1、一个人怎么看待自己,决定了此人的命运,指向了他的归宿。 How a person see themselves, decides the fate of the man, pointing to his destination。

2、一些受过伤的人会更加勇敢,因为他们知道,最痛不过如此。 Some of the injured people will be more brave, because they know that the most pain just so so。

3、不要责备朋友没有在你失落时给你个拥抱或鼓励你要习惯一个人。 Don't blame frienddidn't give you a hug when you lost or encourage you to used to a person。

4、人生就像一道多项选择题,困扰你的,往往是众多的选项,而不是题目本身。 Life is like a multiple-choice,bothering you, often be many options, not subject itself。

5、你不可能要求每个人都读懂你,理解你,那样会显得你是一件廉价品。 You couldn't have asked for everyone to read you, understand you, it would appear you are a bargain。

6、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 You laugh once, I can be happy for several days; To see you cry once, I was sad for several years。

7、保持前进,丝毫别在乎别人想什么说什么,做你自己必须做的,为自己! Keep moving, the slightest don't care about what others want to say what, do you have to do yourself, for yourself!

8、做人需简单,不沉迷幻想,不茫然未来,走今天的路,过当下的生活。 Life should be simple, do not indulge fantasy, not a loss in the future, today's way, live the life of the present。

9、再轰轰烈烈的情侣,也比不上平平淡淡的父母。 Vigorous lovers again, is no match for the flatly light parents。

10、单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人。 Single means you strong enough, enough patience to wait for the worth having you。

11、原来有些你自以为很重要的人,你不联系他,他就真的永远不会联系你。 The original some do you think very important person, you don't contact him, he really never contact you。

12、只有在你最落魄时,才会知道谁是为你担心的笨蛋,谁是形同陌路的混蛋。 Only when you are the most down and out, would know who is worried about you fool, who is shape with stranger bastard。

13、可不可以有一个人,可以看穿我的逞强,可以保护我的脆弱。 Can I have a person, can see through my try to be brave, to protect my fragile。

14、向每个人学习,但不要模仿任何人。 Learn from everyone, but don't imitate anybody。

15、告诉自己,现在的你不能再混再疯再懒惰了,前途很重要。 Tell yourself, now you can't mix again crazy lazy again, the future is very important。

16、如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。 If a woman reallyloves you, she will be out of temper with you because a lot of things, but always stick to around you。

17、如果你在背后议论我,那只能说明,我活的明显要比你精彩许多。 If you talk behind me, it just means that I live significantly better than you many wonderful。

18、如果只是相遇,而不能相守,人生最好不相见。 If just meet, but cannot be together, you should not meet in life。

19、当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。文字与感觉永远有隔阂。 When you truly love something you will find how fragile and weak language。 Words and feelings will always be barriers。

20、很多时候,心里明明不是那样想的,却控制不了自己而说出相反的话。 Many times, the in the mind clearly not so want to, but could not control the yourself and say the opposite words。

21、想你的人自然会来见你,爱你的人会想尽一切办法来到你身边。 Think you will come to see you, love your people will do anything to come to your side。

22、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。Time has not taught me anything, actually has taught me never to believe the myth。

23、我们像是表面上的针,不停的转动,一面转,一面看着时间匆匆离去,却无能为力。 We like on the surface of the needle, keep turning, a turn, one side looking at time to hurry away, he could do nothing。

24、我们微笑着说我们停留在时光的原处其实早已被洪流无声地卷走。 We said with a smile, we stay in the time of its place actually have been flood swept away quietly。

25、我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 We must accept the disappointed, because it is limited, but we must never lose hope, because it is infinite。

26、我哒哒的马蹄是个美丽的错误,我只是过客,不是归人。 I a man's water chestnut is a beautiful mistake, I just a visitor, not returning。

27、我多想有个人能对我说:你不用改变自己,我来习惯你就可以了。 How I want to have personal to say to me: you don't have to change myself, let me habit you are ok。

28、我每天都在患得患失,怕你被别人喜欢 I be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, every day in fear, do you like being afraid you like others。

29、我的眼泪留了下来,灌溉了下面柔软的小草,不知道来年,会不会开出一地的记忆和忧愁。 My tears stay, irrigation the following soft grass, do not know the coming year, will leave a memory and sorrow。


31、时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走,我左手过目不忘的的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。 Time didn't wait for me, is you forget to take me away, I left hand you'll never forget the firefly, right hand is ten years a long meditation。上一页12下一页 We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the ending。

32、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。 Some people, once met, then one eye ten thousand; Some enchanted, once started, then what is done cannot be undone。

33、有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。 As if by predestination, no opposite not to meet。

34、每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独。 Everyone, there is a world, quiet and lonely。

35、没有什么是永远,也没有什么会很久。找个借口,谁都可以先走。 Nothing is forever, nothing will be a long time。 Looking for an excuse, anyone can go first。

36、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand, eyes closed go you won't get lost。

37、生命中你会遇见两种人:促进你的人,还有打击你的人。但最终,你两者都会感谢。 In life you will meet two kinds of people: to promote your people, and hit you。 But in the end, both will thank you。

38、生活就是做出选择,一旦你做出了你的选择,你就必须活在你的决定中。 Life is choice, once you have made your choice, you must live in your decision。

39、真正的失败不是你没有做成事,而是你甘心于失败。 The real failure isnot you don't have to make things, but you willing to fail。

40、眼睛,不应该用来为伤害你的人哭泣,而应该用来寻找那个正确的人。 Eyes, should not be used to cry for people who'll hurt you, and should be used to find the right man。

41、要理想不要幻想,要**不要矫情。凡事知足常乐。 Ideal don't fantasy, passion don't hypocrisy。 Happiness consists in contentment。

42、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those who once thought not forget for a moment in the process of things as we never forget, was forgotten by us。

43、陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。 Company, is whether you need not to need, I've been in。
