1、一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。 A fence three piles, a good man three help.

2、一半明媚,一半阴霾,这就是人生。 Half the bright, half the haze, this is life.

3、一辈子很短,我愿意和你将错就错! Life is short, I am willing to be wrong with you!

4、不可遗失的留恋,只可肆意的思恋。 Do not lose your love, but you can only think freely.

5、不论成功还是失败,都是系于自己。 Whether it succeeds or fails, it's all about yourself.

6、世界上再好的都不要,因为我有你。 Never in the world, because I have you.

7、世间万难,无非一拖二懒三不读书。 The world is too difficult to be lazy.

8、两情若是长久时,还不结婚待何时? If two feelings are long, don't marry when?

9、中午时分,好想躺在你的怀里睡觉。 At noon, I want to lie in your arms and sleep.

10、人生顺境需积德,人生逆境需励志。 A good life is a good thing.

11、他没我都很好,我有什么资格不好。 He's not as good as I am. I'm not qualified.

12、以前那么的好,现在却那么地陌生。 It used to be so good, but now it's so strange.

13、以后,我不会再为任何人付出什么。 After that, I will not pay anything for anyone.

14、你别说了别说了,再说,我就哭了。 Don't say it. Besides, I'm crying.

15、你弃我万年孤苦,定是我罪无可恕。 You have forsaken me for years, but Ihave nothing to forgive.

16、你犯的错,除了我已被所有人看到。 You made a mistake, except I've been seen by everyone.

17、你的无情无义,教会了我绝情狠心。 Your unfeeling has taught me to be cruel.

18、你的身边太拥挤,让我无法靠近你。 Your side is too crowded for me to get close to you.

19、你负责编织谎言,我负责配合表演。 You are responsible for weaving lies, and I am responsible for performing.

20、倾城之恋,年华带走谁等待的思念。 The love in the city, in the years to take who waits for the missing.

21、偏执的不去想起,却依然无法忘记。 Bigotry does not recall, but still cannot forget.

22、偶尔自作多情下。日子还这么潇洒。 I have to be spontaneous. The days are so smart.

23、冲破人生的冰河, To break through the ice of life, to foster the hope of immortality.

24、别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声。 Don't have a deep sorrow, but you will be silent.

25、到底什么时候。我会彻底的忘了你。 Exactly when. I'll completely forget you.

26、华丽谢幕的背后,谁懂我受的伤害。 Behind the curtain, who knows my hurt.

27、却待你青丝绾正,笑看君怀她笑颜。 But treat you to be beautiful to be positive, smile to see you smile.

28、可不可以说我“坚强”不下去了呢。 I can't say I'm strong enough.

29、唯有靠化妆来掩饰,那苍白的容颜。 The only way to hide it is by makeup.

30、喜欢不一定是爱,但爱一定是喜欢。 Liking is not necessarily love, but love must be like.

31、在人生的泪雨中升起的彩虹最绚丽。 The rainbow that rises in the tears of life is the most beautiful.

32、如果你想离开我,就别再畏畏缩缩。 If you want to leave me, don't hold back.

33、如果期待得到结果,愿意因你着魔。 If you expect results, be willing to be possessed by you.

34、如此不堪的不单是爱情,而是人生。 It's not just love, it's life.

35、学会忘记,学会不用回忆折磨自己。 Learn to forget, learn not to remember to torture yourself.

36、年少就应该有梦,有梦就不要怕痛。 Young should have a dream, have a dream do not be afraid of pain.

37、年少无知知全部,周而复始始情节。 Young and ignorant, all the time.

38、成长中,痛并快乐的日子叫做青春。 When growing up, the day of pain and happiness is called youth.

39、我不是什么英雄只是爱你比较奋勇。 I'm not a hero. I just love you more.

40、我什么也不好,但我知道对爱人好。 I'm not good at anything, but I know it's good for my lover.

41、我们都生活在过去,却忘记了现在。 We all live in the past, but forget the present.

42、我是和寂寞相爱,孤独感从没离开。 I am in love with loneliness, loneliness never leave.

43、我需要的时间,请给我时间去爱m。 I need time, please give me time to love you.

44、把别人演成自己,把自己演到失忆。 Act as your own, play yourself to amnesia.

45、料得年年断肠处,明月夜,短松冈。 It is expected to be broken in the middle of the year.

46、时间、距离不是问题、只要我爱你。 Time, distance is not a problem, as long as I love you.

47、时间是圆的,将我一次次带回原地。 Time is round and brings me back and again.

48、明明自己不好,却还要伪装得很好。 When you are not good, you have to disguise yourself.上一页12下一页 With all the courage, the most brilliant smile.

49、更无柳絮因风起,唯有葵花向日倾。 There is no willow flocculation because of the wind, only sunflower tilting to the sun.

50、有时候,以为自己真的可以忘记了。 Sometimes, think oneself really can forget.

51、本来就一无所有,就不怕再少更多。 There is nothing to lose, nothing more.

52、柔情是提琴的语丝缠绕指尖的温暖。 Tenderness is the warmth of the violin's threads twining the fingertips.

53、毕业那天不许哭,我们微笑着滚蛋。 Don't cry on graduation day, we smile and fuck off.

54、清脆的声音,伴着我的心一起跌碎。 The sound of the crisp, with my heart broken.

55、照片里你的脸庞,笑容停在我眼眶。 Your face in the picture, a smile on my eyes.


57、眸子里,却是说不尽的寂寞,离落。 In the eyes, it is said that inexhaustible loneliness, from the fall.

58、礼貌是一种陌生,胡闹是一种依赖。 Politeness is a stranger, and mischief is a dependence.

59、美好是一种执念,我坚持,你随意。 Good is a kind of obsession, I insist, you are casual.

60、花落谁知许人怜,难得南柯一梦魇。 Who knows how to make people pity, rare nan ke a dream.

61、要有多巧你喜欢的人正好也喜欢你。 How lucky you are that the person you like just loves you, too.

62、请你记住我的好,或者记得我就好。 Please remember my good, or remember me.

63、谁念西风独自凉,当时只道是寻常。 Who thought the west wind alone was cold, then the tao was ordinary.

64、谁最牛逼谁最火,除了雷锋就是我。 Who is the most popular, besides lei feng is me.

65、谢谢你,我的左手旁边你是的右手。 Thank you, my left hand next to your right hand.

66、走过了留下痕迹,伤过了却是无奈。 Walk past leave mark, hurt but helpless.

67、距离让我们淡了,时间让我们累了。 The distance makes us weak, time makes us tired.

68、醉人不外花共酒,花是丽人酒是愁。 The intoxicated with the wine, the flower is the wine is sorrow.

69、问世间钱为何物,只叫我累死累活。 What money is for the invention, it only makes me dead and tired.

70、靡笄诘谋砬樵谖铱蠢础⑿槲蔽薇取 Your affable expression seems to me to be insincere.
