1、一年365天,我只爱你三天,昨天今天明天。 365 days a year, I only love you three days, yesterday, today, tomorrow.

2、一心一意,爱着你。 I love you with all my heart.

3、一颗牵挂的心,向你驰骋。 A concerned heart gallops to you.

4、不小心落下了爱意,落在了你身上。 Accidentally fell love, fell on you.

5、东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴。 The sun rises in the East and rain in the West. The road is not sunny but sunny.

6、似乎才刚喜欢你,转眼已经喜欢你这么久。 It seems that I just like you, and I have loved you for so long.

7、但愿君心似我心,共谱爱曲敬如宾。 I hope your heart is like my heart, and I hope you can make love with you.

8、你乖我就抱抱你,全世界都给你。 I'll hold you if you're good, and the whole world will give it to you.

9、你也太可爱了吧,可爱到我都受不了啦! You are so cute, too. I can't stand it!

10、你我相遇,有缘。 You and I meet, predestined.

11、你是世界,世界是你。 You are the world, the world is you.

12、你是我今生,最美的风景。 You are the most beautiful scenery in my life.

13、你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。 You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting means.

14、你甜蜜了人生的时光,把我的记忆芬芳。 You sweet life time, my memory fragrance.

15、你的幸福,是我的祈盼。 Your happiness is my wish.

16、你的笑颜,我的悲伤消减。 Your smile, my sorrow subsides.

17、你的身影时间冲不走,我的思念距离带不走。 Your figure time does not go, my missing distance can not take.

18、你若不离不弃,我便生死相依。 If you don't leave me alone, I will live and die.

19、初见乍然,久处仍怦然。 At first sight, it was still thumping.

20、去见你的路上,风都是甜的。 On the way to see you, the wind is sweet.

21、和你在一起,你是一切! With you, you are everything!

22、和你在一起,平平淡淡,就知足了。 And you together, flat light, satisfied.

23、因为喜欢,所以情愿,没有那么多为什么。 Because like, so willing, not so much why.

24、在我无尽的思念中,有无尽的你。 In my endless missing, there is endless you.

25、在我的爱情世界里,你就是我的唯一。 In my love world, you are the only one for me.

26、天上只有你,翩翩飞来的天使。 You are the only angel in the sky.

27、对你先是一见钟情,然后是一生钟情。 Love you at first sight, and then love you all your life.

28、对你的爱飞一般的蔓延,好想飞到你身边。 The spread of your love flies, and I want to fly to your side.

29、希望你能原谅我,并且接受我。 I hope you can forgive me and accept me.

30、思绪掠过发迹,传递着想你的讯息。 Thoughts pass by and pass the message of thinking about you.

31、想和你浪漫,不管死亡和时间。 I want to be romantic with you, regardless of death and time.

32、愿以真心,融化你心。 Wish to melt your heart with sincerity.

33、我会记得你的样子,虽然我们没故事。 I'll remember you, even though we don't have a story.

34、我和你相恋,相知,相爱百年。 I love you, know each other, love each other for a hundred years.

35、我就是你的领地,心房踏满你的足迹。 I am your territory, my heart is full of your footprints.

36、我心里,满满是你。 My heart is full of you.

37、我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。 I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love.

38、我想要做你的唯一,不可复制,不可粘贴。 I want to be your only one. It can't be copied or pasted.

39、我的床不大也不小,加上一个你刚刚好。 My bed is not big or small, plus a you just good.

40、我的爱为你开启,像白色的闪电划破天际。 My love opens for you, like white lightning across the sky.

41、撞够了南墙,只想撞你的胸膛。 Enough of the south wall, just want to hit your chest.

42、无论怎样,我都会陪在你的身边。 No matter what, I will accompany you by your side.

43、曾有数不清的追忆,每个追忆中有你。 There have been countless recollections, each of which has you.

44、月光皎,桂花笑,海枯石烂心不变。 Moonlight, sweet scented osmanthus smile, the sea dry stone rotten heart unchanged.

45、本人从今天开始直立行走,不再是狗。 I started to walk upright from today, no longer a dog.

46、梦里有你,香甜无比。 Dream of you, sweet incomparable.

47、爱你仍如初相见,一生不会变。 Love you still as the first meeting, life will not change.

48、爱你是心灵的融合,柔情无限。 Love you is the fusion of the soul, tenderness infinite.

49、牵你的手,今生一起走过,无怨无悔! Holding your hand, this life together, no regrets!

50、直到遇见你,才觉得不枉此生。 Until I met you, I didn't feel wasted.

51、相濡以沫醉红尘,情爱已镌刻。 Love has been engraved.

52、相爱本是意外,何说上天安排。 Love is an accident, how to say God arranged.

53、真爱挂在太阳上,洒不完对你的深情缱绻。 The true love hangs on the sun, sprinkles unceasingly to your affectionate attachment.

54、眼中的你,无人能比。 No one can compare you in your eyes.

55、自己的媳妇,哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。 Their daughter-in-law, coax used to not lose face, this is called love.

56、若有幸白头到老,绝不负今生温柔。 If you are lucky enough to grow old, you will never fail to be gentle in this life.

57、让真心悦动彼此,牵手一生。 Let's really love each other, hand in hand for life.

58、谁像我殷勤写你,将江南都用掉。 Who is like me to write about you and use up all Jiangnan.

59、送你玫瑰表心愿,爱你不变到永远。 Send you roses, wish, love you forever.

60、遇见你的那个夜晚,我和月亮都睡不着。 I couldn't sleep with the moon the night I met you.