1、一个不说,一个不问,这就是我们渐行渐远的原因。 One does not say, one does not ask, this is why we are getting farther and farther.

2、一切的美好,或许在于它的无法掌控,稍纵即逝。 The beauty of everything may be that it can't be controlled, and it is fleeting.

3、一切都会过去,但在放手之前,能抓多紧,就抓多紧。 Everything will pass, but before you let go, you can grasp as much as you can.

4、一生寥寥,钟情几人。 Life is very few, and I love a few people.

5、不喜欢就是不喜欢,就算说什么,都没用,你懂的。 Don't like it or not. Even if you say anything, it doesn't work. You know.

6、不要问我从哪里来,我的故乡是停尸房。 Don't ask where I come from. My hometown is a morgue.

7、为了所谓的;爱;付出一切,觉得值得么? For what is so-called; love; give everything, feel worth it?

8、亲爱的,我不求海枯石烂,只求在你身旁。 Honey, I don't want the sea to be dead and stone rotten, but to be beside you.

9、今天分手的朋友们。笑笑就过去了。 Friends who broke up today. Smile and go.

10、从困境中走出来,才知道原来自己怎么坚强。 Come out of the dilemma, only know how strong they are.

11、任何事情,总有答案。与其烦恼,不如顺其自然。 There is always an answer to anything. It is better to be natural than to worry.

12、你一副不缺我的样子,我怎敢深拥。 How dare I embrace you in a way that I am not lacking.

13、你是太阳,所以我有洒脱的影子。 You are the sun, so I have a free and easy shadow.

14、你自己都讨厌你自己,别人喜欢你又有什么用。 You hate yourself, and it's useful for others to like you.

15、再回首,斯人已去,只堪回忆。 Looking back, the SRI has gone, only to remember.

16、到底爱情是什么,你让我现在都没走出那个东西。 What is love, you let me not out of that thing now.

17、听话,永远不要试探自己在别人心中有多重要。 Listen, never try to test how important you are in others' hearts.

18、听说我的玫瑰,放一片阿西匹林,会活狠久。 I heard that my rose, put a piece of asipilin, will live a long time.

19、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。 Happiness is to find a warm person to live a lifetime.

20、思念已经化成了眼泪,一滴一滴刺痛我的心。 Miss has turned into tears, a drop of pain in my heart.

21、总是等了很久才发现:有的人是这一生都等不到的人。 It's always been a long time before we find out: some people are people who can't wait for in their lives.

22、愿你在噩梦呓语时,身边会有人将你抱紧安慰。 May you be surrounded by someone holding you tight and comforting when you are having nightmares.

23、我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,是厌倦了所有的依靠。 I am not proud, nor is it a hoax, I am tired of all the reliance.

24、我不羡慕街上的那些情侣,我只嫉妒曾经的我们。 I don't envy the lovers in the street, I only envy us who used to be.

25、我从你开始,我在你结束。 I started with you, I ended up with you.

26、我们不合适,没有共同语言。 We are not suitable, we don't have a common language.

27、我想我现在已经走的太远,早就忘了来时的路了。 I think I have gone too far now, I have forgotten the way when I came.

28、我没你想的那么坚强,有时也会找地方躲藏。 I am not as strong as you think, sometimes I will find a place to hide.

29、我知道爱不是占有,可我怎么也不想成全。 I know love is not possession, but I don't want to be complete.

30、我要的不是曾经,而是期待而至的未来。 I want not the past, but the future I expect.

31、我越来越讨厌自己了,身体与灵魂剥离是什么感觉。 I'm getting more and more tired of myself, what is the feeling of the physical and soul stripping.

32、时间的目光,明晰着爱的足迹。 Time vision, clear love footprints.

33、明明是你闯进我的生活,最后却是我哭着求你别走。 It is clear that you broke into my life, but finally I cried and asked you not to go.

34、有时候明知不该,但还是会去做,因为是凡人。 Sometimes I know not to, but I will do it because it is ordinary people.

35、每一段路,只要还有不甘心,它就还没有走到尽头。 Every road, as long as there is no willing, it has not yet reached the end.

36、沙滩上留下的脚印,证明我们曾经依偎过。 Footprints on the beach prove that we have snuggled up.

37、生活需要仪式感,就像平凡的日子,需要一束光。 Life needs a sense of ritual, like ordinary days, it needs a beam of light.

38、真情本无语,尽在珍惜,尽在真心。 The truth is silent, cherish and sincerely.

39、离开只是你的一个借口,你爱上了别人才是事实。 Leaving is just an excuse for you. It's true that you fall in love with others.

40、莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。 Do not die, curtain roll west wind, people than yellow flowers thin.

41、蝴蝶再美,终飞不过沧海;誓言再真,终渡不过今生。 Butterfly is beautiful, but it will not fly in the sea; vows are true, but can not cross this life.

42、要理想不要幻想,要激情不要矫情,凡事知足常乐。 Want ideal not fantasy, must passion not be affectable, everything is contented.

43、记不清什么时候在一起,却忘不掉什么时候分开。 I can't remember when to be together, but I can't forget when to separate.

44、谁能说的出我回来的真正理由,其实你们都不懂我。 Who can say the real reason why I come back, in fact, you don't understand me.

45、谁说我不能再次微笑,谁说我不能活得更好。 Who said I couldn't smile again, who said I couldn't live better.

46、还有什么消息比你属于别人更令我心痛的,没有了。 There is still something more painful to me than you belong to others. No more.

47、那种满得快要溢出来的喜欢好像这辈子都不会再有。 The kind of love that is full of overflowing seems to never be there again in my life.

48、醉的人们举起酒杯,笑的眼里全是泪。 Drunk people raise their glasses, and their eyes are full of tears.

49、青春好比吸烟,烟在飞扬,烟灰在坠落。 Youth is like smoking, smoke is flying, ash is falling.

50、黄昏时偷来你的肋骨酿酒,百年以后醉的有血有肉。 Steal your ribs at dusk to make wine. After a hundred years, you will be drunk with flesh and blood.