1、不属于自己的东西,紧握在手里,麻木的只是自己。 Do not belong to their own things, firmly in the hands, numbness is only their own.

2、不想沉默不想说。是我现在唯一的对白。 Don't want to be silent, don't want to say. It's my only Dialogue right now.

3、不管我多么努力,你还是放了我的手。 No matter how hard I try, you let me go.

4、人山人海总有人离开,我又何德何能奢求你能够明白。 There are always people who leave. How can I expect you to understand.

5、人生,就像一杯酒,能让人买醉,能让人流泪。 Life, like a cup of wine, can make people drunk, can make people cry.

6、任何一件事情只要心甘情愿总是能够变得简单。 Anything can always be simple if you are willing.

7、你有温柔的双眼,可惜我不是焦点。 You have gentle eyes, but I'm not the focus.

8、你的后背好宽阔,可惜旁边那人不是我。 Your back is so broad, but the person next to you is not me.

9、你自认为是的挂念,在他人眼里仅仅个笑话。 You think you're worried. In other people's eyes, it's just a joke.

10、你转身的一瞬,我萧条的一生。 The moment you turn around, my depressed life.

11、你那迷人的微笑告诉我,我该努力为你创造幸福了。 Your charming smile tells me that I should try my best to create happiness for you.

12、其实很多时候我们都清楚,只是执迷不悟而已。 In fact, most of the time, we all know that it's just stubborn.

13、别为我忧伤,我有我的美丽,它正要开放。 Don't be sad for me, I have my beauty, it is about to open.

14、别用你的乐趣来欺骗我,我会当真。 Don't fool me with your fun. I'll take it seriously.

15、即便内心波涛汹涌,也要装作一脸平静。 Even if the heart is rough, pretend to be calm.

16、原谅我的贪心,总想留住根本留不住的人。 Forgive my greed, always want to keep people who can't keep.

17、回忆,只是用来回忆的。 Recollection is just for recollection.

18、因为太晚相遇,所以所有人都变得不幸。 Because it's too late to meet, so everyone becomes unfortunate.

19、失望,有时候,也是一种幸福。 Disappointment, sometimes, is also a kind of happiness.

20、当一个二货不再犯二时,说明他真心不开心了。 When a two goods no longer make two, it shows that he is really unhappy.

21、当世界约好一起下雨,我们在心里约好一起放晴。 When the world is about to rain together, we are about to clear up together in our hearts.

22、很多道理我们都是心知道,却做不到。 We know a lot of truth, but we can't do it.

23、心事不知向谁诉说,又怕说出来成了笑话! I don't know who to tell, and I'm afraid that it will become a joke!

24、心若不紧靠,会爱的很糟糕。 If the heart is not close, love will be very bad.

25、情人后来难免沦为朋友,可是我们连朋友都做不成。 Lovers will inevitably become friends, but we can't even be friends.

26、我什么也带不走,我把心留在了这里。 I can't take anything. I've left my heart here.

27、我们只能隔着相见去怀念,却不能跨过怀念去相见。 We can only miss each other through meeting, but we can't miss each other.

28、我依赖了烟,它的烟雾迷离缠绕了我。 I'm dependent on the smoke, and its smoke is confusing me.

29、我只会因为你,偏执得不像自己。 I will not be as paranoid as myself because of you.

30、我早已经背对上帝,因为我要面对你。 I have already turned my back on God, because I have to face you.

31、我最爱的人,原来是伤我最深的人。 The person I love most turns out to be the one who hurt me the most.

32、敢闯的都不怕死,怕死的还没出生。 Those who are brave are not afraid of death, and those who are afraid of death are not born yet.

33、旅行,不过是为了迷失自己,然后发现自己。 Travel is just to lose yourself and find yourself.

34、时光如水,总是无言。 Time is like water, always speechless.

35、时间会咬人,你不走会满身创痕。 Time will bite. If you don't go, you will be covered with scars.

36、有的人,曾经是无话不说,到最后,却无话可说。 Some people used to have nothing to say, but in the end, they have nothing to say.

37、没有人愿意故作坚强,只不过没有可以依靠的肩膀。 No one is willing to pretend to be strong, but there is no shoulder to rely on.

38、泛滥感情是种蛊坏,而不是可以改正A伤害。 Overflowing emotions is a kind of evil, not a kind of injury that can be corrected.

39、涂上颜料的生活,艳丽的颜色掩不住苍白的过往。 Painted life, gorgeous colors can not hide the pale past.

40、淡了,散了,累了,原来的那个你呢? Light, scattered, tired, the original that you?

41、煽情不代表伤情,伤情却注定煽情。 Sentimentalism does not mean injury, but it is doomed to sentimentalism.

42、爱情、礼物,都别伸手要,想给他早就给了。 Don't ask for love or gifts. If you want to give them, you have already given them.

43、现在。你再次出现在我身边。真的让我措手无册。 Now? You're here for me again. It really caught me off guard.

44、童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。 Fairy tale is over, forgetting is happiness.

45、美好的故事,学不完的问题。 Beautiful stories, endless questions.

46、胡思乱想,伤身。自作多情,伤心。 It hurts to think wildly. He is sentimental and sad.

47、认真的做一件事,至少不会错的太离谱。 Seriously do a thing, at least not too wrong.

48、让我心碎,你做得比谁都到位。 It broke my heart. You did better than anyone else.

49、过去的不会再回来,即使回来也不再完美。 The past will not come back, even if it comes back, it is no longer perfect.

50、那一场盛世流年,我们守着寂寞,伤得面目全非。 In that golden age, we were lonely and hurt beyond recognition.