1、一个人最大的成功,就是用自己喜欢的方式度过自己的一生。 A person's greatest success is to spend his life in the way he likes.

2、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 The life given by heaven is to contribute to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind.

3、不怕别人瞧不起,就怕自己不争气。 Don't be afraid of being looked down upon by others, just be afraid of not striving for success.

4、不管生活如何百般引诱,我就是这样的决绝。 No matter how tempting life is, I am such a resolute.

5、乐观的人只顾着笑,而忘了怨;悲观的人只顾着怨,而忘了笑。 An optimistic man laughs and forgets to complain; a pessimist forgets to laugh.

6、习惯养得好,终身受其福;习惯养得不好,则终身受其害。 A good habit is a blessing for life; a bad habit is a lifelong disaster.

7、人生不要被表象控制,决定你成熟的,是看透。 Life should not be controlled by appearances. What determines your maturity is to see through.

8、人生能有几回博,此时不博何时博,多留一点汗,少留一滴泪。 Life can have a few Bo, when not Bo Bo Bo, leave more sweat, less tears.

9、但使龙城飞将在,不叫胡马渡阴山。 But the Dragon City Flying general in, not called Hu Ma Du Yin Shan.

10、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感内疚。 I hope every time I recall, I don't feel guilty about life.

11、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。 I hope every time I recall, I don't feel guilty about life.

12、你一定要努力啊,不要受任何人阻碍,去自己想去的地方。 You must work hard, don't be hindered by anyone, go where you want to go.

13、你没有摘到的,只是春天里的一朵花,整个春天还是你的。 What you haven't picked is just a flower in the spring. The whole spring is still yours.

14、你生而有翼,为何一生匍匐前进,形如蝼蚁。 You are born with wings. Why do you crawl forward all your life, like a mole ant.

15、创新是惟一的出路,淘汰自己,否则竞争将淘汰我们。 Innovation is the only way out, eliminate ourselves, otherwise competition will eliminate us.

16、别低头,地上没有黄金只有石头! Don't look down. There is no gold on the ground, only stones!

17、力未尽,气未绝,心未死,不弃不馁,持之以恒。 Never give up, never give up, never give up.

18、卸载永远比安装快,失去永远比得到快。 Unloading is always faster than installing, losing is always faster than getting.

19、只会在水泥地上走的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。 People who only walk on the concrete floor will never leave deep footprints.

20、只有积极主动的人,才能在瞬息万变的竞争环境中获得成功。 Only active people can succeed in the rapidly changing competitive environment.

21、可享当下安乐,却不妄图长久安逸。 They can enjoy the present happiness, but not long-term comfort.

22、向前走,不必想太多,也不要害怕,相信梦想并坚持。 Go forward, don't think too much, don't be afraid, believe in your dream and stick to it.

23、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。 Treat every dream in your life and give yourself confidence that you have the ability to realize it.

24、喜欢读书,就等于把生活中寂寞的时光换成巨大享受的时刻。 Like reading, is equal to the life of lonely time into a huge enjoyment of the moment.

25、在自律计划中,找到享受的乐趣。 Find fun in the self-discipline program.

26、太阳有时也失约,黑夜却每天必来。 Sometimes the sun breaks his promise, but the night comes every day.

27、如果你尽力而为,失败并不可耻。 Failure is not shameful if you do your best.

28、就算再小的人物,也能改变未来的走向。 Even small people can change the direction of the future.

29、工资就像女人那大姨妈,一个月只有一次,没几天就完了。 Salary is like a woman's great aunt, only once a month, not a few days.

30、性格孤僻,不喜人多,却又向往热闹。 He is a lonesome person, but he yearns for excitement.

31、愿你以后眉眼带笑,对往事足够坦荡。 May you smile in the future and be magnanimous to the past.

32、我的成功的概念是在别人都不努力的情况一我继续努力。 My concept of success is when no one else is working hard - I keep trying.

33、所谓知足,并非不思进取,而是在努力耕耘中不奢望、贪求。 The so-called contentment is not a lack of ambition, but a lack of extravagance and greed in hard work.

34、撇开友谊,无法谈青春,因为友谊是点缀青春的最美的花朵。 Apart from friendship, we can't talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flower to decorate youth.

35、时间久了,理想的镜子起灰,需要多擦拭。 It takes a long time to clean the mirror.

36、最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。 The most unfit for marriage is the prodigal son, and the most suitable for marriage is the prodigal son.

37、最终你相信什么,就能成为什么。 In the end, you can be what you believe in.

38、有一天我手被烫伤了,你最关心的是开水倒了没? One day my hand was scalded. Do you care about the boiling water?

39、有一种成功,叫永不言弃;有一种成功,叫继续努力。 There is a kind of success, called never give up; there is a kind of success, called continue to work hard.

40、有些话,适合烂在心里;有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记! Some words, suitable for rotten in the heart; some pain, suitable for silent forgetting!

41、梦想是一缕阳光,驱散你前行的阴霾。 Dream is a ray of sunshine, dispelling the haze of your progress.

42、每一个普通的改变,都将改变普通。 Every ordinary change will change the ordinary.

43、治家严谨,教子有方,子孙才能学有所成。 Strict family management and proper teaching of children can help children achieve success in learning.

44、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 Reason is higher than heart, thought is more reliable than emotion.

45、用自己的不懈努力,证明你一点儿也不比别人差。 With their unremitting efforts, prove that you are no worse than others.

46、用自己的努力去赢得别人的尊敬。 Use your own efforts to win the respect of others.

47、真正的爱,应该超越人的一生的长度心灵的宽度灵魂的深度。 True love should go beyond the length of one's life, the width of one's heart, and the depth of one's soul.

48、碰到逆境时,应心生感激,这是可遇不可求啊! When encountering adversity, you should be grateful. This is a chance that you can't ask for!

49、累了,让心吹吹风;伤了,让梦醒一醒;痛了,让脚步停一停。 Tired, let the heart blowing wind; hurt, let the dream wake up; pain, let the feet stop.

50、给客户高质量的东西,这是最好的广告。 It's the best advertisement to give customers high quality things.

51、能干的人未必有成就,肯干的人一定有收获。 Capable people may not have achievements, but those who are willing to do will surely have gains.

52、自信不过是表现给别人看的,内心是否是自信只有你自己知道。 Confidence is only shown to others, whether you are confident or not is only known by yourself.

53、自信是胜利的起点,乐观是幸福的前兆。 Confidence is the starting point of victory and optimism is the precursor of happiness.

54、要用自己的热情去呵护,去浇灌自己的生命! To use their own enthusiasm to care, to water their own life!

55、计划的目的,在肯定今后几年,如何安人? The purpose of the plan is to affirm how to secure people in the next few years?

56、走不下去到时候停下来想想,总会找到坚持下去的理由。 If you can't go down, stop to think about it, and you will find a reason to keep going.

57、赶脚的对头是脚懒,学习的对头是自满。 The opponent who drives off is lazy, and the opponent who studies is complacent.

58、路在自己脚下,没有人可以决定你的方向。 The road is at your feet, no one can decide your direction.

59、这个世界没有什么公平与不公平,只有能力。 There is nothing fair and unfair in this world, only ability.

60、青春是美妙的;挥霍青春就是犯罪。 Youth is wonderful; wasting it is a crime.