1、一世一生,只爱你一人。 I love you all my life.
2、一次就好,我带你去看天荒地老。 Just once. I'll take you to see the past.
3、一生一世一双人,一朝一夕永相伴。 A couple for life, one day and one night.
4、一花一世界,一叶一追寻。 One flower, one world, one leaf, one pursuit.
5、一辈子,只爱你一个人! All my life, I only love you!
6、下一次恋爱,要么不开始,要么一辈子。 The next time you fall in love, you either don't start, or you will be in love forever.
7、下辈子很长,因为不一定遇见你。 The next life is very long, because not necessarily meet you.
8、世界需要讲讲道理,但我最偏心你。 The world needs to be reasonable, but I'm partial to you.
9、亲爱的,你能嫁给我吗?我嫁给你也行! Honey, can you marry me? I can marry you!
10、人间太吵了,住我心里吧! The world is too noisy, live in my heart!
11、人间蹉跎,你是唯一值得。 Human waste, you are the only worthy.
12、今晚夜色真美,你也是。 It's a beautiful night tonight. So are you.
13、从初恋到白头,一生只爱一个人。 From first love to Whitehead, I only love one person in my life.
14、他们是时间的过客,你是我的世界。 They are passers-by of time, you are my world.
15、你吃东西的样子真可爱,是练过吗? You look lovely when you eat. Have you ever practiced?
16、你在的话,我会超级超级超级有底气。 If you are here, I will be super confident.
17、你是天赐的礼物,我迟来的救赎。 Salvation is a gift from you.
18、你最近真讨厌,讨人喜欢,百看不厌。 I'm tired of watching people these days.
19、全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。 There is only one you in the world, how can I not cherish it.
20、只要你在,我愿意为你独守那片天。 As long as you are here, I am willing to keep the sky for you.
21、喜欢你哪有什么理由,你就是理由。 You are the reason why I like you.
22、喜欢你,不要甜言蜜语。 Like you, don't sweet talk.
23、喜相庆,病相扶,寂寞相伴。 Happy phase celebrates, sick phase helps, lonely accompanies.
24、如果可以,让我穿越人潮,拥抱你。 If you can, let me go through the crowd and hug you.
25、娶你,是我的最大期盼。 To marry you is my greatest expectation.
26、对太喜欢的人,我都会有沟通障碍。 For people I like too much, I have communication barriers.
27、心里若有了良人,眼里的便全是路人。 If you have a lover in your heart, your eyes are full of passers-by.
28、想为你一展歌喉,才发现声带长锈。 I want to sing for you, only to find that the vocal cords are rusty.
29、想你,是我的生活习惯。 It's my life habit to miss you.
30、愿年迈蹒跚,阳光和你仍在。 May the sun and you still be old.
31、我一点也不想你,一点半再想。 I don't miss you at all. I'll think about it at half past one.
32、我不是什么英雄,只是爱你比较奋勇。 I'm not a hero, but I love you bravely.
33、我不是无人可爱,我是非你不可。 I'm not nobody cute, I have to be you.
34、我们说好不分离,要一直一直在一起。 We agreed not to separate but to stay together all the time.
35、我六毛、你六毛、我们一起一块二。 I'm sixty cents, you're sixty cents, and we're two pieces.
36、我只有两个心愿,在你身边,你在身边。 I have only two wishes, by your side, by your side.
37、我喜欢你,比地球上任何人都喜欢。 I like you more than anyone on earth.
38、我喜欢你,看见第一眼就喜欢了。 I like you at the first sight.
39、我喜欢的东西有很多,但都比不上你。 I like a lot of things, but they are not as good as you.
40、我好喜欢你的名字,和你笑的样子。 I love your name and the way you smile.
41、我有一句喜欢你,不知当讲不当讲。 I have a sentence that I like you. I don't know whether to say it or not.
42、我有话想对你说,去掉有话和对说。 I have something I want to say to you.
43、我爱你,今生注定为你痴狂! I love you, this life is destined to be crazy for you!
44、我爱你,我要对你说出我的爱! I love you, I want to tell you my love!
45、我爱你,爱你一生一世不分离。 I love you forever.
46、我爱你,爱你之心,因你绽放! I love you, love your heart, because you bloom!
47、我爱你,让我们的爱天长地久。 I love you, let our love last forever.
48、我的情,是乘方,分分秒秒无极限。 My love, is the power, every minute has no limit.
49、日常很无趣,除非常是你。 Everyday is boring except for you.
50、是水,我是鱼,相伴相知。 It's water. I'm fish. I know each other.
51、给爱你加个期限是:一万年。 Add a deadline to love you: 10000 years.
52、给疼你加个期限是:一生。 To pain you add a deadline is: life.
53、老子是个好东西,希望你也有一个。 Laozi is a good thing. I hope you have one too.
54、能爱就爱,爱就爱个开怀。 If you can love, love and be happy.
55、见山是山,见水是水,见你是全世界。 Seeing mountains is mountains, seeing water is water, seeing you is the world.
56、说真的,输了你,赢了世界又如何? Seriously, what about losing you and winning the world?
57、谈恋爱太麻烦了,以后就麻烦你了。 It's too troublesome to fall in love. I'll trouble you later.
58、那就在一起,黄昏与四季。 Then together, dusk and four seasons.
59、闲时与你立黄昏,灶前问你粥可温。 I will stand with you at dusk in my spare time. I will ask you if your porridge is warm in front of the stove.
60、麦穗在微风中摇曳,心事都付之一笑。 The ears of wheat swayed in the breeze, and they all laughed at their worries.