1、一个普通朋友,几年不见就感到陌生。 An ordinary friend is unfamiliar when he hasn't seen him for several years.

2、一份心情,飘飞着心絮的痕迹。 A mood, floating with the traces of heart flocculent.

3、一贵一贱,交情乃见。 One is expensive and the other is cheap.

4、世界上没有永远的恋人,只有永远的朋友。 There are no forever lovers in the world, only forever friends.

5、为了我们的友情,我们应该举杯歌颂。 For our friendship, we should toast.

6、互不打扰,又时常问候。 They don't disturb each other and often greet each other.

7、人世间最珍贵的,莫过于真诚的友情。 The most precious thing in the world is sincere friendship.

8、人人都我说很坚强,只有你对我说别逞强。 Everyone I said is very strong, only you said to me don't be arrogant.

9、人生在世有几个知己,多少友谊成长存。 Life in the world has a few confidants, how much friendship growth and survival.

10、你牵着我,我拉着你。 You hold me, I hold you.

11、兜头泼来,把你浇醒。 Throw your head in and wake you up.

12、兵分两路,顶峰相遇。 The soldiers are divided into two ways, and the summit meets.

13、再没有比为了朋友,而放弃生命更大的爱。 There is no greater love than to give up life for the sake of friends.

14、冬有板栗,夏有芒果,而你四季都有我。 There are chestnuts in winter, mangoes in summer, and you have me all the year round.

15、初识也好,知心也罢。 It's better to have a first acquaintance or a bosom friend.

16、匆匆流年,真情相惜。 In a hurry, love each other.

17、友情是积累的,爱情是突然的。 Friendship is accumulated, love is sudden.

18、友谊如花,芳香心灵。 Friendship is like a flower, fragrant soul.

19、唯有知己,在心中,想起来暖暖的。 Only confidant, in the heart, think of warm.

20、困难时,陪你一起共担当。 When it's difficult, I will share the responsibility with you.

21、在背后称赞我们的人就是我们的良友。 Those who praise us behind our backs are our good friends.

22、大家好,我是辣子鸡,这是我的好朋友辣鸡。 Hello, everyone. I'm spicy chicken. This is my good friend spicy chicken.

23、害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 There is no harm, no defense.

24、岁月沉淀后,我们依然如昔! After years of precipitation, we are still the same as before!

25、幸福平安,快乐无忧! Happy and safe, happy and carefree!

26、开心快乐,认识你真好。 Happy, nice to meet you.

27、总有人要赢的,那为什么不能是我们呢? There's always someone to win, so why not us?

28、患难见真情。 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

29、情不论久,重在有求必应。 No matter how long you are in love, the most important thing is to respond to what you want.

30、惦记的心思,一辈子挂牵。 Thinking about the mind, a lifetime of care.

31、愿我们一同行至天光。 May we go to the sky together.

32、所谓好朋友,就是一颗心在两个身体里。 A good friend is one heart in two bodies.

33、手机,是栓系我的友情。 Mobile phone is a tie to our friendship.

34、故人入我梦,明我长相忆。 Old friends into my dream, I remember the face.

35、时光浅浅而行,友谊长存。 Time is shallow and friendship lasts.

36、最漫长是等待,最幸福是真爱。 The longest is waiting, the happiest is true love.

37、有多少人,从熟悉渐渐的变得陌生。 How many people, from familiar gradually become strange.

38、朋友一生一起走,谁先瘦了谁是狗。 Friends walk together all their lives, who is the first to lose weight is the dog.

39、朋友们,愿我们的友谊天长地久。 Friends, may our friendship last forever.

40、朋友是一辈子的事而恋人只是一阵子的事。 A friend is a lifetime thing, while a lover is only for a while.

41、机不可失,时不再来。 Opportunity never comes again.

42、欢乐时光+疯子般的朋友=最棒的回忆。 Happy times + crazy friends = the best memories.

43、留言中有您,感觉温暖。 You are in the message. It's warm.

44、皆关乎朋友之贤否,不可不慎也! It's all about the virtue of your friends. Don't be careless!

45、相互关心与呵护,默默珍惜在心间。 Care and care for each other, cherish in the heart.

46、相依相伴,不离不弃。 Together, never leave.

47、相依相伴,思念不断。 Together, missing constantly.

48、真正的友谊,谁也拿不走。 No one can take away the true friendship.

49、真正的朋友,不是日日相对。 A true friend is not a day to day relationship.

50、真正的朋友,是不会变的。 True friends don't change.

51、真正的知己,不在身边,就在心上。 The true confidant, not in the side, on the heart.

52、瞬间一天,转眼一年。 A day in a flash, a year in a flash.

53、色:小碰是快乐,大碰是麻烦,常碰是负担。 Color: small touch is happiness, big touch is trouble, often touch is burden.

54、若有缘,不请自入;若无缘,求也无用。 If there is a fate, please do not enter; if not, it is useless to seek.

55、若知四海皆兄弟,何处相逢非故人。 If you know that the four seas are brothers, where to meet is not an old friend.

56、让我们的祝福更真;在茫茫的人海中。 Let our blessing more true; in the vast sea of people.

57、让我们真情相遇;有缘认识你真好! Let's meet each other sincerely; it's nice to meet you!

58、跳高运动员的成功,关键在于选准起跳点。 The key to the success of high jumpers is to choose the right take-off point.

59、这些年,不见了,在你心里是否还有个我。 These years, disappeared, whether there is still a me in your heart.

60、重在坦率,重在舒服。 The emphasis is on frankness and comfort.