情。 Don't judge a person easily, because you have not experienced what he experienced.

8、与其担心未来,不如现在好好努力,只有奋斗才能给你安全感。 Instead of worrying about the future, it's better to work hard now. Only struggle can give you a sense of security.

9、世上再美的风景,都不及回家的那段路。 No matter how beautiful the scenery is in the world, it's not as good as the way home.

10、世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。 The most tiring thing in the world is to live a hypocritical life.

11、人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末。 The perfection of personality is the foundation, and the establishment of wealth is the end.

12、人生如棋,我愿为卒,动作虽慢,可谁见我后退一i。 Life is like chess. I'd like to be a pawn. Though the action is slow, who can see me step back.

13、人生有如钓鱼,一竿在手,希望无穷。 Life is like fishing, one pole in hand, endless hope.

14、什么时候离光明最近?那就是你觉得黑暗太黑的时候。 When is the closest to the light? That's when you think it's too dark.

15、你愿苦其自身,必将掌声雷动。 It will be hard for you to clap.

16、你要静候,再静候,就算失收,始终要守。 You should wait and wait, even if you lose the harvest, you should always keep it.

17、压力不是有人比你努力,而是比你厉害几倍的人依然比你努力。 The pressure is not that someone works harder than you, but someone who is several times more powerful than you still works harder than you.

18、只有经历最痛苦的坚持,才能配得上拥有最永久的幸福。 Only through the most painful persistence can we be worthy of the most permanent happiness.

19、只要你不回避与退缩,生命的掌声终会为你响起。 As long as you do not avoid and retreat, the applause of life will ring for you.

20、只要我们能梦想的,我们就能实现。 As long as we can dream, we can achieve it.

21、哪有那么多的一夜成名,其实都是百炼成钢。 How can there be so many overnight fame, in fact, are all refined into steel.

22、哪里有意志存在,哪里就会有出路。 Where there is will, there will be a way out.

23、在最平常的事情中,都可以显示出一个人人格的伟大来。 In the most common things, you can show the greatness of a person's personality.

24、在爱与梦灭的时分,愿你成为一束光,照亮这世界的一角。 When love and dreams die, may you become a light to illuminate a corner of the world.

25、如果你想从别人身上学到不同的事,你必须谦虚。 If you want to learn something different from others, you have to be humble.

26、尽力做好一件事,实乃人生之首务。 Doing one thing well is the first task of life.

27、常思己过,莫论人非,时时欢喜,时时吉祥。 Always think about yourself, don't talk about people, always happy, always auspicious.

28、当你决定要旅行,你就别害怕风雨同舟。 When you decide to travel, don't be afraid to go together.

29、当你知道你不在是你的时候,你才是真正的你! When you know you are not you, you are the real you!

30、成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒。 The belief in success works like an alarm clock in the brain that wakes you up when you need it.

31、我没有所谓的避风港湾,即使风再大雨再狂我都得自己走下去。 I have no so-called shelter, even if the wind and rain again crazy, I have to go down by myself.

32、故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。 Therefore, those who make up their minds are the heart of learning, while those who are scholars are determined to do so.

33、斧头虽小,但经历多次劈砍,终能将一棵最坚硬的橡树砍刀。 Although the axe is small, it has been chopped many times, and it can finally make the hardest oak.

34、最后也只是自己受折磨,这点痛又算什么。 In the end, it's just my own suffering. What is this pain.

35、死的方式由上帝决定,活的方式由自己决定! The way to die is decided by God, and the way to live is up to you!

36、死,可以明志;生,却可践志。 Death can make one's mind clear; life, however, can practice one's will.

37、海浪的品格,就是无数次被礁石击碎又无数闪地扑向礁石。 The character of the sea wave is that it has been broken by the reef for countless times, and it has flashed to the reef.

38、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 Life does not consist in living long and short, but in the early and late epiphany.

39、相信信念能够战胜一切,这本身就是一个最伟大的信念。 To believe that faith can conquer everything is in itself the greatest belief.

40、真正重要的不是生命里的岁月,而是岁月中的生活。 What really matters is not the years in life, but the life in the years.

41、知不足者好学,耻下问者自满。 Those who know less are eager to learn, and those who are ashamed to ask are complacent.

42、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。 Positive thinking leads to positive life, while negative thinking leads to negative life.

43、认识自己难,认识自己的不足更难。 It is more difficult to know oneself than to know one's own shortcomings.

44、记住,输掉的东西,一定可以再一点一点赢回来! Remember, lost things, you can win back little by little!

45、记住:当坚持之苦大过放弃之痛,是该放手的时候了。 Remember: when the pain of persistence is greater than the pain of giving up, it's time to let go.

46、酸甜苦辣我自己尝,喜怒哀乐我自己扛,我就是自己的太阳。 I taste the bitterness and bitterness by myself. I carry the joys and sorrows by myself. I am my own sun.

47、问心无愧心最安,能够付出,助人,救人,最是愉悦。 Having a clear conscience is the most peaceful. It is most pleasant to be able to give, help and save people.

48、阳光总是会在阴天过后出现,是那般温暖,那般耀眼。 The sun will always appear after cloudy days, so warm, so dazzling.