1、一时置气删了你,却未曾见你在加我。 A moment of gas, you have not seen you are adding me.

2、一次次坠入你的陷阱,我不知道如何逃脱。 Falling into your trap time and again, I don't know how to escape.

3、一直未曾明白生活的意义,却无法用自己的形式去生活着。 Never understand the meaning of life, but can not live in its own form.

4、不听声嘶力竭的情歌,因为没有哪首歌适合心情。 Listen to the love song, because no song for mood.

5、不吵不闹不炫耀,也不需要别人知道,安安静静做自己就好。 Nonoise, no show, no need for others to know, do it quietly.

6、不在乎别人说什么,只在乎在你眼里我算什么。 I don't care what other people say, but what I count in your eyes.

7、不是你花心,是每个人都符合做你媳妇的条件。 It's not your heart, it's the condition for everyone to be your daughter-in-law.

8、世界是肮脏的,我们是决不能被淤泥污染的清莲。 The world is dirty, and we can never be contaminated by silt.上一页12下一页

9、亲爱的,你该庆幸俄长大了成熟了,不会跟以前一样任性了。 Dear, you should be glad that Russia has grown up and is not as capricious as it was before.

10、人生最糟糕的事,一个是饿肚子,一个是孤独。 The worst thing in life, one is hungry, the other is lonely.

11、什么都要查根问底却又受不了真相的刺激。这就是女人的通病。 What to investigate thoroughly but can not stand the truth of the stimulus. This is the common disease of women.

12、从前的期待都已变成了如今的无奈,过去的美好注定了要成为现在伤害。 The expectation of the past has become the helplessness of the present, the good of the past is doomed to become the present injury.

13、从深情到敷衍,热情到冷淡,重视到忽略,难忘到遗忘,在时间面前我怎能不慌。 From deep feeling to perfunctory, enthusiasm to cold, attention to neglect, unforgettable to forget, how can I not panic in the face of time.

14、他每次去她空间都会删除访问记录,可是他却不知道她的空间从来只对他一人开放。 Every time he went to her space, he would delete the record of the visit, but he did not know that her space was always open to him.

15、你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭! When you were born, you cried, the people around you laughed; when you passed away, you laughed, and the people around you were crying!

16、你的人生不顺利,不是她的错,没有回头再看你,也不是她的错。 Your life is not good, it is not her fault, not looking back at you, it is not her fault.

17、你讨厌我又怎样,说的好像你喜欢我就能升华我的人生似的。 You hate me, and it seems like you like me to be able to sublimate my life.

18、你让我战战兢兢,再也不敢放出一颗心,于是将自己捆绑得紧紧的。 You make me trembling, and dare not let me out of one heart again, so you bind myself tightly.

19、傻瓜,我们都一样,被爱情伤了又伤,相信这个他会不一样,却又再一次受伤! Fool, we are all the same, hurt and hurt by love, believe this he will be different, but again hurt!

20、其实,不愿意对你们说:情人节快乐。 In fact, I do not want to say to you: Happy Valentine's day.

21、分手以后,回来就是敷衍我嘛。 After breaking up, come back is to perfunctory me.

22、只要我还活着,我就永远在你身边,即使你恨我恨之入骨。 As long as I live, I will always beside you, even if you hate me.

23、喜欢尼古丁的味道,是因为它有淡淡的忧愁。 Like the tasteof nicotine, it is because it has a light sadness.

24、因为容易感动丶所以一次比一次伤的更重。 For easy moving, so a more serious injury.

25、在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树! When you are depressed, I'm your pistachio. When you are sad, I will make you delighted!

26、多么希望在回眸那一瞬间,能看到你美丽的身影安慰孤独的心。 How I hope to look back at that moment, you can see your beautiful figure solace the lonely heart.

27、大提琴的声音一直在,我只是沉默不语。 The sound of the cello was all the time, and I was just silent.

28、女人不要记性太好,回忆越多幸福越少。 Women don't have a good memory, and the more you remember, the less happy they are.

29、如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以成为现实。 If we have the courage to pursue, all of our dreams can be realities.

30、如果我变成回忆,祢是否将我忘记。 If I become a memory, do you forget me.

31、如果我有一天消失了你会不会发了疯的找我。 If I disappeared one day, would you go crazy to find me.

32、孤独是一种态度,寂寞是一种想法寂寞是武器,有时候致命。 Loneliness is an attitude, loneliness is a kind of idea that is a weapon, sometimes fatal.

33、对于某人、付出也是一种幸福。 It is also a kind of happiness for someone to give.

34、对自己好点,因为一辈子不长;对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能够遇见! Be good to yourself, for a lifetime is not long; good to the people around you, because the next life will not be able to meet!

35、小时候觉得好人有好报,长大了才知道好人被嘲笑。 When good things happen, grow up to know a good man to be laughed at.

36、幸福为什么对我就这么苛刻,几次从我身边走过。 Why is happiness so hard on me, several times through me.

37、我一般生完气一会儿就又开始笑了。其实我也想酷酷的不理人,可是我憋不住。 I was usually angry and began to laugh again. In fact, I also want to be cruel to ignore people, but I can't hold it.

38、我也不是那么迟钝,快递来我就拆,零食一开我就吃,闹钟一响我就按,你一出现我就笑。 I'm not so dull either. I'll dismantle it by express. I'll eat a snack as soon as I get a snack. I just press the alarm clock. I laugh as soon as you appear.

39、我以为只要装做若无其事,就可以当什么也没有发生过。 I think that as long as you can pretend, when what had happened.

40、我们总是在最不懂爱情的时候,遇到最美的爱情,然后错过。 We always meet the most beautiful love when we do not know the love most, and miss it.

41、我们的小故事,就像树叶在阳光下的阴影,细碎而斑驳。 Our little stories, like the shadows of the leaves in the sun, are fine and mottled.

42、我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识相信你不会离开我。 I just love to be angry with you, because I have a subconscious belief that you will not leave me.

43、我多害怕习惯了你的好、然后你就玩笑般的离开。 I'm so afraid of getting used to your good, and then you're joking away.

44、我就这么一颗心,你省着点玩,悠着点伤。 I have such a heart, you save a little play, easy injury.

45、我爱你爱得死心塌地,恨你恨得刻骨铭心。 I love you love hell-bent, hate you hate to The imprint is engraved on my heart.

46、我知道从我们分手的那天起,你就再也不属于我了。 I know that from the day we break up, you don't belong to me any more.

47、我知道你不是喜欢我,你只是喜欢我喜欢你。 I know you don't like me, you just like I like you.

48、我说不出来我为什么爱你,但我知道你是我不爱别人的理由。 I can't tell why I love you, but I know you are the reason I don't love others.

49、我走在你喜欢的电影场景里,你却不在我想要的场景里。 I'm walking in the movie scene you like, but you're not in the scene I want.

50、我这个人好说话,但是请不要欺骗我的感情。 I'm a good speaker, but please don't deceive my feelings.

51、我释怀不了的那些回忆,最终成为枷锁无法逃离。 I can not forget those memories, eventually become shackles can not escape.

52、所有过去的过去,只不过是过去。 All past past is just the past.

53、把心遗忘在那个与你并肩的雨天,伞下有你,有我。 The heart is forgotten in the rainy day with you, under the umbrella of you, there is me.

54、挤不进的世界就别挤了,等不到的晚安就别等了。 Don't squeeze the world that can't get in, and don't wait for the late good night.

55、散场了我是哪个角色,说过了什么有没有人会记得。 Leave me is what role, what is said no one will remember.

56、时光竟如此迅疾,我们终无法抵住时光的磨砺。 Time is so fast, we can't withstand sharpen the time.

57、最怕的就是我一直觉得很重要的人,而他最重要的人却不是我。 The most feared is the person I always think very important, and his most important person is not me.

58、最深沉的爱莫过于分开以后,我将自己活成了你的样子。 After the deepest love is apart, I will live as you like.

59、月盈则亏,水满则溢,完美状态也是可怕的。 The moon is lost, the water is full, and the perfect state is terrible.

60、有一种苦叫做别离,有一种苦叫做丢弃,有一种苦叫做自寻自觅。 There is a kind of bitterness called separation, a kind of bitterness called discarding, and a kind of bitterness called self seeking.

61、有些事,错过了,就是一辈子;有些人,一转身,就成了永远。 Some things, missed, is a lifetime; some people, turn around, become forever.

62、有些人,居然真的如此轻浮。 Some people are really so flirtatious.

63、有时会忽然之间的想起, Sometimes a sudden recall, inadvertently miss the noisy days of the past.

64、有时,爱也是种伤害残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury to cruel people, choose to hurt others, good people, choose to hurt themselves.

65、未来的每一步一脚印。和你相惜相爱相依为命。 Every step of the future is a footprint. You love and cherish each other.

66、爱一个人,爱他不堪的过去,爱他混沌的现在,爱他不定的未来。 Love a person, love his unbearable past, love his chaotic present, love his uncertain future.

67、爱情里有很多的不公平,有人选择逃避有人选择向前走。 There is a lot of injustice in love, and someone chooses to escape someone to choose to go forward.

68、生存不等于生活,我想有尊严的活着。 Life is not equal to life, I want to live with dignity.

69、看你离去的背影、唯我懂得血泪悄无声息的在滴。 See you leave of figure, only I know blood silently in drops.

70、真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的。你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你。 Really love a person cannot tell the reason. You only know when and where, the mood and the bad, you want this person to accompany you.

71、睡前别忘了提醒自己,我们都被这个世界温柔地爱过。 Don't forget to remind yourself before going to bed that we are all loved by the world.

72、笑看世间的沧桑,花开花落,无需挽留,只要心存一份感激! Laugh at the world's vicissitudes, flowers and flowers, no need to stay, as long as the heart of gratitude!

73、给我一个狠点的招数,我会比作践自己还要他妈的作践你。 Give me a hard way, I will also spoil yourself fucking humiliate you.

74、若我们可以回头,大概我们的爱还可以一直一直。 If we can turn back, maybe our love can always be all the time.

75、虽然知道没有未来,但是依然倔强的选择陪伴。 Although there is no future, but still stubborn choice to accompany.

76、解释的机会你不曾给过我、就把我否定。 You have not given me the opportunity to explain, and I will deny me.

77、谁捧起花的脸庞,让岁月没得黯然神伤? Who holds the flower face, let the years have fell dejected?

78、谁还在意我留下的泪,如果爱要让人憔悴。 Who cares about the tears I left, if love needs to be haggard.

79、还记否门前的那扇窗,咯吱咯吱的作响,已经变了模样! Remember the window or door, creak sound, have changed!

80、这个夏天少了你的存在,我没有看见花开。 This summer less your existence, I do not see the flowers.
