1、cold fish 冷漠无情的人   He is a cold fish, no one wants to make friends with him。   他是一个冷漠的人,没人想跟他交友人。   

2、cold shoulder 礼遇;冷淡对待   Henry got the cold shoulder when he asked to have a date with Mary。   当亨利要求和玛丽约会时,玛丽对他不予搭理。   

3、cold-blooded 冷血的;冷淡的   The real world is so different from what it is in my imagination. But it is surely a real world, a cold-blooded world。   这个实在的世界与我所想的是那么的不同,但它确切是一个真切实实的世界,一个冷淡的世界。   

4、cold-hearted 无情的;冷淡的   She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your situation。   她是个冷心肠的人,对你的处境并不是真的关心。   

5、out in the cold 被冷僻,遭排斥的英语常用英语句子   Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold。   每次我见到你,你都不理我。

6、to get cold feet 临阵退缩   She was to get married last month but she got cold feet。   她本应该上个月结婚的`,但她又打了退堂鼓。   

