1、一日同行三日亲,一夜夫妻百世恩。 One day with three days of marriage, one night husband and wife Bethune.
2、七月十五定早涝,八月十五定收成。 Early waterlogging is set on July 15 and harvest is set on August
3、为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。 If you don't do something bad, you won't be surprised to knock at the door in the middle of the night.
4、亲帮亲,邻帮邻。 Help your neighbor, help your neighbor.
5、人不亏地皮,地不亏肚皮。 Man is not deficient in his land, but in his belly.
6、人哄地皮,地哄肚皮。 People coax the ground, coax the belly.
7、人在家中坐,祸从天上来。 Woe comes from heaven when a man sits at home.
8、人无头不走,鸟无翅不飞。 A man without head does not walk, a bird without wings does not fly.
9、人比人,气死人。 People are more angry than people.
10、人生在世,吃穿二字。 Living in the world, eating and wearing.
11、人美毋配饭,心美赢过鸭母生金蛋。 The beauty of human beings is not matched with rice. The beauty of heart is better than the golden egg of a duck mother.
12、借米不借柴,借衣不借鞋。 No rice, no wood, no clothes, no shoes.
13、光栽不护,白费工夫。 Planting without protection is a waste of time.
14、再穷不卖看家狗,再富不宰耕地牛。 No matter how poor you are, no matter how rich you are, no matter how rich you are, no matter how rich you are.
15、冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。 Eat carrots in winter and ginger in summer. No doctor's prescription is needed.
16、勤勤俭俭粮满仓,大脚大手仓底空。 The warehouse is full of hard work and thrift, and the bottom of the warehouse is empty with big feet and big hands.
17、十月怀胎,苦处无人知。 No one knows the hardships of having a baby in October.
18、千辛万苦,为着腹肚。 Hard work, for the belly.
19、吃鱼吃肉,也着粥饭咸菜甲。 Eat fish, eat meat, and eat porridge, rice, salted vegetables.
20、嘴唇一粒珠,讲话不认输。 Lips a bead, speech does not admit defeat.
21、增产好比摇钱树,节约像似聚宝盆。 Increasing production is like a cash cow, and saving is like a cornucopia.
22、多耙一遍地,顶下一场雨。 Rake over and over again to catch the rain.
23、多衣多寒,无衣不怕寒。 More clothes, more cold. No clothes, no fear of cold.
24、大石也要小石擎,红花也要绿叶扶。 Big rocks need small ones, and red flowers need green leaves.
25、天顶是天公,地下母舅公。 The top of the sky is the father-in-law.
26、好种出好苗,好葫芦开好瓢。 Good plants make good seedlings, good gourds make good ladles.
27、好竹出好笋,好老父出好囝孙。 Good bamboo makes good shoots, good father makes good grandchildren.
28、好花不常开,好景不常在。 Good flowers don't always bloom, good times don't always exist.
29、好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。 Good horses never stop, good cattle never stop ploughing.
30、媒人包入房,没包你一世人。 A matchmaker enters a house without you.
31、子女不要多,好好生一个。独生子一枝花,多男多女受拖磨。 Don't have many children. Have one. The only child has one flower, many men and many women are dragged.
32、家业家业,有家就有业。 Family business, family business.
33、密种不上粪,满地柴火棍。 It's too dense to plant dung. It's full of firewood sticks.
34、常在河边站,难免会湿鞋。 If you stand by the river, you will get wet.
35、当家才知柴米贵,养儿方晓报娘恩。 When I was in charge, I knew that chaimi was expensive. My son, Fang Xiao, reported his mother's kindness.
36、打断手骨,巅倒勇。 Break the bones of your hands and be brave at the top.
37、春天捅一棍,秋天吃一顿。 A stick in spring, a meal in autumn.
38、春天比粪堆,秋后比粮堆。 Compared with dunghill in spring, compared with grain pile in autumn.
39、春旱不算旱,秋旱减一半。 Spring drought is not drought, but autumn drought is reduced by half.
40、春耕不着忙,秋后添饥荒。 Spring ploughing is not busy, but famine after autumn.
41、是骡子是马,拉出来遛遛。 It's mules or horses. Pull them out for a walk.
42、有吃有行气,有烧香有保庇。 There is food, there is breath, there is incense, there is shelter.
43、有囝万事足,无官一身轻。 All things are enough when there is no official, but all the body is light.
44、有情毋惊千里远,无情哪怕门对门。 If you have feelings, you will not be surprised for thousands of miles.
45、有钱吃鱼肉,无钱求粗饱。 If you have money to eat fish, if you don't have money, you need plenty.
46、有食有行气,有烧香就有保庇。 When there is food, there is breath; when there is incense, there is shelter.
47、桶无箍会散,家无主会乱。 A barrel without hoop will be scattered, and a house without owner will be disordered.
48、毋惊少年苦,只惊老来穷。 Don't worry about the hardships of the youth, but about the poverty of the old.
49、洗面着洗耳后,扫地着扫壁边。 After washing your face and ears, sweep the floor and sweep the wall.
50、父母在日毋孝顺,百岁年后哭鬼神。 Parents are not filial in the day, cry ghosts and gods after one hundred years old.
51、父母毋亲跟谁亲,父母毋敬敬何人? Who are parents to whom and to whom?
52、犁田出好牛,久病见孝子。 Plow the fields to produce good cattle, and see filial piety after a long illness.
53、眼看十遍,不如手写一遍。 It's better to write once than ten times.
54、禾锄三遍仓仓满,豆锄三遍粒粒圆。 Three times for hoe, three times for pea.
55、紧赶慢赶,小满开铲。 Hurry up and slow down. Xiaoman opens the shovel.
56、绿肥压三年,瘦地变良田。 Green manure pressure for three years, thin land into good farmland.
57、自古人无千日好,好花难留百日红。 Since ancient times, a good flower can't keep a hundred days red.
58、草水喂到,胜于加料。 Grass water is better than feed.
59、要想人不知,除非己莫为。 If you want people to know, you can't do it unless you do it yourself.
60、豆后豆,穷不够,谷后谷,捧着哭。 Beans after beans, poor enough, valley after Valley, holding crying.
61、贪酒不顾病,贪色不顾身,贪财不顾亲。 He who is greedy for wine does not care about disease, lust does not care about his body, and money does not care about his relatives.
62、远亲不如近邻,近邻不如对面。 A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor, and a near neighbor is not as good as the opposite.
63、铺沙种瓜,叉甜又大。 Spread sand and plant melon, the fork is sweet and big.
64、问路靠嘴水,行路靠脚腿。 Ask for directions by mouth, and walk by feet and legs.
65、雀捕螳螂人捕雀,有心人对无心人。 A bird catches a mantis a man catches a bird.
66、饭顿赴会着,恰好吃补药。 Dinner was coming to the meeting, and I happened to take tonic.
67、马无夜草不肥,人无勤俭不富。 No horse, no grass, no fat; no man, no industry, no wealth.