1、一旦把握住了节奏,只需维持即可。 Once the rhythm is grasped, it can only be maintained.
2、不可能动不动就恋爱,我不愿意变得更加不幸。 It is impossible to fall in love, I do not want to become more unfortunate.
3、不可能对所有人都好脸相迎,这是我人生的一大原则。 It is impossible to greet everyone with a good face. This is a principle of my life.
4、不管其他人怎么说,我始终认为只有自己的感受才是正确的。 No matter what others say, I always think that only my own feelings are right.
5、不管奔跑速度降低了多少,我都不能走,这是原则。 No matter how much the running speed decreases, I can not go. This is the principle.
6、世上既有全然不像的亲子,又有长相一模一样的纯粹的他人。 There are totally different parents and children in the world.
7、世界上没有人喜欢孤独,只是不愿勉强交朋友,最终落得失望。 No one in the world likes to be lonely, but unwilling tomake friends, and finally disappointed.
8、世界像一锅稀粥,黏糊糊地没有骨骼,无从把握。 The world is like a pot of gruel, sticky without bones.
9、世间有形形**的人,有各种各样的猫。 There are all kinds of people in the world. There are all kinds of cats.
10、为了中止思考什么,势必中止思考想中止思考本身。 In order to stop thinking, it is bound to stop thinking and stop thinking itself.
11、人生基本是孤独的,但同时又能通过孤独这一频道同他人沟通。 Life is basically lonely, but at the same time, it can communicate with others through the lonely channel.
12、他能开朗地接纳旁人,却又活在深沉的孤独中。 He can be receptive to others, but he lives in deep solitude.
13、以容量不足的脑浆再怎么思考下去,也无非落得头痛而已。 How to ponder over the brain with insufficient capacity is nothing more than a headache.
14、但胜也好败也罢,打架终归什么也解决不了。 But if we win or lose, we will never be able to fight anything.
15、你一直磨损你自己,磨损的远比你想象的严重。 You wear yourself all the time, and the wear is far more serious than you think.
16、信赖却不能完全信任别人,这样的人生有时也是孤独的。 Trust is not enough to trust others, but sometimes life is also lonely.
17、做工作最好认认真真、踏踏实实。工作不踏实 It is better to be honest and steadfast in doing a job. Work is not practical, it is hard for people to imagine.
18、充实的时候,灵感是不会来的。 When enriched, inspiration will not come.
19、其实我是喜欢亚由美的,青豆想,我对她的喜欢远超自己的想象。 Actually, I like Ayumi, and green beans think that I like her much more than I can imagine.
20、即使上了年纪,不知道的事也很多很多。 Even though I am old, I don't know much about it.
21、只有通过动作的反复,才有可能将个别倾向化为习惯。 Only by repeated actions can it be possible to turn individual preferences into habits.
22、只要一提起敢死队,整个世界便充满和平、洋溢欢笑。 As long as we mention the death squads, the whole world is filled with peace and laughter.
23、呃,我在这里高谈阔论,事态想来也不会有所改变吧。 Well, I'm going to talk here, and I don't think things will change.
24、命运是在事后回顾的东西,不是事先知道的东西。 Destiny is something retrospect, not something beforehand.
25、咳,那葬礼实在是太凄凉了。人是不该那么死的。 Well, the funeral was really miserable. People should not die like that.
26、喜欢眼睛看得见的东西,和喜欢眼睛看不见的东西差不多。 What you like to see is almost the same thing that you can't see.
27、在*的高墙中,我们都是一只蛋。 In the high walls of the system, we are all an egg.
28、在那个阳台上,似乎还残留与飘荡着她深深的犹豫。 On that balcony, there seemed to be her deep hesitation and wanders.
29、在高大坚硬的墙和鸡蛋之间,我一开始永远站在鸡蛋那方。 Between the tall, hard walls and eggs, I always stood on the egg side.
30、夏天理因热,热才是最和平的。 Summer is the most peaceful because heat is the reason.
31、天空如罩上细细的粉尘,一片迷茫,阳光沉淀其中,奄奄一息。 The sky is covered with fine dust, a piece of hazy sunshine, and it is dying.
33、她置身于让人想起游泳池底的深深寂静。 She was reminiscent of the deep silence in the bottom of the swimming pool.
34、如候鸟没有用来抵押的资产,我也没有所谓安排。 If migratory birds do not have the assets to be mortgaged, I do not have any arrangement.
35、就算这世界上人满为患,可要凑齐四个合适的伙伴,还真难。 Even if the world is full of people, it is hard to get together four suitable partners.
36、岛是小岛,但再小的岛也自有其复杂的历史。 The island is an island, but the smaller island has its own complicated history.
37、当你穿过了暴风雨,你就不再是原来那个人。 When you go through a storm, you are no longer the same person.
38、心在记忆中,以意象为营养活着。 The mind lives in memory, nourishment by image.
39、怀着巨大的偏见当机立断——此乃杀人秘诀。 With great prejudices and decisions, this is the secret of murder.
40、性格会有所改变,而平庸却是万劫不变的。 Character will change, but mediocrity will remain unchanged.
41、愿你遇到一个成熟的爱人,一辈子不用长大。 May you meet a mature lover and never grow up for a lifetime.
42、我们将分别抱着不能挑明的秘密活着。 We will live with secrets that we can't tell.
43、我们最正常的地方,就是知道自已是不正常的。 Our most normal place is to know that we are not normal.
44、我们还年轻,不需要预言,生存本身就仿佛是预言性行为。 We are young and do not need prophecy. Survival itself is like prophetic behavior.
45、我们都将年老,这同下雨一样,都是明白无误的。 We all know old age, which is the same as rain.
46、我喜欢光着身子站在镜前,凝望那柔和的轮廓,恰如其分的活力。 I like to stand in front of the mirror naked and gaze at the gentle outline, the proper vitality.
47、我孤独的地老天荒。那里没有季节,没有光明。 I am lonely. There is no season, no light.
48、我希求的是某种心绪,至少不是理解和同情。 What I want is a certain mood, at least not understanding and sympathy.
49、所谓宗教不是提供真理,而是提供一种美丽的假设。 Religion is not a truth but a beautiful assumption.
50、所谓延续性,也就是道义性。而所谓道义性,就是精神的公正。 The so-called continuity is moral. The so-called moral character is the spirit of justice.
51、所谓绅士,就是不多谈论付过的税金和睡过的女人的人。 A gentleman is one who talks less about taxes paid and women who have slept.
52、无论怎么挣扎,人也要为与生俱来的东西所大大左右。 No matter how hard it is, people must have great influence on what they are born with.
53、无论怎么看这信甚至都不是写给你的信,怕是写给邮筒的。 No matter how you read it, it is not even written to you, for fear it is addressed to the post box.
54、无论熟知怎样的哲理也无以消除所爱之人的死带来的悲哀。 No matter what philosophy is known, no sorrow can be removed from the death of a loved one.
55、是啊,人有时会受到魔鬼和蔚蓝深海的双重夹击啊。 Yes, people are sometimes attacked by the devil and the deep blue sea.
56、有些人注定要相遇,有些人注定要分别。 Some people are destined to meet, some are doomed to be separated.
57、朋友用金钱买不到,用经费更买不到。 Friends can't buy with money, and can't be bought with funds.
58、权当傀儡好了,累得当傀儡。 Right when a puppet is good, tired is a puppet.
59、某种情况下,命运这东西类似不断改变前进方向的局部沙尘暴。 In some cases, fate is like a partial sandstorm that keeps changing direction.
60、死的人就一直死了,可我们以后还要活下去。 Dead people die all the time, but we still have to live.
61、沉默降临了,厚重且密度很高的沉默。 Silence came, thick and dense silence.
62、沙子往下落着,如蹉跎的时光一般同其他沙子混在一起。 The sand falls down, like wasted time, mixed with other sand.
63、然而幸运这东西,说起来无非是一张入场券。 Fortunately, this is nothing more than an admission ticket.
64、狭小的东西,抵御外力时容易变得坚固。 Small things tend to be firm when resisting external forces.
65、现实始终是冷澈的,始终是孤独的。 The reality is always cold and limpid, always lonely.
66、田村卡夫卡君的许多部分是我,也是你。 Many parts of Tian Cun Kafka Jun are me, and you too.上一页12下一页 She had already rotted into her bone marrow and stripped off the nice outer skin, which was full of rotten flesh.
67、电影中核**毁灭了地球,结局却皆大欢喜。 The nuclear war destroyed the earth in the movie, but the ending was very happy.
68、真相有时候将给人带来何等深的孤独! How deep loneliness the truth sometimes brings to people!
69、而且,那是一旦变成话语,就会丧失最重要的微妙含义的事情。 What's more, once it becomes a utterance, it will lose the most important subtle meaning.
70、自身的价值,很像给没有度量单位的物质称重。 Their own value is very much like weighing substances without measurement.
71、若词章乐不起来,必然半途而废。 If the chapter is not happy, it must be done halfway.
72、让百孔千疮的东西浮上水面,任何人都枉费心机。 It is a waste of effort for all those things to float on the surface.
73、记忆力出类拔萃。他的人生几乎全部由务实性细部构成。 Memory is outstanding. Almost all his life is made up of details of pragmatism.
74、话语的碎片,好像是被扯断了似的浮在空中。 The fragments of words seem to be floating in the air.
75、谁会喜欢孤独呢,只是不想要失望罢了。 Who would like to be lonely, just don't want to be disappointed.
76、质疑无一不是重复,回答永远是零。 Doubt is always duplication, and the answer is always zero.
77、这里的光是影的比喻,这里的影是光的比喻。 The light here is a metaphor for shadow. The shadow here is a metaphor for light.
78、逝去的时间变成尖利的长签,刺穿心脏。 Passing time becomes a sharp long sign, piercing the heart.
79、那里有很多谜语,谜底则一个也没有。 There are many riddles, and there are none.
80、青豆用和天吾相同的姿势在滑梯上坐下,仰望西南的天空。 Green beans sit on the slide with the same posture of Tian Wu and look up to the southwest sky.