1、一场恋爱风暴,掀起全球的热恋效应。 A love storm, set off a global love effect.

2、一座孤城再老,有你一切都好。 No matter how old a lonely city is, everything will be fine with you.

3、一心只将你来爱,海枯石烂永不变。 One heart will only love you, the sea will never change.

4、一腔孤勇和余生六十年,全都给你。 A lonely voice and the rest of your life for 60 years, all for you.

5、一路等候那抹,柔和的阳光。 All the way to wait for that wipe, soft sunshine.

6、两个人挺好,一个人也不错。 Two people are very good, and so is one.

7、人生是一个不断失去的过程。 Life is a process of constant loss.

8、你到底是个什么品种的鱼,怎么那么难钓。 What kind of fish are you? Why are you so hard to catch.

9、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。 You can be very personal, but sometimes be restrained.

10、你想要吃什么,我做给你吃。 What do you want to eat, I'll make it for you.

11、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。 I don't love you because you're so cute.

12、做不成恋人,那就做陌生人吧。 If you can't be a lover, be a stranger.

13、兄弟我先抛块砖,有玉的尽管砸过来。 Brother, I'll throw a brick first. If you have jade, you can smash it.

14、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Trust yourself first, then others will believe you.

15、全世界欠你的爱意,我都给你。 I give you all the love the world owes you.

16、分手二字、拖的越久、越痛匦撵椤 The longer the title, the more painful it is to break up.

17、别说我变了,直接说你厌了。 Don't say I've changed, just say you're tired of it.

18、半是浓妆半淡妆,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 Half is heavy make-up, half light make-up, light make-up is always appropriate.

19、坏的过去,以后你的人生就只剩下好事。 The bad past, after your life is only good.

20、天亮了,梦醒了,我该睡了! It's morning. I wake up from my dream. It's time for me to sleep!

21、如果梦里有你,我马上入睡! If you are in my dream, I will go to sleep immediately!

22、对于你,我不打扰,不诋毁,不祝福。 For you, I do not disturb, do not slander, do not bless.

23、当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。 When the possession is already lost, give up bravely.

24、总有人说你变了,却没人问你经历过什么。 There are always people who say you have changed, but no one asks what you have experienced.

25、情话,总是可以说的那么冠冕堂皇。 Love words, can always say so high sounding.

26、惊觉相思不露,原来只因已入骨。 Startled Acacia does not reveal, the original only because it has entered the bone.

27、想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久。 Miss you, until the end of time, until forever.

28、想和先生拥有一个草莓庄园。 Want to have a strawberry manor with Mr.

29、想起了你,我只剩下了心痛。 Think of you, I only left heartache.

30、成功的秘诀在于,永不改变既定的目标。 The secret of success is to never change your goals.

31、我们要的未来从未更改,只是你不在。 The future we want has never changed, but you are not here.

32、我会爱你一生一世,宠你一生一世。 I will love you all my life and pet you all my life.

33、我只有一颗心,谁要谁拿去。 I have only one heart, who wants it.

34、我叫泓,所以你的欺骗如洪水涌来。 My name is Hong, so you cheat like a flood.

35、我太可爱了吧,连蚊子都要亲我一口。 I'm so cute, even the mosquito will kiss me.

36、我爱你如一,你爱我却如一秋。 I love you as one, but you love me like an autumn.

37、我觉得你特像一款游戏,我的世界。 I think you are like a game, my world.

38、我那么喜欢你,你喜欢我一下会死啊。 I love you so much, how difficult for you to just love me back?

39、早知道会分开,何必用情太深。 If I had known that I would be separated, why should I use affection too deeply.

40、时间不会倒着走,我也不会回头。 I will not go back.

41、星星和你真配,都是那么的遥不可及。 Stars and you really match, are so far away.

42、是否以后相视一笑,却没有了话题。 Whether to look at each other and smile, but there is no topic.

43、有卑微的男女,但没有卑微的爱情。 There are humble men and women, but no humble love.

44、樱花院落溶溶月、墨梅池塘淡淡风。 The cherry blossom courtyard dissolves the moon and the dark plum pond has a light wind.

45、没有你的同意,没有人能让你自卑 No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

46、爱情就像雾,怎么抓也抓不住。 Love is like fog, it can't be grasped.

47、物是人非,连回忆都显得是多余。 Things are different, even memories are superfluous.

48、相遇总有原因,不是恩赐就是教训。 There's always a reason for meeting. It's either a gift or a lesson.

49、看着你离去的身影,泪如雨滴。 Looking at the figure you left, tears like raindrops.

50、确定一定以及肯定、我爱上你了。 Sure and sure, I love you.

51、离别时的我爱你,没有任何意义。 I love you when I leave, there is no meaning.

52、稳重做事,不要急躁,事事皆因忙里错。 Do things steady, don't be impatient, everything is due to busy.

53、等着有一天,你对我说我带你回家。 Wait for one day, you say to me, I'll take you home.

54、莪对迩思念的力量,足以让花儿开了。 The power of missing you is enough to make the flowers bloom.

55、让你认清实情,一定要亲身经历一点疼痛。 Let you recognize the truth, must experience a little pain.

56、让我一辈子管理你的私人财产吧。 Let me manage your personal property all my life.

57、走完同一座桥,回到两个世界。 After the same bridge, back to two worlds.

58、轻唱牡丹亭,游园惊梦思故人。 Singing the Peony Pavilion gently, you can visit the garden and wonder about your old friends.

59、遇见对的人,一辈子都很短。 Meet the right person, life is very short.

60、骆驼走得慢,但终能走到目的地。 The camel walked slowly, but it was able to reach its destination.