1、**:用舌头解不开就用牙齿咬吧! War: bite it with your tongue!

2、一个人敢听真话,需要勇气,一个人敢说真话需要魄力。 A person who dare to listen to the truth, need courage, a man who dares to tell the truth need courage。

3、上课时,某人传来一张纸条,看到内容我真的很想扁他写的是:在吗? In class, someone handed a note, I really want to see the contents of the flat he wrote: in it?

4、世界上最好的朋友,就是他剩一块钱请你吃五角钱东西的人。 The best friend in the world, is the one who asks you to eat five cents。

5、世界上没有什么永远,也没有什么永久,随便找个理由谁都可以先走。 There's nothing in the world, and it's not permanent。 Just look for a reason。

6、世界再大仍是遇见你,世界再小仍是丢了你。 The world is still a big encounter you, the world is still a little lost you。

7、五片口香糖嚼在一起不但能填饱肚子,还能减肥。 Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。

8、人是一个贪心的动物,得到了这个,又忘不掉那个,舍不得三个字耽误了多少人。 Man is a greedy animal, get this, and forget that, reluctant to three words delayed the number of people。

9、从前咱们每天都要谈天,但现在咱们却如同底子不认识相同了。 We used to talk every day, but now we do not know the same as。

10、但我心上的那个伤口,却在没有人能够抚平。 But the wound in my heart, but no one can heal。

11、你不必像罪犯流亡,莫非爱过我是场磨难。 You don't have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering。

12、你可以先知先觉地领导产业,后知后觉地苦苦追赶,或不知不觉地被淘汰。 You can lead the industry having foresight in hindsight, struggling to catch up, to be eliminated or imperceptibly。

13、你是景色,我是游客,无可避免让我经过。 You are the scenery, I am a tourist, can not avoid let me through。

14、你身边有没有这样一个人,你一生气他就乐了? Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy?

15、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes。

16、做人最失利的莫过于唐僧,身边的人不管是敌是仍是友都想送他上西天。 What is the failure of the monk, the people around whether the enemy is still friends all want to send him to the west。

17、其实,自己就是一个孩子,疼了会哭的孩子。 In fact, he is a child, the pain will cry baby。

18、再卑微的爱你。也满足不了你呐高傲而虚伪的心灵! And humble love you。 Can not satisfy you, but the arrogant and hypocritical heart!

19、凡是上了年纪的人,大多是反对的太多,商议的太久,行动的太迟,后悔的太早。 Those who have been on the age of the people, mostly against too much, too long to negotiate, the action too late, regret too early。

20、别把我当好人,因为除了自己每个人都可能是坏人。 Don't treat me as a good person, because in additionto their own everyone may be bad。

21、只需那些从不仰视星空的人,才不会跌入坑中。 Just those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit。

22、喜欢一首歌,很多时候不是因为喜欢,只是借一种方式,去怀念一个人。 Like a song, a lot of time is not because like, just by one way, to miss a person。

23、回不去的,不是曾经的我,而是曾经的我们。 Back not to, not once I, but once we。

24、因为我装无所谓忍着泪、笑得好狼狈。 No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed。

25、国际上,真的会有那么一个人静静重视着你,疼爱着你,却永久不再接近你。 Internationally, there is really a man who is attached to you, love you, but not close to you。

26、在你需要我的时候我陪你,我需要你的时候你在哪? When you need me to accompany you, I need you when you are?

27、在路上,见识世界;在途中,认清自己。 On the way, to see the world; on the way, recognize themselves。

28、夜深人静的时候,我常常问自己,当初决定来地球,到底是对是错。 At the time, I often ask myself, had decided to come to the earth, what is right or wrong。

29、失去后才懂得去珍惜,都懂的,为什么还要那样做? After losing to know to cherish, all understand, why should do so?

30、女人不仅要对自己好一点,更要对自己狠一点。 Women not only to their own good, but also to their own ruthless。

31、好女人是一所学校,好男人毕业了可留校任教。 Good woman is a school, good man graduated can teaches。

32、对自己好点,因为没有其他人有能力让你快乐。 Be nice to yourself, because no one else has the ability to make you happy。

33、师太,当你披上这件袈裟,你就是老衲的人了。 Teacher, when you put on this robe, you are my people。

34、带我走过最难忘的旅行,然后留下最痛的纪念品。 Take me through the most memorable trip, and then leave the most painful souvenirs。

35、当我用力地微笑着面对人生 When I tried to smile in the face of life, I found myself laughing is so ferocious。

36、当风筝厌恶了天空,能否就会义无返顾的坠入大海。 When the kite is tired of the sky, whether you threw into the sea。

37、心情不好,就去学校门口踢自行车,踢一个倒一排。 In a bad mood, go to the school gate to kick a bike, kick a row。

38、心里的话,说出来可能是诗,可能是史,也可能是誓,但是留在肚子里肯定会变成屎。 Heart words, said it may be a poem, may be a history, it may be an oath, but in the stomach will certainly become feces。

39、想去旅行不带上你。想去重生为了自己。 Want to go on a trip without you。 Want to be born again for yourself。

40、成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权力。 Success is a kind of idea, become rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power。

41、我不是花心,只是喜新厌旧感太明显而已。 I do not bother, just love feeling too obvious。

42、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。 We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome。

43、我们总是为所谓的梦想,放弃最简单的幸福。 We always for the so-called dream, to give up the most simple happiness。

44、我们都是戏子,在别人的故事里,流着自己的眼泪。 We are all actors, in someone else's story, I shed tears in my eyes。

45、我喜欢笑,那种无拘无束的大笑。 I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter。

46、我喜爱他,可他却不喜爱我,每一次他与别人分手,我都陪着他。 I love him, but he does not like me, every time he broke up with others,I accompany him。

47、我忙着让他人美好,却忘了自己的美好。 I'm busy making others happy, but I forget my good。

48、我惊动了韶光,如今它还我一席哀痛。 When the time, now it still has a my sorrow。

49、我是吃货怎么了,关你什么事,反正你又不养我。 I am chowhound how, none of your business, it's not like you to support me。

50、我的坚强隔在一道门外,眼泪毫无警惕就掉下来。 My strong is separated by a door, the tears are not on the down。

51、我的梦想是:让每个日本人每天喝一杯三鹿奶粉。 My dream is: let each Japanese drink a glass of milk every day。

52、我翻了又翻你给的地图,却一直找不到我的归宿。 I turned over and over again you give the map, but can not find my home。

53、打工者做工,小老板做事,中老板做市,大老板做势DD你是哪一种? Workers work, small boss to do things, the boss in the city, big boss to do potential - you are what kind?

54、打算开创新事业时,十人中有一两人赞成时就可开始,以免太迟。 Intend to open innovation business, one or two out of ten people favor when you can start, before it's too late。

55、换掉我的心脏,给我一副铁石心肠。 Change my heart, give me a heart of stone。

56、时间,不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了通。 Time, not let people forget the pain, but letpeople used to。

57、昨晚梦见吃意大利面,第二天发现鞋带不见了。 Dream of eating noodles last night, second days to find the shoe is gone。

58、最了解你的人有时不是你的朋友,而是你的敌人。 The people who know you know you are not your friend, but your enemy。

59、有些人,有些事。看清了,也就看轻了。 Some people, some things。 See, also underestimate。

60、有时候觉得自己像个神经病,既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。 Sometimes feel like a nervous, not only to their own, but also disturb others。

61、有时候,就算分开了,还是觉得他在你身边,在注视着你。 Sometimes, even if separated, or think he's in your side, watching you。

62、有没有人和我一样,为了一个没有的结果执着而坚持着。 There is no one like me, in order to a no results of the persistence and perseverance。

63、有没有那么一个人,你听到他名字时,会突然沉默。 There is no such a person, you hear his name, will suddenly silent。

64、有谁像我一样,不停的更换着签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。 Who like me, do not stop to change the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel。

65、每个人的一生都有许多梦想,但如果其中一个不断搅扰着你,剩下的就仅仅是行动了。 Each person's life has many dreams, but if one constantly troubling you, the rest is just for action。

66、没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情。 Never had a thing to go, only to have no mood to go。

67、泡妞就像挂QQ,每天泡她两小时、很快就可以太阳了。 Flirt with hot chicks like hanging QQ, two hours a day, her bubble will soon be the sun。

68、爱情像存款里的钱相同少得不幸,孑立和愿望却像借款相同不停地主动生息。 Love like deposit the money in the same pitiful, lonely and desires are the same as the loan kept active。上一页12下一页

69、爱情是两自己的事,不是一自己的独舞。 Love is two things, not their own solo。

70、真实的忘掉,并非不再想起,而是偶然想起,心中却不再有波涛。 Real forget, not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, there is no waves in my heart。

71、石头记告诉我们:凡是真的爱的最后都散了,凡是混搭的最后都团圆了。 Stone tells us: those who really love the last are scattered, always mix finally reunited。

72、给我一个支点,我把邻居那小子的汽车翘到沟里去,省得他见我就按喇叭。 Give me a fulcrum, I put Alice neighbor kid car into the ditch, save him see me on the horn。

73、老婆想要看闪电,莪拿菜刀砍电线。 My wife wants to see the lightning, with a kitchen knife cut wire。

74、若是我的手不小心碰着你的手,你是会躲开,仍是下意识牵住。 If my hand accidentally touch your hand, you will escape, still subconsciously hold。

75、要想青春不留遗憾,小伙必须敢想敢干。 To youth without regret, the guy must be brave。

76、财富知识幸福的附丽,信任和感情交流才是婚姻的基石。 The wealth of knowledge of happiness belongs to, trust and emotional communication is the cornerstone of marriage。

77、路过你的爱,好久好久了依然记得的是那份温柔。 Passing by your love, for a long time for a long time, I still remember that tender。

78、这个年龄,说爱太早,说喜欢又觉得太少。 This age, love too early, say love and feel too little。

79、远看青山绿水,近看龇牙咧嘴,远看绿水清山,近看满脸斑点。 Look at the green mountains and rivers near far, far see Lushui Hill show one's teeth, close look with spots。

80、选男人就像女人选鞋子一样,最后合不合脚,只有自己知道。 A man is like a woman choose shoes don't fit me, finally, only you know。

81、酒也空,色也空,老婆跟人走;财也空,气也空,手机没钱充。 Wine is empty, color is empty, my wife and people go; money is empty, gas is empty, the phone has no money。

82、醉过才知酒浓,爱过才知情重。你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。 Drunk before the wine is thick, loved only informed。 You can't be my poem, just as I can't be your dream。

83、铁皮公车是坚硬的,柔软的我们该去哪里呢。 The tin bus is hard, soft and supple。

84、青春是一道明媚的忧伤,我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了。 Youth is a beautiful sad, I didn't cry, but the tears flow down。
