1、七夕又怎样,只是某人不陪着过而已。 Tanabata and how, just someone did not accompany it.

2、不会让别人感到为难,只会为难自己! Don't embarrass others, just yourself!

3、不愿想太多。简单的拥有你已经足够。 I don't want to think too much. Simply having you is enough.

4、不是每段天荒地老,都可以走到最后。 It's not that every period of time can go to the end.

5、不知不觉,你的习惯也成了我的习惯。 Unconsciously, your habit has become my habit.

6、久违放晴的天空,依旧留着你的笑容。 Long time no clear sky, still keep your smile.

7、也许,路并没有错的,错的只是选择。 Perhaps, the road is not wrong, the wrong is just the choice.

8、人与人之间,只有刚认识的时候最好。 Between people, only when we first know each other is the best.

9、人们是看你做什么,不是听你说什么。 People see what you do, not listen to what you say.

10、伤不起,所以想把你从我记忆里抽离。 I can't afford to hurt you, so I want to take you away from my memory.

11、伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。 The deepest hurt is always the most true feelings.

12、住不进你的眼睛,才能拥抱你的背影。 Can't live in your eyes, can embrace your back.

13、何必把一些人,一些事看的那么重要。 Why should we regard some people and things as so important.

14、你不屑的东西,恰恰都是我所需要的。 What you disdain is exactly what I need.

15、你会怎样回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。 How will you remember me, with a smile or very silent.

16、你对我的爱,像手中沙,渐渐流走了。 Your love for me, like the sand in your hand, gradually flows away.

17、你微笑的时候,总是比太阳更亮一点! When you smile, it's always brighter than the sun!

18、你走了,我也只能在角落里自己疗伤。 When you leave, I can only heal myself in the corner.

19、假装过去不重要,却发现自己办不到。 Pretend the past doesn't matter, but find that you can't.

20、光年再久,也无法抹去我对你的思念。 Light years can't erase my missing for you.

21、凡事拿得起,就要有扔得出去的态度。 If you can afford everything, you should have the attitude of throwing it out.

22、删了他你不难过吗,留着又有什么用。 Don't you feel sad about deleting him? What's the use of keeping it.

23、别人撕心裂肺的哭,咱撕心裂肺的笑。 Others cry, we laugh.

24、别抱歉、抱歉不是为离别而设的敷衍。 Don't be sorry, sorry is not designed to leave perfunctory.

25、后来,我把你的离开归咎自己的无能。 Later, I blamed your leaving on my incompetence.

26、和平分手。性格不合。愿你前程似锦。 Break up peacefully. incompatibility of temperament. May you have a bright future.

27、嘴角优雅的弧度,成了最可笑的过渡。 The graceful radian of the corner of the mouth has become the most ridiculous transition.

28、回忆是一副美画,它创造了经典人生。 Memory is a beautiful painting, it creates a classic life.

29、在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。 Care will think, don't care even think.

30、天天下雨,心情都是闷闷的,烦死了。 Rain every day, the mood is stuffy, boring to death.

31、好久不见,我换了模样,你换了心肠。 Long time no see. I changed my appearance and you changed your heart.

32、好想关心你,可你老是不生病,郁闷。 I really want to care about you, but you are always not sick and depressed.

33、如果再重来一次,我再也不要爱上你。 If I do it again, I will never fall in love with you again.

34、如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇。 If only meet, can't stay, better not meet.

35、如果我没心,那样你就没机会伤我了。 If I don't have a heart, then you won't have a chance to hurt me.

36、如果能回到过去,我会选择不认识你。 If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know you.

37、委屈多了,给我再甜的糖我也会扔掉。 More wronged, give me sweet sugar I will throw away.

38、就是爱你我能怎么办,只能默默等待。 Love you is what I can do, can only wait in silence.

39、山河依旧荒凉,你却不再是人间希望。 Mountains and rivers are still desolate, but you are no longer the hope of the world.

40、带着自信笑容尽情享受,孤独的光荣。 Enjoy the glory of loneliness with a confident smile.

41、恨也无法去恨,毕竟你是我爱过的人。 Hate can not hate, after all, you are the person I love.

42、想念,在这个季节肆无忌惮蔓延开来。 Miss, in this season unbridled spread.

43、感觉很累,不单是身体的累,心更累。 I feel very tired, not only physically, but also mentally.

44、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。 Growing up is the process of turning your crying into silence.

45、我一直站在原地等你,可你从未回首。 I've been waiting for you, but you never look back.

46、我们的爱,反衬着现在,看不到未来。 Our love, against the present, can not see the future.

47、我只想安静就好,独自一人默默祈祷。 I just want to be quiet and pray alone.

48、我只是不小心闹了你就不再对我笑了。 I just accidentally make you no longer smile at me.

49、我只是个配角所以我的光芒你看不到。 I'm just a supporting role, so you can't see my light.

50、我在一座孤城,等待一个旧人的到来。 I am in a lonely city, waiting for an old man to come.

51、我想抱着你哭,却留着眼泪为你祝福。 I want to hold you cry, but with tears for your blessing.

52、我爱你,只是爱了整整一个曾经而已。 I love you, just love a whole once.

53、我的世界你可以旁观,但不可以发言。 You can watch my world, but you can't speak.

54、我能给你的不多,一个未来,一个我。 I can give you not much, a future, a me.

55、早已没有了方向,慢慢的迷失了自己。 Had no direction, slowly lost themselves.

56、明明是撕心裂肺的,却还是故作坚强。 It's obviously heartbreaking, but it's still pretending to be strong.

57、是我太傻,还肯为爱耗尽半生去执着。 I am too stupid, but also willing to spend half a lifetime for love to persistent.

58、曾经的海枯石烂,却抵不过好聚好散。 Once the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, but it's hard to get together and disperse.

59、曾经的海誓山盟,就是现在的一个屁。 Once the oath of allegiance, is now a fart.

60、曾经那些小小的幸福,现在看来都是。 Once those small happiness, now seems to be.

61、最深的孤独是,感觉找谁都是种打扰。 The deepest loneliness is that it is a kind of disturbance to find anyone.

62、最终,我还是没得到自己想要的*。 In the end, I didn't get the freedom I wanted.

63、有个*爱过你,但是后来她不傻了。 There was a fool who loved you, but then she didn't.

64、未来一定很好,即使现在有诸多不幸。 The future must be good, even if there are many misfortunes now.

65、每一句刺痛我的话,我都会牢牢记住。 I will remember every word that stings me.

66、每次说要放弃你,但终究忍不下心来。 Every time I say I want to give you up, but I can't help it.

67、永远都不用看透,因为永远都看不透。 Never have to see through, because never see through.

68、沉默,依然是沉默,沉默的让我害怕。 Silence, still silence, silence makes me afraid.

69、没有人能取代你,即使是内心的自己。 No one can replace you, even your inner self.

70、爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。 Love is like an hourglass. When the heart is full, the brain is empty.

71、爱过,痛过,心碎过,后学会了伪装。 Love, pain, heartbreak, after learned to camouflage.

72、现实残忍的结局,我们不得不去经历。 The cruel ending of reality, we have to experience.

73、由亲密变为疏离,不过是一步的距离。 From intimacy to alienation is just a step away.

74、看得再清再淡,还不都是寂寞在崇拜。 See again clear again light, not all lonely in worship.

75、真心换到的只是背叛,我何必再留恋。 What I really exchange for is betrayal. Why should I be nostalgic again.

76、给不了婚姻,就不要霸占别人的青春。 If you can't get married, don't occupy other people's youth.

77、耳边的那种旋律,不再那么得陌生了。 The melody in my ear is no longer so strange.

78、能百毒不侵的人,都曾经伤痕累累过。 People who can resist all kinds of poisons have been scarred.

79、要停在哪里,我们才可以满满的相望。 Where to stop, we can be full of each other.

80、说好的永远在一起,只是从嘴不从心。 Say good always together, just from the mouth not from the heart.

81、还有几年*时间,我就属于谁的谁? In a few years' free time, I belong to whom?

82、这个世界,除了家人,你谁都靠不住! In this world, you can't rely on anyone except your family!

83、这份情、这份爱、你走后还能维持吗? This feeling, this love, can you maintain after you leave?

84、迩知道的,我的缺点之一就是脾气坏。 You know, one of my shortcomings is bad temper.

85、陪你走完这段路,我也成为了你的路。 Accompany you to walk this section of road, I also became your road.

86、难道你真没感觉到,你对我有多重要? Don't you really feel how important you are to me?