1、一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 A flower, a grass, a life, a leaf, a relationship.

2、不是很热的时候,使用省电的风扇。 When it's not very hot, use an energy-saving fan.上一页12下一页

3、不让尘土进校园,只让美好到我家。 Don't let the dust into the campus, just let the beautiful come to my home.

4、为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋。 Save our oceans for life on Earth.

5、为了地球上的生命,清除白色污染。 For the sake of life on earth, clean up white pollution.

6、为了我们自己,也为了我们后代,请保护环境。 For ourselves and for our future generations, please protect the environment.

7、人人都来爱护它,世界才会更美妙。 Everyone will love it, and the world will be better.

8、人的生命是有限的,保护环境是无限的。 Human life is limited and environmental protection is infinite.

9、从自己做起,爱护我们的家园。 Start with yourself and cherish our homeland.

10、优良环境你我创,其中益处大家享。 You and I create a good environment, which benefits everyone to enjoy.

11、你是否听见,地球妈妈在哭泣。 Do you hear Mother Earth crying?

12、保护土地资源,营造生命绿洲。 Protect land resources and create an oasis of life.

13、保护环境,有益健康。 Protecting the environment is good for health.

14、保护环境,要你十分留心,十分细心,十分有心。 Protecting the environment requires you to be very careful, very careful and very careful.

15、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。 Protecting the ecological environment means protecting oneself.

16、判天地之美、析万物之理。 Judging the beauty of heaven and earth and analyzing the principles of all things.

17、别在绿色消失时,我们才去后悔。 Don't regret when the green disappears.

18、劝君多走几步路,莫把草坪当马路。 I advise you to take more steps instead of using the lawn as a road.

19、只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济。 There is only one earth, and mankind should work together.

20、国旗伴我成长,环保洁我心灵。 The national flag accompanies me to grow up, environmental protection cleans my mind.

21、坚持人水和谐,建设生态文明。 Adhere to the harmony between people and water and build ecological civilization.

22、垃圾回收,保护地球,举手之劳,参与环保。 Garbage recycling, protection of the earth, hands up, participate in environmental protection.

23、大路随你走,别踩在我头。 Follow you down the road. Don't step on my head.

24、失去生态平衡,人类寸步难行。 Losing the ecological balance makes it difficult for human beings to take any steps.

25、学校是我家,人人都爱它。 School is my home, everyone loves it.Green is always accompanied by life, and environment is closely related to health.

26、小小一口痰,细菌千千万。 A small sputum, bacteria tens of millions.

27、小草青青,脚下留情。 The grass is green and the feet are merciful.

28、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。 Smoke less and plant more trees.

29、快快行动起来,保护自然生态! Quick action to protect the natural ecology!

30、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。 We are seedlings, and we all need to take care of them.

31、我很怕羞,请别碰我! I'm very shy, please don't touch me!

32、手下留情花更艳,脚下留情草更翠。 The merciful flowers are brighter and the grass is greener under your feet.

33、手下留情,脚下留青。 Be merciful, leave green under your feet.

34、拒绝白色污染,从少用一个塑料袋开始! Refuse white pollution, start with less plastic bags!

35、捡起一张纸,创造一个美的环境。 Pick up a piece of paper and create a beautiful environment.

36、搞好水土保护,改善生态环境。 Do a good job in soil and water conservation and improve the ecological environment.

37、放下千斤斧,快去勤植树! Put down the axe and plant trees!

38、树环保之风,迎美好明天。 Tree the wind of environmental protection and welcome a better tomorrow.

39、热爱我们的母亲,不要再让她伤心和失望! Love our mother, do not let her sad and disappointed!

40、爱护小草吧,它是春天的信使! Take care of the grass, it is the messenger of spring!

41、珍惜水资源,保护水环境,防治水污染。 Treasure water resources, protect water environment and prevent water pollution.

42、珍惜资源永续利用,绿化环境净化心灵。 Cherish the sustainable use of resources, green the environment and purify the soul.

43、由俭如奢易,由奢入俭难。 From thrift to luxury, from luxury to frugality.


45、绿色消费,消费绿色。 Green consumption, green consumption.

46、绿色草坪,无需纸花点缀。 Green lawn, no paper decoration.

47、绿色象征生命,珍惜生命,环保第一。 Green symbolizes life, cherishes life, environmental protection first.

48、编织爱心,保护环境。 Weave love and protect the environment.

49、美化生活,净化心灵。 Beautify life and purify the mind.

50、节约的就是利润,浪费的就是财富。 What is saved is profit, and what is wasted is wealth.

51、花香阵阵,鸟鸣声声。琅琅书声,浓浓情深。 Flowers are fragrant and birds are singing. Langlang book sound, deep feeling.

52、芳草依依,大家怜惜。 Grass yiyiyi, everyone pity.

53、草儿绿、花儿香,环境优美人健康。 Green grass, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment, people's health.

54、要想校园净又美,健康文明记心里。 If you want the campus to be clean and beautiful, keep healthy and civilized in mind.

55、让绿色在生活中洋溢,让心灵在绿色中放飞。 Let the green overflow in life, let the soul fly in the green.

56、请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。 Please don't disturb the woods and make the air cleaner.

57、请高抬贵脚,听,小草在哭泣。 Please raise your feet, listen, the grass is crying.

58、赏花爱花花更美,观景惜景景更幽。 Appreciating flowers and loving flowers is more beautiful, while viewing and cherishing the scenery is more secluded.

59、追求环保是你我的心愿,参与环保是你我的责任。 Pursuing environmental protection is your wish and participating in environmental protection is your responsibility.

60、问坛哪得绿如许,为有大家来爱护! Where can the Question Tan be so green, for everyone to love!
