1、一句平淡的话:知不知道,你很重要。 A plain word: know or not, you are very important.

2、不敢直视你的眼睛,只好用余光去看你。 I dare not look into your eyes directly, so I have to use my spare light to see you.

3、不要让我看见你,不然见一次喜欢一次。 Don't let me see you, or I like it once.

4、世界那么大,你遇到了我,我遇到了你,真好。 The world is so big, you met me, I met you, so nice.

5、亲爱的,你能嫁给我吗?我嫁给你也行! Honey, can you marry me? I can marry you!

6、人人都有美女英雄梦,爱你这件事也在其中啦。 Everyone has a dream of beauty and hero. Love you is one of them.

7、余晖晕染了天空的白云,让它们变成了彩色。 The white clouds in the sky were stained by the afterglow, which turned them into colors.

8、你说以后去哪都请示我,我开心地笑了。 You said that you would ask me to go anywhere in the future, and I laughed happily.

9、你这一生我只借一程,这一程便是一生。 I only borrow one journey in your life, and this one is my life.

10、做一只可爱的小仙女,然后把全世界都变可爱。 Be a lovely fairy and make the whole world lovely.

11、初见你的眉眼,如寒冬中吹来的夏日清风。 The first sight of your brows and eyes is like the summer breeze blowing in the cold winter.

12、即便山崩海啸,风火雷电,没你根本不想逃。 Even if the mountain collapse, tsunami, wind, fire, lightning, you don't want to escape.

13、原以为世界很大,遇见你,才知道,世界很小。 I thought the world was big. I met you and I knew that the world was small.

14、只想对你一个人撒娇,成为你的小可爱。 I just want to be coquettish to you and be your little cute.

15、只想拥有你的爱,让我只做你一个人的爱人。 Just want to have your love, let me only be your love.

16、只要我的心脏还在跳动,我就不会停止爱你。 As long as my heart is beating, I will not stop loving you.

17、听说深爱是一场谋杀,如果是你,我就不怕。 I heard that deep love is a murder. If it was you, I would not be afraid.

18、喜欢你是一件容易上瘾,却永远无法过瘾的事。 Like you is an easy addictive, but never addictive thing.

19、在看不见你的地方,我的心和你在一起。 Where I can't see you, my heart is with you.

20、如果你不怕麻烦的话,可以麻烦喜欢我一下吗? If you're not afraid of trouble, would you please like me?

21、如果你看穿我的思念,我就不会为你哭红双眼。 If you see through my missing, I won't cry for you.

22、如果我不在这了,你会喜欢别的女孩么! If I wasn't here, would you like other girls!

23、就算你一贫如洗,我也相当你最后的行李。 Even if you are poor, I will be your last luggage.

24、年轻女孩的脸毫无神采,让我打不起精神。 The young girl's face was so dull that I couldn't get up.

25、开始比结束快乐。你的爱让我不知所措。 The beginning is happier than the end. I'm overwhelmed by your love.

26、想为你唱一首写不完的歌,荡漾着爱你的音符。 I want to sing you an endless song, rippling with love notes.

27、想和你吃一碗饭,睡一张床,回一个家。 I want to have a bowl of rice with you, sleep in a bed and go home.

28、想喝满嘴牛奶,牛奶给我软软的舌头给你。 Want to drink full mouth milk, milk to me, soft tongue to you.

29、想我的时候就摸摸小心脏吧,我就在那里。 Feel the little heart when you miss me. I'm there.

30、我不想万里*,只想醒来枕边有你。 I don't want to wake up and have you by my pillow.

31、我偷一点星光放在你的眼底,折射出所有爱意。 I steal some stars and put them in your eyes, reflecting all love.

32、我可不可以撒谎。可不可以说我不爱你。 Can I lie. Can you say I don't love you.

33、我喜欢你,何止狼子野心,是贼心不死。 I like you. It's more than a wolf's ambition.

34、我在秋天见你一面,约定冬天一起看雪。 I'll meet you in autumn and make an appointment to watch the snow in winter.

35、我想做那个,你难过时第一个想起的人。 I want to be the first person you think of when you are sad.

36、我想成为你的夜晚,也想成为你的清晨。 I want to be your night, and I want to be your morning.

37、我想送你一封情书,三言两语,一生倾诉。 I want to send you a love letter, a few words, a lifetime to tell.

38、我愿做一株向日葵,永远追随你不离不弃。 I would like to be a sunflower, always follow you.

39、我拼命坚持,只为给你更美好的未来! I insist to give you a better future!

40、我是个绝望的人,是没有回音的话语。 I am a despairing man, a word that has no echo.

41、我要用“您”来称呼你,因为你在我的心上。 I will call you "you" because you are in my heart.

42、我见了别人是欢喜,独独见了你是喜欢。 I am glad to see others, but I like to see you alone.

43、我跟你说过多少次了啊抱怨没用你得抱我。 How many times have I told you? It's no use complaining. You have to hold me.

44、所有物是人非的景色里,我最喜欢你。 I like you the most among all the different scenery.

45、把你的爱、定格在这一秒钟,拥有永久的幸福。 Put your love, freeze frame in this second, have permanent happiness.

46、改良这么多次造纸术,只为写一封情书给你。 I've improved papermaking so many times just to write you a love letter.

47、旁人心目中,你是恶魔,在我看来,你是天使。 In other people's mind, you are the devil, in my opinion, you are an angel.

48、是年少的欢喜,我想把这句话反过来告诉你。 It's the joy of being young. I want to tell you this in turn.

49、晚什么安?我巴不得你想我想得夜不能寐。 What's the night? I wish you could miss me at night.

50、每个你认为幸福的回忆,其实都带着伤。 Every memory that you think is happy is actually with a wound.

51、江南风骨,天水成碧,天教心愿与身违。 Jiangnan style, Tianshui into Bi, Tianjiao's wish is contrary to the body.

52、浪漫的话说不尽,十里春风,不如有你。 Romantic words do not end, ten miles spring breeze, as well as you.

53、灰太狼说:不管怎么样都不能委屈了我老婆。 Gray wolf said: no matter what, I can't aggrieve my wife.

54、爱你的,你爱的,是需要多少幸运才能遇到。 Love you, you love, is how much luck to meet.

55、生活把我们磨圆,是为了让我们滚得更远。 Life round us, is to let us roll further.

56、盼望大雪的理由是想和你一起走到白头。 The reason for looking forward to heavy snow is that I want to go to the white head with you.

57、盼望大雪的理由,是想和你一起走到白头。 The reason for looking forward to the heavy snow is to go to the white head with you.

58、睡不着的时候,多想想我,别浪费时间。 When you can't sleep, think about me more, don't waste time.

59、虽然我的微笑可以给任何人,但我的心只给你。 Although my smile can be given to anyone, my heart is only for you.

60、让清风化为我的笑,抚慰你驿动的心。 Let the breeze turn into my smile and comfort your moving heart.