1、三里清风,三里路,步步风里,步步你。 Three miles breeze, three miles Road, step by step in the wind, step by step you.

2、世界上再好的我都不要,因为我有你。 I don't want the best in the world, because I have you.

3、世界上,没未完的故事,只有未死的心。 In the world, there is no end of story, only the heart is not dead.

4、为了你,我改变过,我努力过,我悲伤过。 For you, I changed, I tried, I grieved.

5、人世间有百媚千红,惟独你是我情之所钟。 There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite.

6、从遇到你的哪天起,我就没有看过别人。 I haven't seen anyone since the day I met you.

7、你不珍惜,我就会走,即使我很喜欢你。 If you don't cherish it, I will go, even if I like you very much.

8、你似辛香醉人酒,三分意动七分情迷。 You are as intoxicating as the fragrance of wine, three points of action, seven points of love.

9、你怎么还不来找我,我不想喜欢别人。 Why don't you come to me? I don't want to like others.

10、你永远是我的定格,而我只是你的过客。 You are always my stop frame, and I am just your passer-by.

11、再凶的男孩子,绑鞋带还不是要绑蝴蝶结。 No matter how fierce a boy is, it's not a bow to tie his shoelaces.

12、医生说我有低血糖,需要几句甜蜜的话。 The doctor said I had hypoglycemia and needed a few sweet words.

13、即使你不爱我,我会也一生保护你。 Even if you don't love me, I will protect you all my life.

14、只需你一向在我身边,其他东西不再重要。 As long as you are always by my side, other things no longer matter.

15、向来没耐心的我,在你身边徘徊了这么久。 I have always been impatient, hovering around you for so long.

16、喜欢你,就是见不得你与别人交谈甚欢。 Like you, just can't see you talking with others.

17、因为知道不能没有你,所以我会更珍惜。 Because I know I can't do without you, so I will cherish it more.

18、因为遇见你,我才知道思念一个人的滋味。 Because of meeting you, I know the taste of missing someone.

19、在安静的甜蜜时刻,我愿与你一起分享。 In the quiet sweet moment, I would like to share with you.

20、夜澜卧听风吹雨,铁马是你,冰河也是你。 Night LAN lie listening to the wind blowing rain, iron horse is you, ice is you.

21、好想亲亲你的脸,我们相伴到永远! I really want to kiss your face, we accompany forever!

22、好想假装跑太快,然后和你撞个满怀。 I want to pretend to run too fast, and then bump into you.

23、好想走进你的怀抱,感受你给的温暖。 I really want to walk into your arms and feel the warmth you give.

24、如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 If there is no equal love, let me love more.

25、如若为你权倾天下,我愿自此丢盔弃甲。 If I win the world for you, I will lose my armor.

26、当我闭上双眼,你真心的笑容直达我心里。 When I close my eyes, your sincere smile reaches into my heart.

27、心里若有了良人,眼里的便全是路人。 If you have a lover in your heart, you will see passers-by in your eyes.

28、想和你情窦初开,也想和你两鬓斑白。 I want to be in love with you, and I want to be gray with you.

29、想跟你借个未来,有你全部的温情和热爱。 I want to borrow a future from you with all your warmth and love.

30、感情很脆弱,有了伤口就难以愈合。 The feeling is very fragile, has the wound to be difficult to heal.

31、我不在乎浮光掠影的尘世,我只在乎你。 I don't care about the world, I only care about you.

32、我不怕天黑和惊雷,只怕你心酸和皱眉。 I'm not afraid of dark and thunder, only afraid of your sad and frown.

33、我从不惧怕奔跑,只是担心尽头没有。 I'm never afraid of running, just worried about not having you at the end.

34、我只是突然间想你了,没有任何原因。 I just miss you all of a sudden, for no reason.

35、我在等一个偶遇,然后和你在一起。 I'm waiting for a chance encounter and I'll be with you.

36、我想去个地方,什么地方?去你心里! I want to go somewhere. Where? Go to your heart!

37、我是我自己的灾难,你是灾难的四分之三。 I am my own disaster, and you are three quarters of it.

38、我爱你,是一颗流星的滑落,升起的憧憬。 I love you, is a meteor sliding, rising vision.

39、我脑子好乱好乱,有种爱你的冲动。 My brain is very chaotic, there is an impulse to love you.

40、我认定的就不会后悔,包括人生包括你。 I believe that will not regret, including life, including you.

41、我贪恋的人间烟火,不偏不倚,全部是。 I love the world fireworks, impartial, all you.

42、拼命学着遗忘,思念却已变得比我坚强。 Trying to learn to forget, missing has become stronger than me.

43、新的一年不许垂头丧气哦,因为我爱你。 Don't be depressed in the new year, because I love you.

44、春风吹,春光美,春暖花开心芳菲。 The spring breeze blows, the spring is beautiful, the spring flowers are blooming, and the heart is fragrant.

45、是前世曾痴迷,还是你今生无法忘记? Have you ever been obsessed in a previous life, or can't you forget it in this life?

46、最初只是有点喜欢,宠着宠着才放不下了。 At first, I just like it a little. I can't let it go.

47、最怕我们的爱最终会输给时间,败给距离。 Most afraid that our love will eventually lose to time and distance.

48、有生之年去看一次极光,最好是和你一起。 Go to see the aurora once in your lifetime, preferably with you.

49、某某某,我告诉你,我还就真喜欢上你了。 So and so, I tell you, I really like you.

50、欢迎先生您走上爱我,这条不归路。 Welcome to love me, sir.

51、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart.

52、爱是两个人的事情,但我却只有单相思。 Love is a matter of two people, but I have only one love affair.

53、牵着你的手,传递给你属于我的温暖。 Holding your hand, passing you my warmth.

54、睡不着的时候,多想想我,别浪费时间。 When you can't sleep, think about me more, don't waste time.

55、若是上帝的旨意,我将在死后更加爱你。 If it is the will of God, I will love you even more after death.

56、苦苦的等待,最终有不离不弃的相依。 Hard waiting, eventually there is inseparable dependence.

57、要在天亮之前变身小星星,偷亲你的眼睛。 Be a little star before dawn and kiss your eyes.

58、选在你爱的日落,合拍我们握紧的手。 Choose in the sunset you love, and we hold hands together.

59、遇见你不是巧合,是我这辈子无心的谋算。 It's not a coincidence to meet you. It's an unintentional plan in my life.

60、陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。 Company, is whether you need it or not, I am always there.