1、一个明白,爱情多少路。 A understand, love how many road.
2、三人行,总有一人要出局! Three people line, there is always one out!
3、不是我爱你,而是在一起。 Not that I love you, but together.
4、不要怨恨,不要念念不忘。 Don't hate, don't forget.
5、东流水,我在河边为你驻足! East water, I stop by the river for you!
6、你不在身边,幸福那么遥远。 You are not around, happiness is so far away.
7、你为友情而来,却把爱情带走。 You come for friendship, but take love away.
8、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。 Your city is the source of my missing.
9、你是唯一的,无可取代。 You are unique and irreplaceable.
10、入我相思病门,知我相思苦。 Enter my lovesickness door, know I love bitterness.
11、单身,并不意味你不懂爱情。 Being single doesn't mean you don't understand love.
12、后面的路是风是雨我陪你。 The road behind is wind and rain, I will accompany you.
13、回不了已往,也不再悔过当初! Can not return to the past, also no longer repent of the original!
14、在轻痛时转身,放爱远行。 Turn around when the pain is light, and let love go far.
15、多情的青春,慌乱了爱情。 Amorous youth, flustered love.
16、对自己负责,对对方负责。 Be responsible to yourself and to the other party.
17、小丑他哭了,世界却笑了。 The clown cried, but the world laughed.
18、希望,不是要比回忆好一些吗? Hope, isn't it better than recollection?
19、心事像羽毛,越飘越逍遥。 My heart is like a feather. The more I float, the more carefree I am.
20、忘记名字吧,我给你一个家。 Forget your name. I'll give you a home.
21、怕失散所以紧紧拉你的手。 I'm afraid of losing, so I'll hold your hand tightly.
22、想给你温柔,也想被你照顾。 Want to give you gentle, also want to be taken care of by you.
23、愿得一人心,白首不分离! Wish to have a heart, white head does not separate!
24、愿得一人心,白首终不离。 Wish to have a heart, white head never leave.
25、我以为不露痕迹,思念却满溢。 I thought there was no trace, but my thoughts were overflowing.
26、我们终于老死不相往来。 We finally died of old age.
27、我们都忘了,这条路走了多久。 We all forget how long it took.
28、我会随你到时间的尽头。 I'll follow you to the end of time.
29、我想在你身边不管有没有明天。 I want to be by your side, whether there is tomorrow or not.
30、我想抱抱你然后腻在你怀里。 I want to hold you and get bored in your arms.
31、我的存在,就是为了想念你。 I exist to miss you.
32、我读懂了你,你却忽略了我。 I understand you, but you ignore me.
33、担心的泪水,失去的温柔。 Worried tears, lost tenderness.
34、擦肩而过,我们谁也没回过头。 Passing by, none of us turned back.
35、时光飞逝,我们也已老去。 Time flies and we are old.
36、最大的愿望:陪你去流浪。 The biggest wish: accompany you to wander.
37、最好的幸福,是你给的在乎。 The best happiness is the care you give.
38、来世的温柔,慈悲的情怀。 The tenderness and compassion of the afterlife.
39、欺人莫欺心,伤人勿伤情。 Don't hurt others.
40、没你的世界,只剩下回忆。 The world without you, only memories.
41、爱就像是光芒,挣扎的生长。 Love is like light, struggling to grow.
42、爱本是*的,该接受那变化。 Love is free and should accept the change.
43、爱若难以放手心,何不放心里。 If love is hard to put your hands on, why not put them in your heart.
44、白开水最解渴,真心话才动人。 Boiled water is the best way to quench one's thirst.
45、秋风凉,秋风忘,今夜别思量。 Cool autumn wind, forget autumn wind, don't think about it tonight.
46、等待遍体鳞伤。然后就此收场。 Waiting for black and blue. And that's it.
47、累了,痛了,想的多了。 Tired, painful, think more.
48、能不能不爱了,因为爱太痛了。 Can not love, because love is too painful.
49、能伤害到我的,都是我爱的。 I love what can hurt me.
50、自己的辛酸、只有自己知道。 Own bitterness, only oneself knows.
51、若爱长成了刺,思念变成了痴。 If love grows into thorns, yearning becomes infatuation.
52、蒲公英的凋零,我生活的曲折。 Dandelion withered, my life twists and turns.
53、装逼被雷劈,从头劈到逼。 You're going to be struck by thunder, from head to toe.
54、让时间说真话,虽然我也害怕。 Let time tell the truth, though I'm afraid.
55、谁能给姐一段刻骨铭心的爱情。 Who can give elder sister an unforgettable love.
56、谁让我失望,我就让谁绝望。 Let me down, I will let them despair.
57、谁都不是我的对手,除了你。 No one is my match, except you.
58、距离使两颗心靠的更近。 Distance brings two hearts closer together.
59、身后空无一人,嚣张是我本性。 There is no one behind me. Arrogance is my nature.
60、错把今生负,回首月半弯。 Wrong life negative, looking back half moon.