1、不求尽如人意,但求问心无愧。 Don't try to be as good as you want, just ask for a clear conscience.

2、为医者,须绝驰骛利名之心,专博施救援之志。 As a doctor, he must not be greedy for fame and devote himself to rescue.

3、为您服务就是我的职责,让您满意就是我的追求。 It is my duty to serve you and my pursuit to satisfy you.

4、为病人所为,想病人所想,做病人所做,急病人所急。 For the patient, think of the patient, do the patient, urgent patient.

5、伟大的事业根源于坚韧不拔的工作,以全部的精神去从事,不避艰苦。 The great cause is rooted in the perseverance of the work, with all the spirit to engage in, do not avoid hardship.

6、但愿世间人长健,何妨架上药生尘。 I hope people in the world are healthy. Why not put medicine on the shelf to generate dust.

7、但愿人常健,何妨我独贫。 I hope people are always healthy. Why don't I be poor alone.

8、做一行、惜一行、爱一行。 Do a line, cherish a line, love a line.

9、入院时是病人,出院时是朋友。 He was a patient on admission and a friend on discharge.

10、医德是行医的基石,医术是驱病的利剑。 Medical ethics is the cornerstone of medical practice, and medical skill is the sword to drive diseases.

11、医生之本,柔心济世。 The foundation of a doctor is to help the world with a soft heart.

12、医者德为先,德以廉为重。 The doctor's virtue is the first and the virtue is the most important.

13、只要生命还可珍贵,医生这个职业就永远倍受崇拜。 As long as life is precious, the profession of doctor is always admired.

14、在平凡的岗位上实现自己的理想。 In the ordinary post to achieve their own ideals.

15、多学一些医术,多做一些奉献。 Learn more medical skills and do more dedication.

16、尽力做好自己的事。 Do your best.

17、尽心尽职,尽善尽美,全心全意为病患服务。 To serve patients with all one's heart and soul.

18、尽心尽责工作,热心真诚待人。 Work with all one's heart, be warm and sincere to others.

19、工作以患者为本。 Work is patient-centered.

20、帮助今天的弱者,就是为了明天的自己,人生在世,凡事尽力尽为。 To help today's weak is to do everything for tomorrow's self, to live in the world.

21、帮助别人解决困难和痛苦就是人生最大的幸福和快乐。 Helping others to solve difficulties and pains is the greatest happiness and happiness in life.

22、帮助别人解决困难和痛苦是人生最大的幸福和快乐。 It is the greatest happiness and happiness in life to help others to solve difficulties and pains.

23、平凡做人,做平凡事。 Ordinary life, do ordinary things.

24、廉洁行医,医者潮流,顺之则昌,逆之则亡。 Honest practice of medicine, the trend of medicine, Shun is Chang, against the death.

25、廉洁行医,德艺双馨。 Honest practice of medicine, virtue and art.

26、弄清楚得病的是什么人,比弄清楚一个人得了什么病更重要。 It is more important to find out who is ill than what disease a person has.

27、恪尽职守,以心换心。 To fulfill one's duty and exchange one's heart with another.

28、您的健康,我的心愿。 Your health, my wish.

29、我一天的爱心希望能带给你一生的幸福。 My one-day love hopes to bring you happiness in your life.

30、我们面对的是活生生的人。 We are faced with living people.

31、我的微笑,是您伤痛中一缕温暖的阳光。 My smile is a warm sunshine in your pain.

32、把苦、累、怨留给自己,将乐、安、康送给病人。 Leave the bitterness, tiredness and resentment to yourself, and give happiness, safety and health to the patients.

33、换位思考常思患者不易,将心比心多为患者着想。 It's not easy to think about the patient through empathy. Think more about the patient than about the patient.

34、时代在变,医德不变;仁爱精神,医风永恒。 The times are changing, the medical ethics is unchanged; the spirit of benevolence, the medical style is eternal.

35、最高尚的动机就是公益。 The most noble motive is public welfare.

36、没有安全的药物,只有安全的药师,用我所学,尽我所能。 There is no safe medicine, only a safe pharmacist. Use what I have learned and do what I can.

37、没有最好,只有更好。 There is no best, only better.

38、点点医德情,滴滴暖人心。 A little medical ethics, a little warm people.

39、燕帽顶在头上,誓言记在心底,心酸藏在心里,微笑挂在脸上。 The crown of the swallow hat is on the head, the oath is on the bottom of the heart, the sorrow is hidden in the heart, and the smile is on the face.

40、爱是一盏灯,照亮别人也温暖自己。 Love is a lamp that lights others and warms itself.

41、用心对待病人,做一个诚实、值得信赖的人。 Treat patients with heart and be honest and trustworthy.

42、用心微笑,真诚服务,要有一颗我工作我快乐的心。 Smile with heart, serve sincerely, have a happy heart of my work.

43、用真诚的心,去善待每一位患者。 Treat every patient with sincerity.

44、用精湛的技术减轻患者的病痛,用真情与微笑温暖患者的身心。 With exquisite technology to reduce the patient's pain, warm the patient's body and mind with true feelings and smiles.

45、病人在我心中,康复在我手中。 The patient is in my heart, the recovery is in my hand.

46、病人就是上帝,病人就是亲人。 Patients are God, patients are relatives.

47、病人的微笑就是我工作的动力。 The smile of the patient is the driving force of my work.

48、病友急我急,病友想我想,病友需求我奉献。 The sick friend is urgent, the sick friend thinks of me, the sick friend needs my dedication.

49、立足本职工作,以优质的服务质量取得病人的信任。 Based on their own work, to obtain the trust of patients with high-quality service quality.

50、简单生活,快乐工作。 Simple life, happy work.

51、细心周到,展现天使好形象;大医精诚,塑造杏林新风尚。 Attentive and considerate, showing the good image of angels; sincere doctors, shaping the new fashion of Xinglin.

52、至德行本,善医济世。 He is virtuous and good at healing the world.

53、莲,因洁而尊;医,因廉而正。 Lotus is respected for its purity; medicine is right for its integrity.

54、虽不可能完美,但力求完美。 It's impossible to be perfect, but try to be perfect.

55、行医德为先,服务人为本。 Medical ethics first, service-oriented.

56、行妙手仁心医术,立高尚医德医风。 The practice of good hands, benevolence and medical skills, and the establishment of noble medical ethics and ethics.

57、转变角色,把病人当亲人;诚信服务,倡导高尚医德。 We should change our roles, treat patients as relatives, serve with integrity and advocate high medical ethics.

58、进则救世,退则救民;不能为良相,亦当为良医。 If you enter, you will save the world, if you leave, you will save the people; if you can't be a good person, you should also be a good doctor.

59、重任在肩,责任在心。 Responsibility lies in the shoulder and responsibility lies in the heart.

60、金钱名利淡如水,医德医道大于天;个人利益抛一旁,患者病情在心间。 Money, fame and wealth are like water, medical ethics and ethics are greater than heaven; personal interests aside, the patient's condition is in the heart.