1、一方有难,八方支援。 If one side is in trouble, the eight sides will support it.

2、一点一滴汇成大海,一分一角凝聚希望。 Little by little, they converge into the sea, and little by little, they gather hope.

3、乐善好施,博爱互助。 Kindness, charity and mutual assistance.

4、乐自施中,福从心来! Happiness comes from the heart when you are willing to give!

5、人人心中有慈善,慈善爱心为人人。 There is charity in everyone's heart, and charity is for everyone.

6、人人献出一份爱,和谐三门更精彩。 Everyone gives a love, harmony is more wonderful.

7、传递爱的接力,奉献爱的温馨。 Pass on the relay of love, dedicate the warmth of love.

8、伸出您温暖的双手,献出您无限的爱意。 Stretch out your warm hands and give your infinite love.

9、伸出温暖手,打开爱心门。 Reach out your warm hand and open the door of love.上一页12下一页 Heart warm Tongzhou, heart hope.

10、你帮我帮大家帮,同一首歌大家唱。 Help me to help you, sing the same song.

11、你的爱心,我们用良心传递! Your love, we convey with conscience!

12、公益在线,爱心无限。 Public welfare online, infinite love.

13、发展慈善事业,构建和谐社会。 Developphilanthropy and build a harmonious society.

14、发展慈善事业,造福特困群体。 Develop philanthropy to benefit the needy groups.

15、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。 As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.

16、善心留万代,真情永千秋。 Kindness will last for generations, and true feelings will last forever.

17、多一份捐赠,多一份贡献,多一份爱心。 One more donation, one more contribution, one more love.

18、多一份爱心,多一份希望。 More love, more hope.

19、大爱无疆,真爱永恒。 Great love knows no boundaries, and true love lasts forever.

20、奉献爱心,构建和谐。 Dedicate love and build harmony.

21、帮助别人,快乐自己。 Help others and be happy with yourself.

22、帮困助学,敬老扶残。 Help the poor and help the students, respect the old and help the disabled.

23、建设富有人文关怀的慈善爱心城。 Build a city of charity and love full of humanistic care.

24、弘扬人道主义,帮扶贫困残疾。 Promote humanitarianism and help alleviate poverty and disability.

25、心手相连,希望递传。 Hand in hand, hope to pass on.

26、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。 Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.


28、情系我的兄弟姐妹,帮扶贫困残疾人。 Love my brothers and sisters, help the poor disabled.

29、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。 Thank you for your concern and support for charity.

30、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。 Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.

31、慈善只有起点,爱心没有终点。 Charity has only a beginning, but love has no end.

32、慈善暖人心,互助见真情。 Charity warms people's hearts and helps each other to see the truth.

33、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。 Charity and love warms the heart.

34、慈善献红心,真情华夏人。 Charity gives hearts, true feelings of Chinese people.

35、慈善,蓝天下的至爱。 Charity is the love of the blue sky.

36、慈心不分多少,善举不分先后。 There is no difference between kindness and good deeds.

37、成长路上有爱同行。 On the way to grow up, there are people who love each other.

38、我行动、我慈善,为世界贡献正能量。 I act, I am charitable, and I contribute positive energy to the world.

39、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。 Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.

40、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。 Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.

41、施一滴爱心,社会和谐。 Give a drop of love, social harmony.

42、施乐会,会施乐,会乐施! Oxfam, Oxfam, Oxfam!

43、施予善,乐于爱。 Give kindness and love.

44、施他,乐我,会天下。 Give him, please me,and you will see the world.

45、汇聚爱心力量,共建和谐社会。 Gather love and build a harmonious society.

46、温情手拉手,爱心在顾中。 Warm hand in hand, love in mind.

47、点亮一盏灯,温暖一颗心。 Light a lamp and warm a heart.

48、爱付出,心有福。 Blessed is the heart that loves to give.

49、爱如阳光,施乐传播。 Love is like sunshine, Xerox spreads.

50、爱心无限,大爱无边。 Love is infinite, love is infinite.

51、爱心是一泓清泉,洗净你我的心灵。 Love is a clear spring that cleanses your heart and soul.

52、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒! Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!

53、爱是生命的火焰,没有它,一切变成黑暗。 Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything becomes dark.

54、爱链链接爱,供需总关情。 Love chain links love, supply and demand.

55、爱需要传递,真情需要融汇。 Love needs to be transmitted and true feelings need to be merged.

56、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。 Give love and you will become an angel of love.

57、用心传递爱,你我共接力。 Heart to heart, you and I relay.

58、用心帮助,行善无忧。 Help with your heart and do good without worry.

59、用爱心浇灌事业,用真情感动上帝。 Irrigate your career with love and move God with true feelings.

60、用爱心的沃土,助希望的青苗茁壮成长。 Use the fertile soil of love to help the seedlings of hope grow vigorously.

61、留下爱心,带走幸运。 Leave love and take away luck.

62、相助手牵手,关爱心连心。 Help each other hand in hand, care for each other.

63、精彩在线,爱心相伴。 Wonderful online, companion love.

64、给人以关爱、给人以方便、给人以欢乐、给人以希望。 Give people care, give people convenience, give people joy, give people hope.

65、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。 It takes patience and patience to show love.

66、让我们手拉手,让爱心从指尖传过。 Let's hand in hand, let love pass through our fingertips.

67、让爱心在希望中绽放,让希望在教育中成长。 Let love blossom in hope, let hope grow in education.

68、让爱永驻人间。 Let love last forever.

69、请把我们的爱献给需要我们关心的人。 Please giveour love to those who need our care.

70、送人玫瑰手有余香。 A rose hand is fragrant.

71、阳光、雨露、雪中炭;真爱、慈善、人间情。 Sunshine, rain, snow and charcoal; true love, charity, human feelings.

72、鸟儿飞翔,需要翅膀。 Birds need wings to fly.
