1、一思尚存,此志不懈。 A thought still exists, this ambition unremittingly.

2、不怕山高,就怕脚软。 If you are not afraid of high mountains, you are afraid of soft feet.

3、不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。 If you are not afraid of the disadvantages of Pepsi, you are afraid of losing heart.

4、不摸锅底手不黑,不拿油瓶手不腻。 Do not touch the bottom of the pot, hands are not black, do not take the oil bottle is not greasy.

5、不贵于无过,而贵于能改过。 It is not expensive to have no faults, but to be able to correct them.

6、久住坡,不嫌陡。 If you live on a slope for a long time, it is not too steep.

7、人怕没志,树怕没皮。 People are afraid of no ambition, trees are afraid of no skin.

8、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The foundation of the great cause of life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do.

9、凡事要三思,但比三思更重要的是三思而行。 Think twice about everything, but more important than thinking twice is to think twice.

10、刀无钢刃不锋利,人无意志不坚定。 A knife is not sharp without steel, and a man is not determined without will.

11、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 Don't take evil as small as possible, don't do good with little.

12、千日造船,一日过江。 A thousand days of shipbuilding, one day across the river.

13、口说无凭,事实为证。 There is no proof of what you say, but the facts prove it.

14、吃人的嘴软,论人的理短。 A man's mouth is soft, but his reason is short.

15、坛口封得住,人口封不住。 The mouth of the altar can be sealed, but the population cannot be sealed.

16、天下无难事,只怕有心人。 There is nothing difficult in the world, only those who have a mind.

17、天凭日月,人凭良心。 Heaven depends on the sun and the moon, and man by conscience.

18、好事多磨,善行多难。 Good things are more difficult than good deeds.

19、好鼓一打就响,好灯一拔就亮。 A good drum rings as soon as it is hit, and lights up as soon as it is pulled out.

20、如其坐而言,不如起而立。 As for sitting, it is better to stand up.

21、学文化,从字母开始;讲文明,从小事做起。 Learning culture starts with letters; speaking of civilization starts with small things.

22、宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。 It is better to be bitter than to be ashamed.

23、宁吃开眉粥,不吃皱眉饭。 Better open eyebrow porridge than frown rice.

24、宝剑锋从磨利出,梅花香自苦寒来。 BaoJianFeng comes from sharpening and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold.

25、寒天饮冷水,点点记心头。 Drink cold water on a cold day and remember it.

26、小人自大,小溪声大。 The little man is arrogant, and the stream is loud.

27、常说嘴里顺,常写手不笨。 Often say the mouth is smooth, often write not stupid.

28、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。 The years are gone and never come back. It's hard to give up your career.

29、志在林泉,胸怀廊庙。 His ambition is in Linquan and his mind is in the langmiao temple.

30、愁人苦夜长,志士惜日短。 The night is long, but the day is short.

31、挥霍金钱是败坏物,虚度年华是败坏人。 Squandering money is a bad thing, wasting time is a bad man.

32、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 Last night more minutes of preparation, less trouble today.

33、月凭日光亮,人凭志气壮。 The moon shines with the sun, and the man is strong with his ambition.

34、未遭拒绝的成功决不会长久。 Success without rejection will never last.

35、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every effort, there must be a double reward.

36、灯不亮,要人拨;事不明,要人说。 If the light doesn't work, someone should dial it; if something is unclear, someone should say it.

37、牛无力拖横耙,人无理说横话。 Cattle can't drag the harrow, people can't speak.

38、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。 A bull's eye is high, a dog's eye is low.

39、痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。 If you want to catch the itch, you should be praised by others.

40、知足称君子,贪婪是小人。 Contentment is a gentleman, but greed is a villain.

41、砍柴上山,捉鸟上树。 Cut firewood up the mountain and catch birds on the tree.

42、纵死侠骨香,不惭世上英。 Even if you die, you will not be ashamed of the heroes in the world.

43、老姜辣味大,老人经验多。 Ginger is spicy and old people have more experience.

44、节约时间就是延长寿命。 Saving time is prolonging life.

45、药不治假病,酒不解真愁。 The medicine does not cure the false disease, the wine does not understand the true worry.

46、让人一寸,得理一尺。 It takes an inch, but a foot.

47、路在人走,事在人为。 The road depends on people, and everything depends on people.

48、远亲不如近邻,近邻不抵对门。 A distant relative is better than a near neighbor.

49、马瘦腿不软,人穷志不短。 A horse is not weak in its thin legs, but poor in ambition.

50、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在我们的后面。 The golden age is ahead of us, not behind us.