1、不怕别人笑,会勇敢很好。 It's good not to be afraid of others' laughter, but to be brave.

2、为什么只会换来一次又一次的失望? Why can only exchange again and again disappointed?

3、伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。 The deepest hurt is always the most true feelings.

4、你让我尝到了等待的孤独,心真的好痛。 You let me taste the loneliness of waiting, my heart is really painful.

5、偷偷地想,偷偷地喜欢,再偷偷地死心。 Secretly think, secretly like, and then secretly die.

6、凡事都是这样,要能适应,习惯,凑合。 Everything is like this. You should be able to adapt, get used to and make do with it.

7、分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。 After separation, my hands can no longer touch your temperature.

8、原来放不下的,至始至终都只有我一个。 I was the only one who couldn't let go.

9、喜欢特别的事物,所以我活该孤独。 I like special things, so I deserve to be alone.

10、多少时候因为得不到,所以假装不想要。 How often do you pretend you don't want it because you can't get it.

11、天空退变的颜色,染不出执着。 The fading color of the sky can't dye persistence.

12、好几天没吃饭了,看谁都像烙饼。 I haven't eaten for several days. Everyone looks like a pancake.

13、对不起,我们的结局只能以背影告别。 I'm sorry, our ending can only say goodbye with our back.

14、对于爱情,我们总是说的比唱的好听。 For love, we always speak better than sing.

15、已有岁月可回首,却无情深共白头。 There are years to look back, but there is no deep love.

16、希望用心用命换回的,不再是玫纳撕Α Hope that the heart in exchange for life, is no longer your injury.

17、带你去看灯火模仿,坠落的星光。 Take you to see the imitation of lights, falling stars.

18、异于常情之举,必定暗藏非常之企图。 An unusual act must contain an extraordinary attempt.

19、彼此的誓言抵不过沧桑,又何必去奢求。 Each other's vows can't resist the vicissitudes of life, so why go to extravagance.

20、往事不如烟,只是认真的人太可怜。 The past is not like smoke, but serious people are too poor.

21、很少想起,并不代表真的忘记。 Rarely think of, does not mean really forget.

22、我们就像没有灵魂的死尸,苟且的活着。 We're like dead bodies without souls. We're alive.

23、我们,算了吧。我累了。 Let's forget it. I'm tired.

24、我好累,被压得喘不过气。 I'm so tired that I can't breathe.

25、我害怕你的消息,不经意被谁提起。 I'm afraid of your news. I don't care who brings it up.

26、我想和你在一起,哪怕未来茫茫遍地荆棘。 I want to be with you, even if the future is full of thorns.

27、我想在喜欢你的这条路上,走的更远。 I want to like you on this road, go further.

28、我把一切交给了,顺其自然。 I left everything to myself and let it be.

29、我最懂得知足,但还是有点想哭。 I know contentment best, but I still want to cry.

30、我爱你,就像你不爱我一样的坚决! I love you, just as you don't love me!

31、我的情绪真复杂,老有种不真实的感受。 My emotions are so complicated. I always feel unreal.

32、我认准的人,将是我的心脏。 The person I identify will be my heart.

33、我说我爱你,你倒过来重复一遍。 I said I love you, you repeat it backwards.

34、我连未来都想好了,可是你却半路走了。 I even think about the future, but you are halfway away.

35、摔倒了,爬起来,为下一个姿势做准备。 Fall down, get up and get ready for the next position.

36、放弃了接受阳光的机会,让黑暗吞噬自己。 Give up the opportunity to accept the sun, let the dark devour themselves.

37、既然留不住我的心,请不要怪我花心。 Since I can't keep my heart, please don't blame me for being a flower.

38、有些东西,要之不得,便只能放弃。 Some things, if you want them, you have to give up.

39、本欲起身离红尘,奈何影子落人间。 I wanted to get up and leave the world, but my shadow fell into the world.

40、爱一个人,无缘在一起,那就放手吧。 Love a person, not together, then let it go.

41、爱你,就是嘴硬,心痛也不说。 Love you, is the mouth hard, heartache does not say.

42、现实的社会,毁了我一个做好人的机会。 The real society has ruined my chance to be a good man.

43、看着深入骨髓的黑,听着绝望叫嚣。 Looking at the deep black, listening to the cry of despair.

44、算了吧,我没有力气爱你了。 Forget it, I don't have the strength to love you.

45、耗尽真心和力气,到头来感动了自己。 Exhausted sincerity and strength, in the end moved himself.

46、能力不在脸上,本事不在嘴上。 Ability is not in the face, ability is not in the mouth.

47、落纱,掩盖了繁华。晨啼,唤醒了心涯。 Doffing conceals prosperity. The morning cry wakes my heart.

48、逝去的东西,最好不见,最好不念。 It's better not to see or read the things that have passed away.

49、锁住了我。可以。大意的走开了。没关系。 I'm locked. sure. He walked away carelessly. No problem.

50、陌染风华,唯愿无殇。 Mo dye Fenghua, only wish no war.