1、一切都苍白的可笑,是你给我开的玩笑。 Everything is pale and ridiculous. It's a joke you made for me.

2、不属于自己,又何必那么拼命在乎。 Do not belong to their own, why so desperately care.

3、不得到就不会失去,不出生就不会死去。 No gain, no loss, no birth, no death.

4、不是没有更好,只是你已经足够好。 It's not that there's no better, it's just that you're good enough.

5、与我话不投机的人,请自觉的闭上你的嘴! Those who don't talk to me, please consciously shut your mouth!

6、世界这么大,可是你没有钱买机票啊。 The world is so big, but you don't have the money to buy air tickets.

7、为何麻木地高歌、失去的恋爱难以勉强。 Why sing numbly, the lost love is hard to force.

8、什么叫再见,那就是我们不再相见。 What is good-bye, that is, we will not meet again.

9、今年要完成的两件事,变优秀和放弃你。 Two things to accomplish this year are to be excellent and to give up on you.

10、他们说我倔犟,我是倔犟,但倔犟的可怜。 They say I am stubborn, I am stubborn, but stubborn poor.

11、以后的路我陪你一起走,我是说你愿意的话。 I'll walk with you in the future, if you like.

12、伤疤,依旧是心里的那份不坚强。 Scar, is still in the heart that is not strong.

13、你不拿我当回事,我自然不会拿你当回事。 If you don't take me seriously, I won't take you seriously.

14、你如果真的爱我,又怎么舍得我独自难受。 If you really love me, how can you let me suffer alone.

15、你的一句轻描淡写,就将我伤到骨子里。 Your understatement will hurt me to the bone.

16、你认识南墙吗,我撞过很多次了。 Do you know the south wall? I've hit it many times.

17、你说我不必流浪,却把我丢在远方。 You say I don't have to wander, but you leave me far away.

18、其实很多事情是不能勉强的,尤其是感情。 In fact, many things can not be forced, especially feelings.

19、再见,也许再也不见。 Goodbye, maybe never again.

20、几多牵挂,包含着多少放不下。 How much care, including how much can not put down.

21、初遇时脸红,离别时眼红。 Blush at first meeting and blush at parting.

22、后来的后来,孤身一人。 Later, I was alone.

23、哭泣不是懦弱的表现,只是压抑不了悲痛。 Crying is not a sign of cowardice, but can not suppress the grief.

24、唯一遗憾的是,时光不曾逆行。 The only regret is that time has never been retrograde.

25、唱情歌的男人,都是好男人。 Men who sing love songs are good men.

26、因为懂得,所以格外珍惜。 Because know, so cherish.

27、因为有离别,才会有新的相遇。 Because there are departures, there will be new encounters.

28、女人,恋爱的时候,就像,与世隔绝般。 Women, when they are in love, are isolated from the world.

29、忘掉过去,从心开始。 Forget the past, start from the heart.

30、想你的时候有点幸福,幸福的有点难过。 I'm a little happy when I miss you, and I'm a little sad when I'm happy.

31、感情这东西玩够了,也就看透了。 If you play enough with emotion, you can see through it.

32、我不爱你了,你满意了? I don't love you anymore. Are you satisfied?

33、我不联系你,我们之间就真的没联系了。 If I don't contact you, there will be no contact between us.

34、我与你隔着长风深谷,近不得,退不舍。 I am separated from you by the long wind and deep valley.

35、我也会记得你,然后爱上别人。 I will remember you and fall in love with others.

36、我们只是太浮躁,希望的付出却是背道而驰。 We are just too impetuous, hope to pay is the opposite.

37、我依然还喜欢你,但是你还记得我吗? I still like you, but do you remember me?

38、我再也不知道该说什么了。 I don't know what to say anymore.

39、我卸下了所有伪装,换来的却是遍体鳞伤。 I took off all the camouflage, but I got black and blue.

40、我可以受十分的苦,但我受不了半点委屈。 I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand any injustice.

41、我和你以笑开始,以吻转浓,以泪结束。 You and I begin with laughter, grow thick with kisses, and end with tears.

42、我宁愿从未遇见你,现在也不必流泪忘记。 I would rather never meet you, now also don't need to cry to forget.

43、我就是一个*,一个痴情的傻孩子。 I am a fool, an infatuated silly child.

44、我幸福的回忆,我是你遗忘的过去。 My happy memory, I am the past you forget.

45、我怕冷却爱上了雪,我怕痛却爱上了你。 I'm afraid of cooling and falling in love with snow, but I'm afraid of pain and falling in love with you.

46、我想要的并不是很多,可却谁也给不了。 I don't want much, but no one can give it.

47、我消失了,你也不知道我的存在。 I'm gone, and you don't know I exist.

48、我淋过最大的雨,是你在烈日下的不回头。 I was drenched the biggest rain, is you do not look back under the scorching sun.

49、我的心情,就像刚死过你爹一样沉重。 My heart is as heavy as your father who just died.

50、我知道有首歌叫回到过去,想回到过去。 I know a song called go back to the past, want to go back to the past.

51、我都没有拥有过你,又凭什么想念你。 I have not had you, and why miss you.

52、既然可以拥抱,那就不要放掉。 Since you can embrace, don't let it go.

53、旧时伊人红颜醉,今朝枯骨人憔悴。 In the old days, I was drunk, but now I am haggard.

54、时间停在哪里,忘记那些憧憬吧! Where does time stop? Forget those dreams!

55、明明是你做错了,你又何必假装很难过。 It is clear that you have done wrong, why do you pretend to be sad.

56、明知道你有女朋友,可我还是会喜欢你。 I know you have a girlfriend, but I still like you.

57、是不是我太过爱你,所以你才想要逃离。 Is it because I love you so much that you want to escape.

58、曾经相濡以沫,却又不能再一起。 Once, we can't be together again.

59、有些事,想多了头疼,想通了心疼。 Some things, think more headache, think through heartache.

60、有些路是自己一个人走的,天黑风很大。 Some roads are taken by themselves. It's dark and windy.

61、有人说,知心可求,真情难遇。 Some people say that it's hard to find true feelings when you want to know them.

62、每天眼睛不放点水,硬是睡不着。 I can't sleep without putting some water in my eyes every day.

63、每天重复的生活,让我变得任性和烦躁。 Daily repetition of life, let me become wayward and irritable.

64、没有后来,没有余生,也不敢指教了。 Not later, not for the rest of my life, I dare not give advice.

65、爱情诞生的那年那月,是谁偷走我的心。 Who stole my heart in the month when love was born.

66、生活中最大的幸福,是坚信有人爱我们。 The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.

67、生活就像演戏,演来演去就忘了自己。 Life is like acting. You forget yourself when you act around.

68、痛得让人,欲哭无泪。 Pain makes people want to cry without tears.

69、穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲! Poor in the downtown, no one asked, rich in the mountains have distant relatives!

70、突然觉得,我很像一根针。 Suddenly, I feel like a needle.

71、笑看天下,淡看红尘。 Laugh at the world and ignore the world.

72、等他无名指发亮,我再去寻找我的新郎。 When his ring finger lights up, I'll look for my bridegroom.

73、红牛雪碧牛栏山,黄泉路上不孤单。 Red Bull, Sprite, Niulan mountain, huangquan road is not alone.

74、罗曼蒂克的爱情,没有故事也没有你。 Romantic love, no story, no you.

75、美好的生命应该充满期待惊喜和感激。 A good life should be full of expectation, surprise and gratitude.

76、耦断可以丝莲,心碎能否缠绵。 Coupling can be broken silk lotus, broken heart can be lingering.

77、自己爱自己,比任何人来爱都靠谱。 I love myself more than anyone else.

78、花开得太好,所以摇摇欲坠。 The flowers are blooming so well that they are teetering.

79、费劲心思走近了,却不知不觉走尽了。 I tried my best to get close to him, but I didn't know it was all over.

80、路遥知马力,日久见人心! You can see horsepower from afar, and you can see people's heart from time to time!

81、那些美丽的誓言,一概输给了时间。 Those beautiful oath, all lost to time.

82、随着时间的流逝,我们越走越远。 As time goes by, we go further and further.

83、靠键盘敲出来的爱情,能维持多久。 How long can the love by keyboard last.