1、一个人最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。 The happiest moment for a person is to find the right person, who indulges in your habits and loves everything about you.

2、不是每个道别都可以好好准备,会痛的往往都曾让你措手不及。 Not every goodbye can be well prepared, the pain often caught you off guard.

3、不管今世也来世也好,我所要的只有你。 Whether in this life or in the future, all I want is you.

4、与你一诺相许,是我素色年华里最永恒的风景。 Promise with you is the most eternal scenery in my plain years.

5、你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。 You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.

6、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。 You will never see me when I am most lonely, because only when you are not around me, I am most lonely.

7、你真的得碰上那个你能降得住又能降得住你的人,才算是适合。 You really have to meet the person who you can land on and you can land on. That's the right thing to do.

8、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。 If one day we are not together, we should be together.

9、喜欢你不是三分钟热度,是蓄谋已久后的,深思熟虑。 Like you is not three minutes of heat, is deliberate after a long time, deliberate.

10、在人群中遇见你,不知道是对是错,但是我真的快乐过。 I don't know if it's right or wrong to meet you in the crowd, but I'm really happy.

11、好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。 Good love makes you see the whole world through one person, while bad love makes you abandon the world for one person.

12、如果男人做得不好,你只需后退一步,而非咄咄逼人。 If a man doesn't do well, you just need to step back, not be aggressive.

13、小时候,我们哭着哭着就笑了,长大了,我们笑着笑着就哭了。 When we were young, we cried and laughed. When we grew up, we laughed and laughed and cried.

14、希望当爱褪去**的外表,回归平淡的真身,我们还能握着彼此的手,一直走下去。 Hope that when love fades away its passionate appearance and returns to its plain reality, we can still hold each other's hands and go on.

15、总是情不自禁的忧伤,于是慢慢学会了掩藏,渐渐学会了伪装。 Always unable to help grief, so slowly learned to hide, gradually learned to disguise.

16、我们总是要求男人有孩子一样的眼神,但要有父亲一样的能力。 We always ask men to have children's eyes, but father's ability.

17、我们无法拉伸生命的长度,但是我们可以拓展生命的宽度。 We cannot stretch the length of life, but we can expand the breadth of life.

18、我们爱一个人,不傻不成气候我可以遇见世界的全部,却再也不会遇见你。 We love a person, not foolish climate, I can meet all the world, but will never meet you.

19、我喜欢春天的花,夏天的树,秋天的黄昏,冬天的阳光,每天的你。 I like spring flowers, summer trees, autumn dusk, winter sunshine, you every day.

20、我明白你会来,所以我等。 I know you'll come, so I'll wait.

21、我有一种超能力,那就是,即使有千百人也能马上找到你的身影。 I have a superpower that even hundreds of people can find you right away.

22、我流浪了那么久,还不想回家,因为你不在家,我便永远没有家。 I have been wandering so long that I don't want to go home, because you are not at home, I will never have a home.

23、我要的爱情,一个你,一颗心,一心一意,一辈子。只是这样,再无其他。 I want love, one you, oneheart, one heart, a lifetime. That's all. There's nothing else.

24、我要的,不是短暂的温柔,而是一生的守候。 What I want is not a short time of tenderness, but a lifetime of waiting.

25、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了! Since love, why don't you say it? Some things are lost, and they can't come back!

26、没遇见你之前,我,随遇而安,遇见你之后,我,以你为安。 Before I met you, I was at ease. After I met you, I was at ease with you.

27、爱一个人到底什么感觉?一条答案是:好像突然有了软肋,也突然有了铠甲。 How does it feel to love someone? One answer is: it seems that there are soft ribs and armor.

28、爱情最折磨的不是别离,而是感动的回忆,你站在原地还以为回得去。 The most tormented part of love is not parting, but moving memories, you stand where you think you can go back.

29、爱情的悲剧在于:好起来不给对方空间,恨起来不给对方机会。 The tragedy of love is that when we get better, we don't give each other space, and when we hate, we don't give each other opportunities.

30、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。 When love is about to end, it will end itself, and then you can't do without drawing a full stop.上一页12下一页

31、爱情,始于心动,终于白首,拥之则安,伴之则暖。 Love begins with heart, ends with white head, embraces with peace and accompanies with warmth.

32、爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦,真诚的爱情永不是走一条平坦的道路的。 Love is a kind of sweet pain, sincere love never takes a smooth road.

33、爱是一种需要不断被人证明的虚妄,就像烟花需要被点燃才能看到辉煌一样。 Love is a kind of illusion that needs to be proven constantly, just as fireworks need to belit to see brilliance.

34、爱,有如花冠上的露珠,只会逗留在清纯的灵魂里。 Love, like dew on a corolla, only stays in a pure soul.

35、爱,直至成伤之后就是永远的对不起,即使你感觉不到我。 Love, until it hurts, is always sorry, even if you can't feel me.

36、牵着我的手,即使闭上眼也不会迷路。 Take my hand, even if you close your eyes, you won't get lost.

37、真正的爱情不仅要求相爱,而且要求相互洞察对方的内心世界。 True love requires not only love, but also insight into each other's inner world.

38、真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 True love can't be expressed in words. Actions are the best indication of loyalty.

39、真正的爱情是当我们老了,我还是会记得你当初让我心动的样子。 True love is when we are old, I will still remember how you made me feel.

40、风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。 Fenghua refers to quicksand and old age is a period of time.
