1、下一次,可不可以换你,褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。 Next time, can you change, take off a pride, like me to crazy.

2、不知道这是多少次的对不起,都怪我,都是我不好! I don't know how many times this is. I'm sorry, it's all my fault!

3、不管以後如何,每天_心最重要。 No matter what will happen in the future, happy every day is the most important thing.

4、与其说是别人让你痛苦,不如说自己的修养不够。 It's not so much that other people make you miserable, it's better to say that you don't have enough self-cultivation.

5、世界上最动心的话不是我爱你,而是你的肿瘤是良性的。 The most moving word in the world is not that I love you, but that your tumor is benign.

6、世界那么大,唯一想落脚的地方,是你身旁。 The only place you want to settle down in the world.

7、以后,我会做一个美好的女子,不美,但要善良。 After that, I will be a beautiful woman, not beautiful, but kind.

8、你伴我时间不会很长,可我却一辈子唯爱你。 You accompany me for a long time, but I love you all my life.

9、你可以引导自己在任何方向,你选择。 You can guide yourself in any direction you choose.

10、你在俄眼中真的很特别,让俄一不下心爱上了你。 You are really special in Russia's eyes, which makes me fall in love with you.

11、你就像我手里的风筝,我永远都在追谁你远走。 Chasing the kite is like you in my hand forever.

12、你是世界上最美的情郎,而我生老病死都是你的姑娘。 You are the most beautiful lover in the world, and I am your girl in life and death.

13、你是那花丛中怒放的花,吸引着我的目光。 You are the flower in full bloom among the flowers, attracting my eyes.

14、你淡定是因为你不怕死,我比你淡定是因为我不怕你死。 You are calm because you are not afraid of death. I am more calm than you because I am not afraid of your death.

15、你负责去爱着这个世界,而我负责来爱你。 You are responsible for loving the world, and I am responsible for loving you.

16、偶尔看着你,我可以放心了,因为你在我心里。 Occasionally looking at you, I can rest assured, because you are in my heart.

17、光在前方,黑夜留在身后,未来海阔天空。 Light in front, night behind, the future is vast.

18、向往权力是比向往爱情,更加强烈的一种欲望。 Yearning for power is a stronger desire than yearning for love.

19、听着你喜欢的曲子,不由自主的哭了。 Listening to the music you like, I can't help crying.

20、喜欢你,就像一封旧情书。感情深,时间长。 Like you, like an old love letter. Deep feeling, long time.

21、喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远的看。 Like the song, listen quietly, like the people, from a distance to see.

22、多笑笑,会慢慢让自己真的快乐起来。 Smile more, you will slowly make yourself really happy.

23、如果我一直不言不语,只是想看看谁最后能够留下。 If I keep silent, I just want to see who can stay in the end.

24、如果有人问起,就说忘了。不解释,不悲伤,你懂的。 If someone asks about it, they say they have forgotten. No explanation, no sadness, you know.

25、嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。 Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir.

26、孤独不是与生俱来的,而是从爱上一个人开始的。 Loneliness is not born, but from falling in love with someone.

27、已经习惯了听到你的名字,就反射性的抬头。 I'm used to hearing your name, and I look up in reflection.

28、当你用面子可以赚钱的时候,说明你已经是人物了。 When you can make money with face, you are already a character.

29、当爱来临,与其患得患失,不如尽情享受! When love comes, it is better to enjoy it than to worry about gain and loss!

30、总是需要一些温暖,哪怕是一点点自以为是的纪念。 We need warmth more or less, even if it ends up as some fancied commemoration.

31、我不能给你轰轰烈烈,但我可以给你天长地久。 I can't give you dynamism, but I can give you everlasting.

32、我不要一时的温暖,只想你一世的陪伴。 I don't want a moment of warmth, just want your company.

33、我可以变成任何你想要的样子,因为我只想要你。 I can be whatever you want because I just want you.

34、我和特仑苏的差别就是!我的纯度低,特仑苏的纯度高! The difference between me and Terence sue is! My purity is low, the purity of terenzo is high!

35、我在你一转身就可以看的到的地方,可是你确从未回头。 I'm where you can see when you turn around, but you never look back.

36、我害怕有一天,现实太饿,把梦想吃了。 I'm afraid that one day, the reality is too hungry to eat my dream.

37、我想给你全世界,却忘记了你需要的不是我。 I want to give you the whole world, but forget you need not me.

38、我是混世的大魔王,要做你的小熊软糖。 I'm the devil of the world. I want to be your gummy bear.

39、我本来要行走江湖的,看到你我觉得该停了。 I was going to travel in the world. I think it's time to stop seeing you.

40、我爱你,一直很爱你,以后也会很爱你。 I love you, always love you, and will love you very much.

41、我的全部都给了你,而我只是你的一部分! All I have is for you, and I am just a part of you!

42、我能给的不多,但至少我能给你一个专一的我。 I can not give much, but at least I can give you a dedicated me.

43、旋转木马是最残忍的游戏,彼此追寻却有永远的距离。 Carousel is the most cruel game, but there is always a distance between each other.

44、既然还在幸运的活着,当然要全力以赴的快乐。 Since you are still lucky to live, of course, you should try your best to be happy.

45、早就明白,就算把友谊牺牲我们之间也没爱情可言了。 I have known for a long time that there is no love between us even if we sacrifice our friendship.

46、曾经,我们都以为,自己可以为爱情死。 Once, we all thought that we could die for love.

47、有些人拼了命去挽留,最终还是留不住。 Some people try their best to stay, but they still can't stay.

48、有的时候说是愿意,其实心里多大的委屈只有自己知道。 Sometimes said is willing, in fact, how much grievance in the heart only oneself know.

49、爱上一个人也就爱上了,不需要解释理由。 If you fall in love with a person, you don't need to explain why.

50、爱笑的人哭起来时,比谁都撕心裂肺! When people who love to laugh cry, they are more heartrending than anyone else!

51、生活可以五颜六色,但绝不能乱七八糟。 Life can be colorful, but it must not be messy.

52、痴情的一方注定伤的最深,自古痴情终成空。 Infatuation is destined to hurt the deepest, since ancient times, infatuation has become empty.

53、短暂的离别会促进爱情,长久的分离却会将它扼杀。 A short parting will promote love, but a long separation will kill it.

54、花会一年一度的开,可人会不会一年一年的都在。 The flower festival opens once a year, but people will not be in year after year.

55、要怎么样做由自己决定,别人嗦就让被人说去。 It's up to you to decide what you want to do. If someone else is wordy, you'll be told.

56、让时间告诉你我是否真的喜欢你,如何。 Let time tell you if I really like you, how.

57、这个世界原本简单,我们却越来越复杂。 The world is simple, but we are more and more complex.

58、适逢其会,猝不及防!花开两朵,天各一方。 Just in time, caught off guard! Two flowers bloom, one in each.

59、遇见了喜欢,就再也不会对合适心动。 Met like, no longer on the right heart.

60、酷的像风,野得像狗,不招人喜欢,倒也*。 Cool like the wind, wild like a dog, not liked, but also free.