1、不勤于始,将悔于终。 If you are not diligent at the beginning, you will regret at the end.

2、不尽读天下之书,不能相天下之士。 If you don't read all the books in the world, you can't compare the scholars in the world.

3、不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在层。 Not afraid of clouds to cover the eyes, from the edge of the body in the layer.

4、不知道自己无知,乃是双倍的无知。 It is double ignorance not to know one's own ignorance.

5、不读书的人,思想就会停止。 People who don't read stop thinking.

6、世上何人不读书,书奴却以读书死。 Who in the world doesn't read books, but Book Slaves die of reading.

7、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.

8、世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。 The world is full of knowledge, and the human relationship is the article.

9、为乐趣而读书。 Read for fun.

10、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。 When books come to use, they will hate less, and things will not be difficult until they are known.

11、书到用时方恨少,事非经由不知难。 When a book is used, it is hard to hate.

12、书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。 When a book is used, it is hard to hate less.

13、书是唯一不死的东西。 Books are the only things that don't die.

14、书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。 Books are medicine, and good reading can cure folly.

15、书犹药也,善读可以医愚。 Books are medicine. Good reading can cure fools.

16、书痴者文必工,艺痴者技必良。 A bookworm must be skillful in writing, and a craftsman must be skillful.

17、书籍使人们成为宇宙的主人。 Books make people masters of the universe.

18、书籍备而不读,等于废纸。 Books prepared but not read are waste paper.

19、书籍是人类提高的蹊径。 Books are a way to improve human beings.

20、书籍是巨大的力量。 Books are great power.

21、书籍犹如朋友,必须慎重选择。 Books, like friends, must be chosen carefully.

22、买书没有读书难,读书没有消化难。 It's not difficult to buy books, it's not difficult to digest them.

23、于不疑处有疑,方是进矣。 Where there is no doubt, there is no doubt.

24、人家不必论贫富,惟有读书声最佳。 People don't have to talk about the rich and the poor, only reading is the best.

25、人能不食十二日,惟书安可一日无。 A man can live without food for twelve days, but Shuan can live without food for one day.

26、假设始终先于知识。 Assumption always precedes knowledge.

27、光阴给我们经验,读书给我们知识。 Time gives us experience, reading gives us knowledge.

28、劝君莫将油炒菜,留与儿孙夜读书。 Don't stir fry vegetables in oil, and stay with your children and grandchildren to study at night.

29、勤奋是成功之母,懒惰乃万恶之源。 Diligence is the mother of success, and laziness is the root of all evils.

30、千淘万浪虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始到金。 Thousands of waves, though hard, blow all the sand before gold.

31、和书籍生活在一起,永远不会叹气。 Live with books and never sigh.

32、坏书如同坏朋友,能使我们堕落。 Bad books, like bad friends, can corrupt us.

33、天才就是这样,终身努力便成天才。 Genius is like this. If you work hard all your life, you will become a genius.

34、天行健,君子以自强不息。 As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.

35、好读书,不求甚解。 Good at reading without understanding.

36、学问是光明,愚昧是黑暗。念书吧! Learning is light, ignorance is darkness. Go to school!

37、小时不教成浑虫,长大不学成懒龙。 If you don't teach when you are young, you will not learn when you grow up.

38、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 Youth is easy to learn, but old is hard to succeed.

39、年少从他爱梨粟,长成须读五车书。 When he was young, he loved Li Su, but when he grew up, he had to read five books.

40、强学博览,足以通古今。 Strong learning Expo, enough to pass the ancient and modern.

41、怀疑是知识之钥。 Doubt is the key to knowledge.

42、懒人做工作,越懒越费力。 Lazy people work harder.

43、早知今日读书是,悔作从前任侠非。 If I had known that I would study today, I would have regretted being a former chivalrous man.

44、格天功业有本源,谁谓读书记名姓? Ge Tian's contribution has its origin. Who means to read the Secretary's name?

45、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height.

46、比赛必有一胜,苦学必有一成。 There will be a victory in competition and a success in hard study.

47、求学将以致用,读书先在虚心。 Study will make use of it. Study with an open mind.

48、温故而知新,可以为师矣。 He who by reviewing the old can gain knowledge of the new and is fit to be a teacher.

49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 If you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you can recite them even if you can't write them.

50、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。 The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

51、用活书,活用书,用书活。 Live with books, live with books, live with books.

52、登山则情满于山,观海则意溢于海。 Mountaineering is full of feelings, while sea watching is full of feelings.

53、百倍其功,终必有成。 A hundred times as much as you can, you will succeed in the end.

54、真知即所以为行,不行不足谓之知。 True knowledge means doing. If you can't do it, it's called knowing.

55、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 To know is to know, and to know is to know.

56、积累知识,胜过积蓄金银。 To accumulate knowledge is better than to accumulate gold and silver.

57、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。 Intelligence comes from diligence, genius from accumulation.

58、至乐莫如读书,至要莫如教子。 The greatest joy is not like reading, the most important is not like teaching children.

59、若不学诗,则无以言。 If you don't learn poetry, you can't speak.

60、要得惊人艺,须下苦功夫。 If you want to get amazing skills, you have to work hard.

61、读一本好书,就像交了一个益友。 Reading a good book is like making a good friend.

62、读万卷书,行万里路。 Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

63、读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一暴十寒。 If you don't read at three o'clock and five drums, you're afraid of being extremely cold.

64、读书不知要领,劳而无功。 I don't know the main point of reading, but I've done nothing.

65、读书之乐何处寻,数点梅花天地心。 Where to find the pleasure of reading, count the heart of plum blossom heaven and earth.

66、读书以熟为贵,作文亦然。 Familiarity is the most important thing in reading, so is composition.

67、读书何所求?将以通事理。 What do you want from reading? It will be based on common sense.

68、读书使人心明眼亮。 Reading makes the mind clear.

69、读书勿求多,岁月既积,卷帙自富。 Don't read too much. Years accumulate and you will become rich.

70、读书应自己思索,自己做主。 When reading, you should think for yourself and make your own decisions.

71、读书而不回想,犹如食物而不消化。 Reading without recollection is like food without digestion.

72、读书要玩味。 Read with relish.

73、读书越多,精神就愈健壮而勇敢。 The more books you read, the stronger and braver your spirit will be.

74、读活书,活读书,读书活。 Live reading, live reading, live reading.

75、贫寒更须读书,富贵不忘稼穑。 The poor need to study, and the rich do not forget farming.

76、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。 There is a long way to go. I will go up and down.

77、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 There are no colorful Phoenix wings in the body, but there is something in the heart.

78、退笔如山起足珍,读书万卷始通神。 Back from the pen like a mountain, full of treasure, read ten thousand volumes before the God.

79、问渠那得清如许?为有源头活水来。 How clear is the canal? For a source of fresh water.

80、非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 There is no ambition without indifference, and no ambition without tranquility.

81、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。 If a bird wants to fly high, it must first flutter its wings. If a man wants to advance, he must first read.