1、一个人要进来,另一个人不得不离开。 One person wants to come in and the other has to leave.

2、一场暧昧,一场恨,何必计较那么多。 An ambiguous, a hate, why care so much.

3、一腔梗咽说出你那脊骨般之痛的过去。 A cavity stem pharynx say you that spine pain past.

4、不打扰,却铭记,是我对你最后的暧。 Do not disturb, but remember, is my last warm to you.

5、不要跟前任和好,因为总会重蹈覆辙。 Don't make up with your ex, because it's always the same.

6、世界上最难走的路,就是这条人生路。 This is the most difficult road in the world.

7、为了爱你,放下了骄傲,失去了自尊。 In order to love you, put down the pride, lost self-esteem.

8、也许他只是暧昧成瘾,而你却走了心。 Maybe he's just addicted to ambiguity, but you're gone.

9、人生中,有时不去冒险比冒险更危险。 In life, sometimes not taking risks is more dangerous than taking risks.

10、人间还是姹紫嫣红,我心已万古荒凉。 The world is still colorful, my heart has been desolate forever.

11、他日我若嫁得良人,定谢你不娶之恩! If I marry a beloved one day, I will thank you for not marrying me!

12、他等她等了一万年,只是等来了寂寞。 He has been waiting for her for ten thousand years, only waiting for loneliness.

13、会有一个真正属于你的人,在等着你。 There will be someone who really belongs to you, waiting for you.

14、你不受点伤,就不知道人心有多薄凉。 If you don't get hurt, you don't know how cold your heart is.

15、你做的每个决定,结局都是将我丢下。 Every decision you make ends up leaving me behind.

16、你是说我痴情,还是嫌我赖着你不走。 Do you mean I'm infatuated, or do you think I'm relying on you.

17、你曾说过的地老天荒,我已不再向往。 You said the end of time, I no longer yearn.

18、你流的每颗泪滴一样淹没了我的眼睛。 Every tear you shed drowns my eyes.

19、你离开了,但是我会在原地等你回来。 You left, but I will wait for you to come back.

20、假如不曾遇见过,就没有自私的借口。 If not, there is no excuse for selfishness.

21、分手不一定是解脱、也许还会是折磨。 Break up is not necessarily relief, may also be torture.

22、别总什么事儿都让我来扛,我也会累。 Don't always let me carry everything, I will be tired.

23、别期盼那束,等也等不到的光的到来。 Don't expect the light that can't wait.

24、别说我丑,小时候我也俊过那么一阵。 Don't say I'm ugly. I was handsome when I was a child.

25、原来有些人,不知不觉,就淡了关系。 It turns out that some people, unknowingly, lose their relationship.

26、只想安静的生活,安静到谁都遗忘我。 Just want a quiet life, quiet to forget me.

27、只要你说愿意。所有未来都有了意义。 As long as you say yes. All the future has meaning.

28、因为有你,所以我快乐,所以我幸福。 Because of you, so I am happy, so I am happy.

29、女人应该笑的甜美。纵然有万般心碎。 Women should smile sweetly. Even if there are all kinds of heartbreak.

30、委屈太多,我都忘了令我难过的事情。 Too many grievances, I forget to make me sad things.

31、对于你、我没有办法、只因为我爱你。 For you, I have no way, just because I love you.

32、对婚姻,对生活,对老公充满了绝望。 To marriage, to life, to husband is full of despair.

33、平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。 Life will not be Acacia, Acacia will harm Acacia.

34、当我想放过你,思念却从没有放过我。 When I want to let you go, I miss you but never let me go.

35、很多时候女人不是笨,只是懒得聪明。 Most of the time, women are not stupid, just lazy smart.

36、得不到回应的热情,要懂得适可而止。 If you can't get a response, you should know that enough is enough.

37、心上人有了心上人,我只能远远看着。 Sweetheart with a sweetheart, I can only watch from afar.

38、忘了最初的想念,我们终于形同陌路。 Forget the initial miss, we finally become strangers.

39、思绪静止,定格在失去你的那一瞬间。 Thoughts still, freeze in the moment of losing you.

40、情,不能陷得太深,深了,难以自拔。 Love, not too deep, deep, difficult to extricate themselves.

41、想你想成一片海,为何你不懂我的爱。 Think you want to be a sea, why you don't understand my love.

42、愿惦念之人岁岁平安,即使生生不见。 May those who miss you be safe all the year round, even if you don't see them.

43、愿爱你的人更爱你;你爱的人更懂你! May those who love you love you more, and those you love know you better!

44、我一个也没有忘记,却没有人记得我。 I didn't forget one, but no one remembered me.

45、我付出了那么多,你却说我们不合适。 I paid so much, but you said we were not suitable.

46、我们有太多凑巧,却唯独缺一个正好。 We have too many chances, but only one is missing.

47、我使劲屏住呼吸,听见微弱的我爱你。 I hold my breath hard and hear the faint I love you.

48、我再怎么着,你也要把我当个人不是? No matter what I do, you will treat me as a person, won't you?

49、我可以放弃选择,但是不能选择放弃。 I can give up my choice, but I can't choose to give up.

50、我在一边静静的看着,你却不是我的。 I am watching quietly, but you are not mine.

51、我想成为你最好的邂逅,最难的再见。 I want to be your best encounter, the hardest goodbye.

52、我最害怕的事,是我最终没有嫁给你。 My biggest fear is that I didn't marry you in the end.

53、我的世界不允许你的消失,别人滚蛋! My world does not allow you to disappear, others go!

54、我走不到你眼里,就让你离开我心里。 I can't get to your eyes, let you leave my heart.

55、我那么爱你。连你一个微笑都换不起。 I love you so much. You can't even change a smile.

56、所谓承诺,都是分了手才承认是枷锁。 The so-called commitment is only recognized as a shackle after the separation of hands.

57、所遇之人都胜你,所爱程度都不及你。 All the people you meet are better than you, and all the people you love are worse than you.

58、把伤心藏进心里,它会开出美丽的花。 The sad hidden in the heart, it will open a beautiful flower.

59、旧时光和容颜,那不曾勾勒出的模样。 Old time and face, it has not outlined the appearance.

60、时间在走,人在变,现实不存在永远。 Time goes, people change, reality does not exist forever.

61、最终还是被无情的遗忘,迷失了自己。 In the end, he was mercilessly forgotten and lost himself.

62、每一次的自欺欺人,我都做的很完美。 Every time I deceive myself, I do it perfectly.

63、永远知道你的存在,只因为你的气息。 Always know you exist, just because of your breath.

64、没有你的日子里,一切都是那么茫然。 Without you, everything is so at a loss.

65、没理都要占三分,得理为什么要饶人。 No reason to account for three points, why do you want to forgive people.

66、爱一个人很心酸吧,喜欢却不能拥入。 It's sad to love someone, but you can't embrace it.

67、爱以微笑开始,以吻生长,以泪结束。 Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with tears.

68、爱本是泡沫怪我没有看破才如此难过。 AI Ben is a bubble monster. I was so sad that I didn't see it.

69、现实总是让你哭到沙哑,找不到回忆。 Reality always makes you cry hoarse, can't find memories.

70、生气时别逗我笑,你们知道我忍不住。 Don't make me laugh when you're angry. You know I can't help it.

71、生活那么苍白,苍白得让人有点无力。 Life is so pale, so pale that people are a little weak.

72、用手触摸空气,再一次怀念你的气息。 Touch the air with your hand and miss your breath again.

73、相爱时甜蜜不已,分手时恨用情太深。 It's sweet when we love each other, but it's too deep when we break up.

74、真的,我是个天才,只可惜天妒英才。 Really, I'm a genius. It's a pity that heaven envies talents.

75、自己爱自己,比任何人来爱都要靠谱。 I love myself more than anyone else.

76、被欺骗拆穿的谎言,眼泪撕扯了嘴角。 The lie that is cheated and exposed tears tear the corners of the mouth.

77、说什么真爱无敌,敌不过你三心二意。 Say that true love is invincible, but you are half hearted.

78、说真的,要是从来没认识过你就好了。 Seriously, if only I never knew you.

79、诺言始终抵不过时间,独自承受孤独。 Promise is always less than time, alone bear loneliness.

80、谁的眼泪带一点灰,独自在梦中沉醉。 Whose tears with a little gray, alone in the dream intoxicated.

81、还是小时候好,一颗糖足以忘掉所有。 It's better to be a child. One sugar is enough to forget everything.

82、送我一颗有毒的心,你叫我如何收下。 Send me a poisonous heart, how do you ask me to take it.

83、遇见你,让我那颗冰冻的心渐渐融化。 Meet you, let my frozen heart gradually melt.

84、那时对你的执着,都是如今的笑话了。 At that time, the persistence to you is now a joke.