1、一个人的夜,很美,点点忧伤,思绪里有你。 A person's night, very beautiful, a little sad, thoughts of you.

2、不是说你有一颗陪我到老的心,现在呢? Not to say you have a accompany me to the old heart, now?

3、不要丢下我一个人,任何时候。 Don't leave me alone, anytime.

4、以爱的名义要挟却挂着永恒的幌子欺骗。 In the name of love, the threat is cheating under the cover of eternity.

5、伤口撒盐除了残忍,还能让人清醒。 Salt is not only cruel, but also sober.

6、你不回复我的时候,我一直在默默等你回复我。 When you don't reply to me, I have been waiting for you to reply to me.

7、你从未顾及我的感受,又怎会知道我多难受。 You never thought about my feelings, and how could you know how hard I was.

8、你偶尔的问候,不是余情未了,而是出于礼貌。 Your occasional greeting is not a matter of feeling over, but out of politeness.

9、你只是一念之间,我却是深情一场。 You are just a moment of thought, but I am a deep love.

10、你是我眼角里的痣,温柔到执着,执着到极致。 You are the mole in my corner of the eye, gentle to persistent, persistent to the extreme.

11、你,不是真正的想我。 You, not really miss me.

12、其实一个人很好,就是有点难过有点寂寞。 Actually, a person is very good, is a little sad and a little lonely.

13、冬天,装满我们的回忆,让我不敢去碰及。 In winter, full of our memories, I dare not to meet.

14、别奢求太多,别依赖太过。 Don't be too much, don't rely too much.

15、原来别人的幸福里,没有我的位置。 The original happiness of others, there is no place for me.

16、在我发脾气的时候,别跟我讲道理,我聋的。 Don't make sense to me when I'm angry. I'm deaf.

17、在生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版的。 In life, no matter how boring time, is limited edition.

18、多么在乎的人啊,你可曾听到我的呼唤。 What a caring person, you have heard my call.

19、太多太多让你迷惑,最后你还是离开了我。 Too much to confuse you, and you left me at last.

20、女人就这么傻。心里只装得下一个男人一件事。 Women are so stupid. The heart can only pretend to be the next man.

21、如果有一天我后悔了,你还会不会在原地等我。 If one day I regret, will you wait for me in the place.

22、孤独,是一场无人送药的重感冒。 Loneliness is a cold that no one has given medicine.

23、安慰,莫过于是在等待许久之后的黯然离开。 Comfort, is to wait for a long time after the dark leave.

24、小丑也要人疼,因为没人懂他们面具后的悲伤。 Clowns also hurt because no one knows the sadness behind their masks.

25、弱化不了的沉默,就这样让我难以释怀。 The silence that can not be weakened makes me difficult to release.

26、当我给不起的时候,我所能做的是离开。 When I can't afford it, all I can do is leave.

27、心脏变成一座荒岛,无人收买,也就不再出售。 The heart becomes a desert island, and no one buys it, and it will not be sold.

28、怀着最好的期望,也做着最坏的打算。 With the best expectations, and the worst.

29、我一直等你的回答,最后等到了一句对不起。 I waited for your reply and finally I waited for a word of sorry.

30、我们一再一再的证明,只有相互伤害的较劲。 We have repeatedly proved that there is only a fight against each other.

31、我们明明不是陌生人,却装的比陌生人还陌生。 We are not strangers, but we are still stranger than strangers.

32、我们相遇在偶然,相识在校园,分离在一瞬。 We met by chance, met on campus, separated in a flash.

33、我可以留住别人温馨的一幕,却留不住你。 I can keep someone warm scene, but can not stay you.

34、我和你之间,从分手那天起,只能想念互不打扰。 Between me and you, from the day of breakup, I can only miss each other without disturbing each other.

35、我承认不是我想放你走,而是你始终不要我。 I admit it's not that I want you to go, but you don't want me all the time.

36、我讨厌你不爱我。如果这就是结局。 I hate you don't love me. If that's the end.

37、把备注改为全名,是有多失望。 How disappointed it is to change the note to full name.

38、日间,将灯悉数打开,也照不亮我灰暗的世界。 In the daytime, turn on all the lights, and do not shine on my gray world.

39、时间流逝,回忆终究是回忆。 Time goes by, memories are memories after all.

40、明知这是作茧自缚,到最后你却要我自拾狼狈。 Knowing that this is a cocoon, you want me to pick up the embarrassment in the end.

41、有没有当你爱上一个人时,却发现爱错人了。 Have you ever found that you love someone wrong when you fall in love with someone.

42、来世的挂牵,今生的命运。 The future of hanging, the fate of this life.

43、没人知道下一刻谁会离开,现在只能尽力珍惜。 No one knows who will leave the next moment, and now they can only cherish it as much as possible.

44、熬夜是养成的一种习惯,知道的人都知道太难戒。 Staying up late is a habit, and everyone who knows knows it is too hard to quit.

45、爱的时候没有原因,不爱的时候才理由多多。 There is no reason for love, and there are many reasons when you don't love.

46、碎了的阳光,斑驳了划过清晨的时光。 The broken sunshine, mottled across the early morning.

47、简单的是我想你。困难的是我们不能在一齐。 It's simple that I miss you. The difficulty is that we can't be together.

48、路越走越美丽,美丽的风景都在后面。 The more beautiful the road, the more beautiful the scenery is behind.

49、轻轻地拼凑起我们的回忆,不留一丝痕迹。 Gently put together our memories without leaving a trace.

50、连呼吸都会胃抽,你可曾关心过。 Even breathing can be a stomach, you have been concerned.