1、一段刻骨铭心的是记忆,而不是爱情。 A section of the heart is engraved in memory, not love.

2、一直不愿提及回忆,却始终活在过去。 I never want to mention memories, but I live in the past.

3、不好为了旧的悲伤,而留下新的眼泪。 Not good for old sorrow, but leave new tears.

4、不属于自己,又何必拼了命的去在乎。 Do not belong to their own, why fight the life to care.

5、不经历黑暗的人,是无法懂得光明的。 People who do not experience darkness cannot understand the light.

6、不要给伤害你的人第二次伤你的机会。 Don't give the person who hurt you a second time.

7、也许会放不下,可却不能再牵她的手。 Maybe it won't be able to put it down, but I can't hold her hand any more.

8、余生不想请你指教了,领教够,谢谢。 I don't want to ask you to teach for the rest of my life. Enough. Thank you.

9、作茧自缚的爱情,最后又是谁输谁赢。 The love that is tied to oneself, who loses and wins finally.

10、你一如初见温暖,我却不复当年年华。 You are as warm as you first saw, but I will not return to that year.

11、你的晚安,始终是我耳朵最爱的晚餐。 Your good night, always my ear favorite dinner.

12、你给的一次次冷淡,早已让我心碎了。 You gave me a cold time and again, which has already broken my heart.

13、你自认为懂我,应何不知错过便了然。 You think you understand me, and you know what to miss.

14、保护一个人,并不是正因钟爱一个人。 Protecting a person is not because of love for one person.

15、其实我们都明白,只是不愿意去明白。 In fact, we all understand, just don't want to understand.

16、别走回头路,别翻旧事薄,一路走好。 Don't go back, don't turn over the old things thin, go all the way.

17、到底是什么支撑我到最后还不舍放手。 What is supporting me is still in the end.

18、后来想起来,我们竟然没有一张合照。 Later on, we didn't even have a photo.

19、吹散承诺的伤感,离歌无言只是太悲。 To break the sad feeling of promise, it is just too sad to leave the song without words.

20、在爱情中,越是主动的人,死的越快。 In love, the more active the person, the faster the death.

21、地球少了谁都转,世态一贯如此荒凉。 The world has always been so desolate that no one is turning around without the earth.

22、太爱你是我的弱点,所以我选择弃权。 Too much love for you is my weakness, so I choose to abstain.

23、如今的现在,已不是当初说好的未来。 Now, it is not the future that was originally said.

24、如果你不在我身边,全世界都黑暗了。 If you're not by my side, the world is dark.

25、如果未来不来,现在不在,过去不去。 If the future does not come, it is not here now, and the past will not go.

26、安于现状,因为有你,我们不离不弃。 Be safe because we can't leave you.

27、年少时不要遇见太惊艳的人,误终身。 Don't meet too amazing people when you are young. You can't live a lifetime by mistake.

28、当天堂都已被锁上,当空气压痛肩膀。 When heaven is locked, the air pressure hurts the shoulder.

29、很多你以为很好的关系,也就那样吧。 A lot of relationships you think are good, just like that.

30、心好痛,你要离开我,是我没做好么? Heart is so painful, you want to leave me, is it I not good?

31、心情不好,没人陪,只能一个人买醉。 Bad mood, no one accompany, can only buy drunk alone.

32、心软,最终会成为捅自己心脏的尖刀。 Soft heart, will eventually become a stab in their heart.

33、悲伤惹感叹,只留你一人回忆永牵肠。 Sadness makes you feel sad, only leave you alone to remember forever.

34、懂我的人不需要,不懂我的人没必要。 People who understand me don't need them. People who don't understand me don't need to.

35、我一直只在努力、为什么你就看不到。 I've been working hard all the time, why you can't see it.

36、我假装过去不重要,才发现我办不到。 I pretended that the past was not important before I found that I could not.

37、我只是想要一个温暖的怀抱仅此而已。 I just want a warm hug just that.

38、我可以复制说说,可是复制不来爱情。 I can copy and talk, but I can't copy love.

39、我好像见过你,在日未出月未隐之时。 I seem to have seen you before the sun comes out of the moon.

40、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。 I don't think I'm mature enough to forgive betrayal.

41、我愿意做你的烛光,在黑暗中照亮你。 I would like to be your candle light, lighting you in the dark.

42、我的世界很干净,没有故事,没有你。 My world is clean, there is no story, no you.

43、我的翅膀被一滴泪烫伤,飞不到天堂。 My wings were scalded by a drop of tears and could not fly to heaven.

44、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。 I laugh at you for a little while, just because I think of you.

45、我要用什么样的速度,才能与你相遇。 What speed can I use to meet you.

46、我记得、放肆的青春,我们一起走过。 I remember, the wanton youth, we walked together.

47、我还能怎么做,怎么做都是错,心塞! I can do what I can, how to do is wrong, heart plug!

48、所谓忠诚、只是因为背叛的筹码不够! Loyalty, just because of betrayal chip is not enough!

49、新欢再好也只是欢,旧爱再旧也是爱。 New Huan is just joy, old love is love again.

50、旧时光总让人怀念,但人总要向前看。 Old times are always memorable, but people always look forward.

51、时间会咬人,你不走,便会满身伤痕。 Time will bite, you will not go, will be full of scars.

52、最初让你红了脸的人最终让你红了眼。 The person who initially red your face finally makes you red.

53、最后,我们的幸福,终究还是是错过。 Finally, our happiness, after all, is still missing.

54、有一种爱,明明想放弃,却无法放弃。 There is a kind of love, clearly want to give up, but can not give up.

55、有些人太过在乎,我觉得那应该叫爱。 Some people care too much, I think it should be called love.

56、有时候觉得自己好累,真想一了了之。 Sometimes I feel tired, I think about it.

57、根本你不懂得爱我,又何必那么在乎。 You don't know how to love me at all, and why do you care so much.

58、欺负别人和养活自己,你都得自己来。 Bully others and support yourself, you have to come by yourself.

59、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了连笑都寂寞。 Water cool can also drink, heart cool even laugh lonely.

60、爱情枯萎了,无论怎样保存也会枯萎。 Love withers, no matter how to preserve it, it will wither.

61、相爱是一种缘分,分手则是有缘无分。 Love is a fate, break up is fate.

62、相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 Love is closely connected, without words.

63、看你浅笑安然,匆匆走过有我的年华。 See you smile and be safe, and hurry through my years.

64、看透了你的心,却沉浸在你的演技里。 See through your heart, but immersed in your acting.

65、真爱,是传说中的比见鬼还要少的事。 True love is less in legend than ghosts.

66、眼睛说着不要走、嘴巴倔强的不挽留。 Eyes say do not walk, mouth stubborn do not retain.

67、空庖呀冷掉一切奢求太多是e。 It would be a mistake that the air had cooled everything and asked too much.

68、繁华落尽,我依旧在原地等你,等你。 Prosperous fall, I still in place to wait for you, waiting for you.

69、终是我一人看日出日落,听风雷雨雪。 Finally, I watched the sunrise and sunset alone, listening to the wind, thunder, rain and snow.

70、给我一个空白,却找不到寄出的地址。 Give me a blank, but I can't find the address.

71、绝望的暗恋,这是你我唯一的共同点。 Desperate love, this is your only common point.

72、老娘想换备胎了,分了吧,我赶时间。 I want to change my spare tire. I'm in a hurry.

73、记忆中的那家店,我再也没有去过了。 I have never been to the store in my memory.

74、说起来都是故事,说到底,全都是命。 It's all stories, in the end, all life.

75、还你一场梦境,从此天涯,我只饮冰。 Return to your dream, from the end of the world, I only drink ice.

76、还没来得及拈花惹草,就被人拔光了。 Before time to get rid of the flowers and get rid of it, it was pulled out.

77、那些回忆只有我记得了。而你却忘了。 Those memories are only I remember. And you forget.

78、隔着眼泪看世界,整个世界都在下雨。 Looking at the world through tears, the whole world is raining.

79、面向太阳高傲的活,只为亲爱的自己。 Facing the sun, proud of life, only for my dear.

80、黄泉路上的海棠花,你倾谁一世落寞。 The Begonia flower on the huangquan Road, who do you lean to lonely in the world.

81、黑白的承诺还未感慨,曾经早已不在。 The promise of black and white has not yet been touched, and has been gone.