1、一年四季会有很多意外,最迷人的就是遇见你。 There will be a lot of accidents throughout the year. The most fascinating thing is to meet you.

2、一想起你,便觉得春和景明,人间可爱。 When I think of you, I feel that spring and Jingming are lovely in the world.

3、三里清风,三里路,步步风里,步步你。 Three miles breeze, three miles Road, step by step in the wind, step by step you.

4、不管结局如何,我不许我的世界里没有你。 No matter how it ends, I don't want you in my world.

5、他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。 He is no longer my world, because my world has collapsed.

6、你不知道那个一见你就笑的人,有多喜欢你。 You don't know how much the man who laughs at you likes you.

7、你总是有种魔力,让我可以无时无刻都为你着迷。 You always have a kind of magic, let me be infatuated with you all the time.

8、你愿不愿意带我回家,当你的生活必需品? Would you like to take me home when you need it?

9、你是上天赐给我,唯一的,也是最好的礼物。 You are the only and the best gift from God.

10、你是那些年月里最烈的酒,我是真的认真醉过的。 You are the strongest wine in those years. I was really drunk.

11、你是雨季的纸短情长,亦是心口的念念不忘。 You are the rainy season paper short love, is also the heart of nostalgia.

12、你知道你是什么花吗?是米花啦,我想爆米花。 Do you know what kind of flower you are? It's rice. I want popcorn.

13、你给的糖果,我含在嘴里,一直甜到心里。 You give the candy, I hold it in my mouth, sweet to the heart.

14、你若厌,我便倾倒苍生,展你欢乐笑颜。 If you are tired of it, I will pour out all life and show your happy smile.

15、你若愿,我便植桑种麻,与你花前月下。 If you wish, I will plant mulberry and hemp, and spend time with you.

16、你若许我一颦一笑一牵魂,我便诺你一字一句一沉沦。 If you allow me to twinkle, smile and lead the soul, I will promise you to sink.

17、你闻到什么味道了吗?怎么你一出来空气都是甜的了。 Do you smell anything? How come when you come out, the air is sweet.

18、假装没看见你,却用余光扫了千万遍。 Pretending not to see you, but with the remaining light swept thousands of times.

19、做你怀中猫,在你的怀里蹭你,又不让你亲。 Be a cat in your arms, rub you in your arms, and don't let you kiss.

20、做腻了可爱的女孩子,想做你的太太。 Tired of being a lovely girl, I want to be your wife.

21、全世界都催着我长大,感谢有你总能陪我一起傻。 The whole world urges me to grow up. Thank you for always accompanying me.

22、别把梦寐以求的爱情,活成了为生活所迫的将就。 Don't dream of love, live into a life forced to make do with.

23、别问我为什么爱你,因为你就是我不爱别人的理由。 Don't ask why I love you, because you are the reason why I don't love others.

24、到我死的时候,那才是最爱最爱你的时候。 When I die, that's when I love you the most.

25、只要我喜欢,再差的你,也是盖世英雄。 As long as I like, no matter how bad you are, you are a hero.

26、只要终点有你,不论多远我都愿意走。 As long as you are at the end, no matter how far away I am willing to go.

27、可能还会遇见你,或许在路上,或许在梦里。 May also meet you, perhaps on the road, perhaps in a dream.

28、和你分享沉默的时候,我也感到快乐。 I feel happy when I share my silence with you.

29、和你在一起很安心,因为,在我无助时你总是能出现。 It's easy to be with you because you always show up when I'm helpless.

30、喜欢这种东西,捂住嘴巴,也会从眼睛里跑出来。 Like this kind of thing, covers the mouth, also can run out from the eye.

31、在认识你之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。 After knowing you, I found that I can pay so willingly.

32、多期望你能明白我,即使我什么也不说。 I hope you can understand me, even if I don't say anything.

33、夜里的每一次辗转反侧,都是你不在身边的躁动。 Every toss and turn at night is the restlessness that you are not around.

34、如果我用爱你一半的心来学习,一定成学霸。 If I study with half of my love for you, I will become a bully.

35、怎么重了,因为你在我心目中越来越重了。 How heavy, because you are more and more heavy in my mind.

36、想把世界上最好的给你,然而最好的就是你。 I want to give you the best in the world, but the best is you.

37、想把世界都给你,惯到生活不能自理。 Want to give you the world, used to life can not take care of themselves.

38、想着你温柔的眼,心跳不自觉快半拍。 Think of your gentle eyes, heart rate unconscious half beat.

39、我不会在乎你的曾经,因为我要的只是你的以后。 I don't care about your past, because what I want is your future.

40、我不会在今后问你过得好不好,我会亲自陪你到老。 I will not ask you how you are in the future, I will accompany you to the old.

41、我不听原因,所有的不分青红皂白,都是站在你这边。 I don't listen to the reason, all of them are on your side.

42、我不是话多的人,却因为担心你絮絮叨叨。 I'm not a talkative person, but I'm worried about your nagging.

43、我今生今世爱定你,愿这一生只牵你的手! I love you all my life. May this life only hold your hand!

44、我喜山喜水,但还是不及我喜眼中的您。 I like mountains and waters, but not as much as I like you in my eyes.

45、我喜欢你总是藏不住,捂住了嘴巴会从眼睛里跑出来。 I like you always can't hide, covering your mouth will run out of your eyes.

46、我喜欢,北国的风,江南的雨,还有心中的你。 I like the wind in the north, the rain in the South and you in my heart.

47、我心里一直有个VIP贵宾室,只等你来。 I always have a VIP room in my heart, just waiting for you.

48、我想写一个故事,以“我”开始,以“我们”结束。 I want to write a story that starts with "I" and ends with "we.".

49、我想用我的全部,换取1条通往你心里的路。 I want to use all I have for a road to your heart.

50、我想要的很简单,时光还在,你还在。 What I want is simple, time is still there, you are still there.

51、我愿意为你在全网找情话,原因很简单,因为我爱你。 I am willing to find love words for you in the whole network, the reason is very simple, because I love you.

52、我才不是你的一瞬间,我是你的永永远远。 I am not your moment, I am your forever.

53、我没有哭,只是我的眼睛在为你下雨! I didn't cry, just my eyes are raining for you!

54、我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切,包括你。 I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything, including you.

55、我的心里都是你,一颦一笑,或者百般模样。 My heart is you, a smile, or all kinds of appearance.

56、我的择偶标准:长得像你,性格像你,最好是你。 My criteria for choosing a mate: look like you, character like you, it's better to be you.

57、我结婚你一定要来呀,因为没有新娘会很尴尬的。 You must come when I get married, because it will be very embarrassing without a bride.

58、我能想到最好的浪漫,就是每天清晨在你怀里醒来。 The best romance I can think of is waking up in your arms every morning.

59、我要的爱情,一个你,一颗心,一心一意,一辈子。 I want love, a you, a heart, a heart, a lifetime.

60、我要睡觉了,因为在梦里就能和你在一起了。 I'm going to bed because I can be with you in my dream.

61、我解过那么多数学题,可是我却解不开你的。 I've solved so many math problems, but I can't solve yours.

62、我还是很喜欢你,像炊烟袅袅几许,棠梨煎雪又落雨。 I still like you, like smoke curl a few, Tangli fried snow and falling rain.

63、我这一生有两个任务,挣钱给你花,不让你哭。 I have two tasks in my life, to make money for you, not to make you cry.

64、我追求了一生的春天,你一笑,便是了。 I have been pursuing the spring of my life. When you smile, it is.

65、我问我喜欢谁,心里想了想,还是你。 I asked who I like and thought about it, or you.

66、把手放在心间,你会体验到我无限的爱恋。 Put your hand in your heart, you will experience my infinite love.

67、把深情交付与错误的人,就别责怪人间没温暖。 If you give your love to the wrong person, don't blame the lack of warmth in the world.

68、抱着自己最喜欢的人,才是最好的感觉。 Holding your favorite person is the best feeling.

69、故事的开头写了你,而结尾只能用余生去写了。 The beginning of the story tells you, but the end can only be written for the rest of your life.

70、有本事你照顾好自己,不然老老实实地让我来照顾。 If you have the ability to take care of yourself, or let me take care of it honestly.

71、有的天生绵软,你朝她挨过去,像是碰着了一团云。 Some are born soft, you go to her, like a cloud.

72、林深时见鹿,海蓝时见鲸,梦醒时见你。 Deer in the forest, whales in the blue sea, and you when you wake up.

73、每个人都会喜欢自己吧,那么你还真是我的情敌。 Everyone will like themselves, then you are really my rival in love.

74、每天太阳暖一点,每天爱你多一点,如此足矣。 It's enough to warm the sun and love you more every day.

75、每天爱你多一点,要记得给我颁个进步奖。 Love you a little more every day, remember to give me a progress award.

76、江湖太远了我不去了,我爱上了给你做饭陪你睡觉。 The world is too far away. I will not go. I fell in love with cooking and sleeping with you.

77、没有理由,没有原因,我对爱你将穿透我的一生。 No reason, no reason, I love you will penetrate my life.

78、深情若是一桩悲剧,必定以死来句读。 If love is a tragedy, it must be read with death.

79、清风不懂细雨,繁星不懂江河,但我懂你。 I don't understand the breeze, but I don't know.

80、爱上你的那一刻,你就永远的住进了我的心里。 The moment I fell in love with you, you will live in my heart forever.

81、爱你如初是骗人的,今日的我当然比昨日更喜欢你啊。 It's deceitful to love you as before. Of course, I like you more than I did yesterday.

82、爱你是这辈子不变了,疼你是这辈子不换了! Love you is the same in this life, pain you are not changed in this life!

83、爱你,还是更爱你,这是个值得深思的问题。 Love you, or love you more, this is a question worth pondering.

84、用深情凝视你的脸庞,爱在感动中酝酿。 Gazing at your face with deep love, love is brewing in the moving.

85、疼你,懂你,只想问问你,可否一生与我在一起。 Pain you, understand you, just want to ask you, can life with me together.

86、相似的人适合一起欢闹,互补的人适合一起变老。 Similar people are suitable for cheering together, while complementary people are suitable for growing old together.

87、等一阵风一场雨,一个在明媚阳光下的你。 Waiting for a gust of wind, a rain, a sunny you.

88、等待你的归来,让我热情炽热地燃烧。 Waiting for your return, let me burn with enthusiasm.

89、老实说,你在我心里的位置,连我自己都深深妒忌。 To be honest, your position in my heart, even I am deeply jealous.

90、老酒新茶都与你共饮,大城小事都与你诉说。 Old wine and new tea are all with you to drink, big city small matters are told with you.

91、被爱是很幸福的,但我愿你幸福一生。 It's very happy to be loved, but I wish you a happy life.

92、越是亲密,我越明白:安心,才有好未来。 The closer I am, the more I understand that peace of mind is the only way to have a better future.

93、趣味相投也好,臭味相投也罢,总之有幸让我遇见你。 In short, I'm lucky to meet you.

94、这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。 This life I only hold your hand, because this life has you already enough.

95、这位先生,论喜欢你,我可是天下第一。 Sir, I'm the first in the world to like you.

96、这面真好吃,哎,不对,你来之前不是这味啊! This noodles is delicious. Oh, no, it was not like this before you came here!

97、迷惘过,孤独过,是你牵引我走出寂寞。 Lost, lonely, you lead me out of loneliness.

98、速热的人也速冻,热闹的人易散场,慢热的人最情长。 People who are quick to heat are also quick to freeze. People who are busy are easy to leave. Those who are slow and hot are the most affectionate.

99、遇见你的时候,上帝在我耳边说了四个字,在劫难逃。 When I met you, God said four words in my ear.

100、那个,你可以过来一下么?我有恋爱想跟你谈一下! Well, can you come here for a second? I'm in love and want to talk to you!