1、一句“别走”就能挽留你的人,从来不是我。 A word "don't go" can hold your people, never me.

2、万般皆是命,半点不由人。 All things are fate, not the least.

3、不哭泣,因为我对情对爱全都不曾亏欠你。 Don't cry, because I have never owed you to love.

4、不打扰,是我给你的最后一次温柔。 No trouble, it's the last time I gave you tenderness.

5、不抱任何希望而失望,只是单纯的失望。 Not hope but disappointed, but simple disappointment.

6、不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。 Don't cheat me, you know I'll believe even if you lie.

7、世间最痛苦的不是如何选择,而是别无选择。 The most painful thing in the world is not how to choose, but there is no choice.

8、人之所以会撒谎,是为隐藏内心的脆弱。 The reason why people lie is to hide the vulnerability of the heart.

9、人生总是很累,你现在不累,以后会更累。 Life is always very tired, you are not tired now, will be more tired later.

10、从前改变不了,现在不想改变。 It used to be a change, and now I don't want to change.

11、你总是满不在乎,当我看着自己的稀薄。 You always don't care, when I look at my thinness.

12、你是不是失去了记忆,所以才忘了说我爱你。 Did you lose your memory, so you forgot to say I love you.

13、你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。 Have you ever wanted to meet someone again.

14、你来,无论多大风多大雨,我都要去接你。 Come on, no matter how strong and heavy it is, I will meet you.

15、你说走就走,从不顾及我的任何感受! You say go, from ignore my any feeling!

16、你走的一瞬间,失眠了我整整一个曾经。 You walk a moment, insomnia I have a whole once.

17、做一个浪漫的单身族,一个人也能羡煞旁人。 Being a romantic bachelor, one can envy others.

18、关于未来,你等待它越长,它就越短。 The longer you wait for it, the shorter it will be about the future.

19、其实我很容易满足,但你给的全是辜负。 Actually, I can easily satisfy, but you give it all to live up to.

20、只要你对我的爱是真心的,我就不会花心。 As long as your love for me is true, I will not take heart.

21、因为我爱你,所以永远斗不过你。 Because I love you, I can never fight you.

22、太廉价的糖,终归没那么甜。 Too cheap sugar, it's not so sweet at all.

23、失望是一天天积累的,离开是很长的决定。 Disappointment is accumulated day by day, leaving is a long decision.

24、如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。 If I forget you, would you feel it hard to breathe.

25、小孩子才分对错,成年人只看利弊。 Only kids are willing to tell right from wrong. Adults only weigh the pros and cons.

26、属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻找? Belongs to my bright smile, where am I looking for it?

27、开始学会隐藏情绪,隐藏我对你的在意。 Start to learn to hide emotions, hide my concerns about you.

28、心冷,冷得丢失全部,理由通通成借口。 Cold heart, cold to lose all, the reason is a common excuse.

29、怎么可以这么累,毕竟我才十六岁。 How can I be so tired, after all, I am only 16 years old.

30、我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 I have been behind you, and I sent you back.

31、我举着一枝花,等你带我去流浪。 I hold a flower and wait for you to take me to wander.

32、我们总说,岁月如故,却不知道是否如初。 We always say that time is the same, but we don't know if it is the same.

33、我宁愿你冷酷到底。让我死心彻底忘记。 I would rather you be cold to the end. Let me forget it all.

34、我很好,眼泪没掉,心在跳,面带微笑。 I am very good, tears do not fall, heart is jumping, face with a smile.

35、我怕觉悟被辜负,假意对不起别人。 I am afraid that consciousness is broken, and I am sorry for others.

36、我愿化作清晨,那叫醒你的阳光。 I wish to turn into the morning, the sunshine that wakes you.

37、我用尽全力,过着平凡的一生。 I tried my best to live an ordinary life.

38、我高攀不起爱情,也渴望不到你。 I can't stand up to love, I can't yearn for you.

39、所有占有欲的源头,都是无辜的热爱。 All the sources of possessiveness are innocent love.

40、放掉一个人很简单,忘记一个人难。 It's easy to let go of a person, it's hard to forget one.

41、无所居,无所惧,像个一无所有的旅人。 He who has no place to live, no fear, is like a traveler without all.

42、既然说到做不到,那你又何必说一套做一套。 Since you can't do it, why do one set.

43、曾经的有所期待,现在成了最可笑的一幕。 What I had hoped for was now the most ridiculous scene.

44、最厉害的病毒,是爱和谎言。 The worst virus is love and lies.

45、有A人曾经是无话不说,最后却无话可说。 Someone used to say nothing, but at last he had nothing to say.

46、生命充满了失望,年轻,是最残酷的武器。 Life is full of disappointment, youth, is the cruelest weapon.

47、痛彻心扉,就像全世界都抛弃了你。 Pain in your heart, like the world has abandoned you.

48、过去的已经结束,就让它过去好不好。 The past is over, so it will be good.

49、遇见太伤人,错过也甚好。 It's good to meet people too badly and miss them.

50、道理我都懂,但是能安慰我的不是道理。 I know all the truth, but it's not the truth that comforts me.