1、一如既往坚定忠诚,当初怎样为胜利而战,如今便怎样为失败而战。 As always, we should be firm and loyal. How we fought for victory, now we will fight for defeat.

2、一旦到了人们只顾自己,乘头等车厢,却用货车车厢装运书籍的那一天,就是世界末日的来临。 The end of the world will come on the day when people only care about themselves and take the first-class carriages to load books in the freight cars.

3、不到一百年,就不该有人知道其中的含义。 In less than a hundred years, no one should know what it means.

4、不用他说出是为了爱情而悲伤,她一下就猜出那是人类最古老的眼泪。 He did not have to say it was for love and sadness, she guessed that it was the oldest human tears.

5、不要恳求任何人,不要在别人面前卑躬屈节。你就当别人早就把我枪毙了。 Don't beg anyone. Don't kowtow in front of others. You just think that someone else shot me.

6、不论在什么地方都要记住,回忆没有归路,春天总是一去不复返,最疯狂执着的爱情也终究是过往云烟。 No matter where you are, you should remember that memories have no way back. Spring is always gone forever. The most crazy and persistent love is also the past.

7、人的很多苦痛无法言说,许多人的举措无可奈何。 A lot of people's pain can't be said, and many people's actions are helpless.

8、他对哗哗的雨声也习已为常了,两个月后,这雨声就成了一种新的寂静。 He was used to the noise of the rain, and two months later, it became a new silence.

9、他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。 He longed for solitude, and his resentment of the whole world gnawed at his heart.

10、他隐约知道,一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knew that the secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness.

11、你想做什么蠢事就做吧,而我想说什么蠢话就说吧。 Do whatever you want to be stupid, and I'll say what I want to say.

12、你看那天,看那墙,看那秋海棠,今天还是星期一。 Look at that day, look at the wall, look at the Begonia. Today is still Monday.

13、八月的一个下午,阿玛兰妲在彻底拒绝了这位坚毅的追求者后,再也无法忍受执拗性情的重压,锁在房间里为自己孤独到死的命运痛哭起来。 On an August afternoon, amaranda, after completely rejecting this determined suitor, could no longer bear the pressure of her stubborn temperament. She locked herself in her room and cried bitterly for her lonely fate to death.

14、其实他在意的不是死亡而是生命,因此听到死刑判决时,他心中没有恐惧只有留恋。 In fact, what he cared about was not death but life, so when he heard the death sentence, he had no fear but nostalgia.

15、别生了,母牛们,生命是短暂的。 Don't give birth, cows. Life is short.

16、别错过机会,人生比你想象中的要短。 Don't miss the opportunity. Life is shorter than you think.

17、即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。 Even if you're not afraid of God, you're afraid of metal.

18、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。 You don't belong to this place as long as there are no dead people buried in the ground.

19、哪儿有贫穷,哪儿就有爱情。 Where there is poverty, there is love.

20、在这潮湿寂静、远在原罪之先就已存在的天堂里,远征队的人们被最古老的回忆压得喘不过气来。 In this moist, silent paradise that existed long before sin, the expeditionary men were overwhelmed by the oldest memories.

21、地球是圆的,就像个橙子。 The earth is round, like an orange.

22、多生一些吧,母牛,生命短促呀! Give birth to more cows. Life is short!

23、她在没有恶梦的睡眠中,在没完没了的水浴中,在没有定时的饮食中,在没有回忆的深沉而长久的沉默中一点点成熟起来。 She matures little by little in sleep without nightmares, in endless baths, in untimely meals, in deep and long silence without memories.

24、她的生命就消O在刺绣裹尸布上了。据说她是白天绣,晚上拆。她本不想以这种方式打破孤独,相反,想以这种方式来保持孤独。 Her life was lost in the embroidered shroud. It is said that she embroidered during the day and disassembled at night. She didn't want to break her loneliness in this way. Instead, she wanted to stay lonely in this way.

25、家族中第一个人被捆在树上,最后一个人正被蚂蚁吃掉。 The first person in the family is tied to a tree, and the last one is being eaten by ants.

26、平庸将你的心灵烘干到没有一丝水分,然后荣光才会拨动你心灵最深处的弦。 Mediocrity will dry your heart until there is no trace of water, and then glory will stir your heart's deepest string.

27、很多人选择了向虚拟现实的魅力屈服,寄情于自我幻想,这纵然不切实际却更能与人安慰。 Many people choose to succumb to the charm of virtual reality and place their feelings in self fantasy, which is more comforting even if it is impractical.

28、我们战斗了那么久,只不过为了不把墙面刷成蓝色而是刷得像鸽子那么白。 We fought for so long, just to make the walls not blue but as white as pigeons.

29、我们趋行在人生这个亘古的旅途,在坎坷中奔跑,在挫折里涅,忧愁缠满全身,痛苦飘洒一地。我们累,却无从止歇;我们苦,却无法回避。 We tend to travel in this ancient journey of life, running in the rough, Nirvana in frustration, sadness all over the body, pain floating on the ground. We are tired, but we can't stop; we suffer, but we can't avoid it.

30、我只是一个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘。 I am just a craftsman who has no memory. The only dream left is to be forgotten.

31、我渐渐能意会到,深刻并不等于接近事实。 I have come to realize that profundity does not mean being close to the truth.

32、有时两人会一直默默坐到傍晚,面对着面,彼此凝视,在静谧中相爱,并不比当初在癫狂中相爱减色。 Sometimes they will sit quietly until evening, face to face, gaze at each other, and love each other in silence, which is no less than love in madness.

33、正因为当初对未来做了太多的憧憬,所以对现在的自己尤其失望。生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,终究都需要用寂寞来偿还。 It is because at the beginning of the future to do too much, so the present self is particularly disappointed. In the life once had all splendid, after all needs to use the loneliness to repay.

34、死人在雨中望着他时流露出的无尽伤痛,对活人的深沉眷恋,在家中寻遍清水来润湿芦草的焦灼神情,总在他脑海里浮现,令他饱受折磨。 The endless pain of the dead looking at him in the rain, the deep attachment to the living, and the burning look of looking for water to wet the reed grass in his home, always came to his mind, which made him suffer.

35、没关系,最要紧的是不要迷失方向。 It doesn't matter. The most important thing is not to get lost.

36、生命中所有的灿烂,终要寂寞偿还。 All the splendor in life must be paid back by loneliness.

37、生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life is not what happened to you, but what you remember and how.

38、谎言说得越来越真诚,最后连她自己也从中得到了安慰。 The lie became more and more sincere, and finally even she got comfort from it.

39、过去的都是假的,回忆是没有归途的,一切以往的春天都是无法复原的,连那最狂乱而已坚韧的爱情也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实! The past is false, memories are no way back, all the past spring is irrecoverable, even the most frenzied and tough love is just a fleeting reality!