1、一个十年的过去,只会另一个十年难忘开始。 The past of one decade will only be the unforgettable beginning of another.

2、一生一世就是和你在一起一生,只为和你一死。 Life is to be with you for life, just to die with you.

3、不知不觉你让我心动,后知后觉你让我心痛。 Unknowingly you make me heart, later you make me heartache.

4、人生不就是那样嘛,就靠着胆识过吧! Life is not like that, it depends on the courage!

5、你又不是我,你永远都不会明白我的心。 You are not me, you will never understand my heart.

6、你是风儿我是雨,我是这么理解风雨交加的。 You are the wind, I am the rain, I understand the wind and rain.

7、你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。 Your sweet love is a treasure. I disdain to change the situation with the emperor.

8、你骂了我,我没有生气,因为我知道你也很难受。 You scolded me, I am not angry, because I know you are also very uncomfortable.

9、做人千万不要太敏感,想太多伤到的反而是自己。 Don't be too sensitive in life. It's yourself who will be hurt if you think too much.

10、别人在等送伞,而我在等雨停。 Others are waiting for the umbrella, while I am waiting for the rain to stop.

11、募然回首、才发现这一路好寂寞。 When I look back, I find that this road is very lonely.

12、原来,这尘世有这样一种爱,未出口,便泣不成声。 It turns out that there is such a love in this world. Before it's exported, it can't cry.

13、喜欢你是真的,再也不回头也是真的。 It's true to like you and never look back.

14、因为冬天又冷又灰暗,所以你要又暖又明亮。 Because winter is cold and gray, you should be warm and bright.

15、在我能写歌时,第一首歌是写给自己的心情。 When I can write songs, the first song is for my mood.

16、如果从来没想过和我未来,就别老是感动我。 If you never think about the future with me, don't always move me.

17、对你那么一点点的心动,可是我该怎么做? I'm so excited about you, but what should I do?

18、幸福的花儿,终究有一天陨落成泥滋润着悲伤。 Happy flowers, eventually one day fall into mud, moistening sadness.

19、开心的时候要想起我,难受的时候要记得你还有我。 Think of me when you are happy and remember you and me when you are sad.

20、思念,想念,挂念,惦念,留念,怀念。 Miss, miss, miss, miss, remember, miss.

21、恋恋不舍相思意,为卿折翼坠红尘。 Reluctant to give up Acacia, for Qing broken wings fall into the world.

22、我从不敢说未来,因为未来真的遥不可及。 I never dare to say the future, because the future is really out of reach.

23、我们之所以活得累,往往是因为放不下面子来做人。 The reason why we are so tired is that we don't have face.

24、我们隔着玻璃,彼此用力呼吸,错了还要继续。 We're breathing hard through the glass. If we're wrong, we have to continue.

25、我努力练习微笑,以为那样就会变成不哭的人。 I try to practice smiling, thinking that it will become a person who doesn't cry.

26、我愿意向原先一样,穷的只剩下老公。 I am willing to be the same as before, only my husband is poor.

27、我掩饰的挺好,谁也没发现我难过。 I cover up very well, no one found me sad.

28、我是一个情绪疯子,每天为你换几百遍心情。 I'm an emotional maniac. I change your mood hundreds of times every day.

29、我曾经一直很相信爱情,但是现在的我不敢相信。 I used to believe in love, but now I can't believe it.

30、我有个好朋友,名字叫做没有人。 I have a good friend named nobody.

31、我用回忆剪成一部无声电影,纪念我们真挚的曾经。 I cut it into a silent movie with my memory to commemorate our sincere past.

32、我看见你昨晚零点给我的消息,我哭了我爱你。 I saw the news you gave me at 0 o'clock last night. I cried. I love you.

33、我累了,真的好累了,就该潇洒离开你的世界。 I'm tired, really tired, it's time to leave your world.

34、我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋。我爱自己,没有情敌。 The longest love I've ever had is narcissism. I love myself and have no rival.

35、打破自己原则和底线的感情,结局一定烂尾。 The feeling of breaking one's own principles and bottom line is bound to end badly.

36、指着心骄傲的说对你说,这里以后都是你。 Pointing to my heart, I said to you, it's you here.

37、时光和我一起谛听,只有一个声音重复着再说。 Time and I listen together, only one voice repeat again.

38、明媚的忧伤、以后各自为安。 Bright sadness, after each for security.

39、是不是我好人做太久了,你就觉得我没有脾气了。 If I have been a good man for too long, you think I have no temper.

40、最心酸莫过于你感谢我的付出,更感谢我的退出。 The most sad than you thank me for paying, but also thank me for quitting.

41、杯子舒服了,却也掉在地上成为了一点点的碎片。 The cup was comfortable, but it also fell to the ground and became a little bit of debris.

42、没有理由地,就是想靠近。大概是疯了吧。 No reason, just want to get close. I think it's crazy.

43、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 Love is not a vigorous oath, but a light accompany.

44、生活很累,但还是要继续。 Life is very tired, but still have to continue.

45、用回忆,祭奠那些爱。 With memories, sacrifice those love.

46、痛,说一次就复习一次,不如自己默默愈合。 Pain, say a review, as their own silent healing.

47、眼泪不一定是痛苦的,微笑不一定是幸福的。 Tears are not necessarily painful, smile is not necessarily happy.

48、连大姨妈都会在你老的时候离开你,何况男人。 Even aunts will leave you when you are old, not to mention men.

49、难过吗?崩溃吗?活该,谁让你那么傻。 Are you sad? Collapse? You deserve it. Who made you so stupid.

50、风是风筝的影子,海是海豚的呼吸。 The wind is the shadow of the kite, and the sea is the breath of the dolphin.