1、A:I feel like throwing up.----我想吐   B:Use this waste bag in case you want to throw up.----想吐的话,就用这个呕吐袋.   

2、Because of the altitude pressure,my ears are hummingterribly.----因为高度压力的关系,我的耳朵鸣得厉害.

3、Do you take RMB? Do you accept CREDIT CARD?你们收人民币,信用卡吗?   

4、I Would like to change to a later fligt.-------我想改晚一点的班机.   

5、I am not tall enough to put my over-coat up there in the over-headcompartment.------我个子不够高,无法把大衣放进上面的置物箱里.   

6、I prefer a window seat.-----我比较喜欢靠窗的座位.   

7、Is this your carry on?-----这是你的手提行李吗?   

8、Tell me the gate number,pls-----请告诉我登机口在哪里?   

9、What is the gate number of Flight number fifty-eight toParis?-------第58次飞往巴黎的班机的登机口是几号?   

10、Where is gate ten?/Can you direct me to gate 10?-------10号登机口在哪里?   

11、Will you please show me to my seat.-----请你告诉我的`座位在哪儿好吗?   

12、buckle up around your belly=fasten your seat belt -----系紧安全带   You can easily losen the buckle by flapping this up----松开安全带   

13、headset=headphone=earphone-----耳机 ; call-button----叫人纽;steward/stewardess 男/女空中服务员   

