1、一个人有什么样的目标,就将过什么样的人生。 What kind of goal a person has, what kind of life he will live.

2、一个人追求的目标越高,他的能力就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。 The higher the goal a person pursues, the faster his ability develops and the more beneficial it is to society.

3、一个人,只要知道付出爱与关心,她内心自然会被爱与关心充满。 As long as a person knows to give love and care, her heart will naturally be filled with love and care.

4、一个胜利者不会放弃,而一个放弃者永远不会胜利。 A winner never gives up, and a quitter never wins.

5、不要订微不足道的计划,因为它没有使人热血沸腾的魅力。 Don't make a trivial plan because it doesn't have the charisma to stir people up.

6、不需要计划,在我们的战场上是没有计划的。用绝对的力量,抹掉它。 There is no need to plan. There is no plan in our battlefield. With absolute power, erase it.

7、与其忧虑未来,不如计划未来。 Instead of worrying about the future, plan for it.

8、事前有计划,准备充足,常常产生乳狗噬虎的效果。 Plan ahead, prepare enough, often produce the effect of sucking dog and biting tiger.

9、事前没计划好,现在米已成炊,要亡羊补牢也来不及了。 I didn't plan ahead. Now rice has been cooked. It's too late to mend it.

10、人生主要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的标的目标。 The main thing in life is not where we stand, but what we aim for.

11、你用于计划的时间越长,你完成工作所需要的时间就越短。 The longer you spend on planning, the less time you need to complete the work.

12、先计划再行动,先策划再沟通。 Plan before action, plan before communication.

13、凡是计划一定要有结果,哪怕是阶段性的结果。 Every plan must have results, even periodical results.

14、只有拥有奋斗精神,为自己的目标不懈奋斗,这才是成功的关键。 The key to success is to have the spirit of struggle and work hard for our own goals.

15、学习要有方法,要有计划,才能事半功倍。 Only with methods and plans can we achieve twice the result with half the effort.

16、对生活没有计划的人,还没开始就先输了。 Those who have no plan for life lose before they start.

17、已经完成的小事,胜于计划中的大事。 The little things that have been done are better than the big things in the plan.

18、平常人生要用寻常的心去看待,你的人生将会更出众。 Ordinary life should be treated with ordinary heart, your life will be more outstanding.

19、平时做事无计划,急时做事无头绪。 There is no plan to do things at ordinary times and no clue to do things in a hurry.

20、当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有价值的人。 When a person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is a valuable person.

21、志向是前进的驱动力,计划是前进的路线图。 Ambition is the driving force and plan is the road map.

22、忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划,但不要放弃你的梦想。 Forget about plans you didn't implement, but don't give up on your dreams.

23、成功者往往有个计划,而失败者往往有个托辞。 Winners often have a plan, while losers often have an excuse.

24、我什么都没有,这点我清楚,如果没有目标,就不会被任何人期待。 I have nothing. I know that if I don't have a goal, I won't be expected by anyone.

25、我们做事情要有目标,不要朝三暮四,乱定计划,这样往往一事无成。 We should have a goal in doing things. We should not make plans in a random way. In this way, we often achieve nothing.

26、我们既要有雄心壮志,又要有实现这一壮志的周密计划。 We should have both ambition and careful plans to achieve it.

27、所谓意外,只是事情没有按计划中的进行罢了,世界上本没有意外。 The so-called accident is just that things didn't go ahead as planned. There was no accident in the world.

28、明确的目标,具体的计划;充分的准备,大量的行动。 Clear goals, specific plans; full preparation, a large number of actions.

29、最初的计划如果只订出低目标,达到的成果必定在目标之下。 If the original plan only set a low goal, the achievement must be under the goal.

30、有人说,有目标的人生,叫旅行,没有目标的人生,只能叫流浪。 Some people say that a life with goals is called travel. A life without goals can only be called wandering.

31、有目标的人生才有方向,有规划的人生才更精彩。 Only a life with a goal has a direction, and a life with a plan is more wonderful.

32、有计划、有目的做事,没有一天是可以浪费的。 There is no day to waste when you have a plan and a purpose.

33、生活总与我们开玩笑,你计划的是一样,发生的又是另一样。 Life is always joking with us. What you plan is the same and what happens is the same.

34、用百折不回的毅力,有计划地克服所有的困难。 With perseverance, we will overcome all difficulties in a planned way.

35、用钱要有计划,否则寅支卯粮,那就麻烦了。 We should have a plan to spend money, or we will have trouble spending more than we need.

36、百年寿限不准有,百年计划不可无。 The Centennial life limit is not allowed, and the Centennial plan is indispensable.

37、细节始于计划,计划同时也是一种细节,是很重要的细节。 The details begin with the plan. The plan is also a kind of detail, which is very important.

38、脑筋转个不停,不但使计划更周详,别人也会受感染而愿全力配合。 Keep turning your head, not only make the plan more detailed, others will be infected and willing to cooperate with you.

39、计划先这样制定,遇到特殊情况再见机行事。 The plan is made in this way first, and we'll see you when we meet with special circumstances.

40、订目标,做计划,大量的行动。 Set goals, make plans, take a lot of action.

41、让想象飞起来,让勤劳的双手把计划做起来。 Let the imagination fly, let the industrious hands do the plan.

42、贫穷是不需要计划的,致富才需要一个周密的计划,并去实践它。 Poverty does not need a plan. To get rich requires a careful plan and practice it.

43、赢家,永远都有一个计划;输家,永远都有一个借口! Winners always have a plan; losers always have an excuse!

44、过去的快乐留待回忆,未来的快乐正在计划,但快乐只能现在感受! The past happiness remains to be remembered, the future happiness is being planned, but happiness can only be felt now!

45、青春可以张扬,但不能挥霍;人生可以规划,但不能做作。 Youth can be publicized, but not squandered; life can be planned, but not artificial.