1、一万句晚安,不如拥你入眠。 Good night is better to hold you to sleep.

2、一个人不孤单,想一个人才孤单。 A person is not alone, like a person alone.

3、一个人,一座城,一生心疼。 A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.

4、世上你我皆过客,何必计较那么多。 You and I are all passers-by in the world. Why bother so much.

5、世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。 It's not easy to meet such a big world.

6、为你,我愿意变得温柔善良又勇敢。 For you, I would like to be gentle, kind and brave.

7、人性本凉薄,又何介,谁比谁更多。 Human nature is cold and thin, and who is more than who.

8、今晚别关窗,我想偷偷进你梦里。 Don't close the window tonight. I want to sneak into your dream.

9、从爱上你的那天起,甜蜜得很轻易。 From the day I fell in love with you, it was so sweet.

10、他也许没什么钱,但舍得为你花钱。 He may not have much money, but he is willing to spend it for you.

11、他从不说“好累”,但希望你陪陪。 He never says "tired", but he hopes you will accompany him.

12、众生皆苦,只有你是草莓味儿的。 All human beings are suffering, only you are strawberry flavor.

13、但愿我和你,是一支唱不完的歌。 I hope you and I are an endless song.

14、你不像任何人,因为我爱你。 You are not like anyone, because I love you.

15、你就是我,要寻找的小幸福。 You are me, the little happiness I want to find.

16、你很重要,就是你很重,我也要。 You are very important. Even if you are heavy, I will.

17、你是年少的欢喜,倒过来念也是。 You are the joy of your youth, so do you.

18、你知不知道,你对我的重要。 Do you know what you mean to me.

19、假如你愿意,就去恋爱吧,爱我。 If you like, love me.

20、先生,苦海无涯,回头是我啊。 Sir, there's no end to suffering. It's me back.

21、只有上帝知道我有多爱你。 Only God knows how much I love you.

22、可能时间刚好,你眼角带笑。 Maybe it's just the right time. You have a smile around your eyes.

23、天冷了,有什么事到我被窝里说。 It's cold. What can I do for you.

24、天气冷了,好想喝,好想呵护你呀。 It's cold. I want to drink and care for you.

25、她们都是提到你,眼睛都在发亮。 They all mentioned you, their eyes were shining.

26、如果你在我身边,我会娶你。 If you are by my side, I will marry you.

27、如果我是鱼,我的每七秒都是你。 If I am a fish, my every seven seconds is you.

28、如果有来生,我要你嫁给我。 If there is an afterlife, I want you to marry me.

29、对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变。 For you, no matter whether it's cloudy or sunny, it doesn't change.

30、山有木兮卿有意,昨夜星辰恰似你。 There are trees in the mountain. Last night, the stars are just like you.

31、山有木兮木有枝,剩下半句自己查。 There are trees and branches in the mountain. I'll check the rest for myself.

32、岁月不饶人,我亦未曾绕过岁月。 Years do not spare, nor have I bypassed them.

33、心里有了你,再好的我都不想要。 With you in my heart, I don't want any better.

34、忆君心似西江水,日夜东流无歇时。 I remember that your heart is like the water of Xijiang River, flowing eastward day and night.

35、情话是我抄的,但我勰闶钦娴摹 I copied the love words, but I love you really.

36、想你的时候,我一定要找得到你。 I must find you when I miss you.

37、想说的话在眼里梦里,还有草稿里。 What I want to say is in my eyes, dreams and drafts.

38、想起你,我这张丑脸就泛起微笑。 I smile when I think of you.

39、我不会写情书,只会写“心”。 I can't write love letters, I can only write "heart".

40、我不喜欢世界,我只喜欢你。 I don't like the world, I just like you.

41、我不怕等,只怕等到尽头没有你。 I'm not afraid to wait until the end without you.

42、我为你翻山越岭,却无心看风景。 I climb mountains and mountains for you, but I don't care to see the scenery.

43、我发现,你在我心中的位置会膨胀! I find that your position in my heart will expand!

44、我想念你身体里,波光万倾的海。 I miss the sea in your body.

45、我把月亮戳在天上,天就是我的。 I poke the moon in the sky, and the sky is mine.

46、我渴望和你打架,也渴望抱抱你。 I'm eager to fight with you and hug you.

47、我爱过你,就再也没有爱过别人。 I've loved you, and I've never loved anyone else.

48、我生来忧伤,可你让我坚强。 I was born sad, but you make me strong.

49、我的每一支笔,都知道你的名字。 Every pen of mine knows your name.

50、我看过很多书,但都没有你好看。 I've read many books, but none of them are as good as you.

51、我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.

52、我负责爱你,你负责鼓励我爱你。 I am responsible for loving you, and you are responsible for encouraging me to love you.

53、拥有你,仿佛拥有了全世界! Have you, as if have the whole world!

54、有你在,我愿意为你独守那片天。 With you, I'd like to keep the sky for you.

55、爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心! Love you, hide in my heart, warm in your heart!

56、爱过,拥有过,就是一种幸福。 Love, have, is a kind of happiness.

57、爱,要么不开始,要么一辈子。 Love, either do not start, or a lifetime.

58、留在我身边,远近我都接受。 Stay by my side, I accept both near and far.

59、相思只在:丁香枝上,豆蔻梢头。 Acacia only in: clove branch, cardamom shoot.

60、红烛背,绣帘垂,梦长君不知。 Red candle back, embroider curtain to hang, dream long gentleman does not know.

61、良辰美景未细赏,我已为你着凉。 I have caught a cold for you before enjoying the beautiful scenery on a fine day.

62、要不是你,浪漫这个词和我无关。 If it wasn't for you, the word romance would have nothing to do with me.

63、要带着温度见你,哪怕是在梦里。 To see you with the temperature, even in a dream.

64、错过,不是错了,而是过了。 Miss, not wrong, but over.

65、难道你不知道吗?我没有你不成。 Don't you know? I can't do without you.