1、一无是处的人。请问你有什么可骄傲的。 Good for nothing. What are you proud of?

2、不怨你无情的意外,只愿有太多的期待。 Don't hate your heartless accident, just willing to have too many expectations.

3、不是每一句话都有意义,不是每一场梦都有结局。 Not every word counts, not every dream has a ending.

4、不管怎么努力想要忘记,始终有记忆的一块痕迹。 No matter how hard you try to forget, there is always a trace of memory.

5、人可以喜欢很多人, People can love many people, but love, once is enough.

6、佛法千言万语,总归一句是:看破放下。 Buddhism is a thousand words, and the final word is: look through the broken down.

7、你几句简单的话语,却让我感动流泪。 You a few simple words, but let me moved tears.

8、你已经错过了我、请不要错过我的婚礼。 You have missed me, please don't miss my wedding.

9、你是我心里的阳光,只能仰望,一碰就会被灼伤。 You are the sunshine in my heart. You can only look up and burn.

10、你毫不留情的消磨殆尽了我对你所有感觉。 Your relentless killing all my feelings for you.

11、你爱不爱我,不重要,只要你过的好、过的开心。 You don't love me, it doesn't matter, as long as you live well and have fun.

12、你的进攻漫不经心,我的防守却也不堪一击。 Your offense is insouciant and my defense is weak.

13、你给的固执痛到深处。让我心碎的刚好。 The stubbornness you give is deep. It just breaks my heart.

14、你说你流泪了!流泪是因为你打了哈欠。 You said you shed tears! You cry because you yawn.

15、偶然回头看看才发现终究是我们太小了。 We look back and see that we are too small after all.

16、偶然间的擦肩而过,原来是那么不经意。 Accidentally passing by, it was so casual.

17、内疚懊悔敲击着我的心,翻来覆去睡不着。 Guilt and remorse strike my heart, tossing and turning.

18、别害怕,我给不了你现在,我还你未来。 Don't be afraid. I can't give you the future.

19、前任,请弄清楚自己的位置,你不过是我的曾经。 Ex. Please figure out where you are. You're just my past.

20、半夜抱着手机不睡觉,只是因为里面有个你。 Don't sleep with your phone in the middle of the night, just because there's a you in there.

21、即便你长发齐踝,他不娶你还是不会娶你。 Even if you have long hair, he won't marry you if he doesn't marry you.

22、原来我们仅有回忆也是这么不值得一提。It turns out that our only memory is not worth mentioning.

23、只要你向我走一步,剩下的九十九步我来走向你。 As long as you take a step towards me, I'll come to you with the ninety-nine steps left.

24、回忆还是放在盒子里吧,不然会很累的。 Remember to put it in the box, or it will be very tiring.

25、在我明白所以事之前,对于你我只是一个*。 Before I knew it, I was just a fool for you.

26、坚强从来都是不是弱者的词,只是霸道者的范儿。 Strong is never the word of the weak, just a bully.

27、多大个面子,叫我想你,你不想想,你配么? How big a face, tell me you, you don't want to think, you match?

28、天不老,情难绝。心似双丝网,中有千千结。 It's never too old to be in love. The heart is like a double - wire mesh with thousands of knots.

29、天冷了多穿衣服,手冷的时候会给你暖手吗? The weather is cold more clothes, hand cold time will give you warm hand?

30、天空下雨牛可以打悖恍南掠牛怎么k呢。 The sky is raining and can have an umbrella. It's raining. What should I do?

31、女人愈是廉价愈会掉价,坐等升值的更是剔挑。 The more cheap the woman is, the cheaper it is, and the more expensive it is.

32、姑娘,你应该笑的甜美,纵使有万般心碎! Girl, you should smile sweet, even to be heartbroken!

33、小时候,牵着我手的那个老人,我以为他不会离开。 As a child, the old man holding my hand, I thought he would not leave.

34、岷εm们累了倦了烦了厌了,最后剩我自己了。 E afraid you are tired tired tired tired, I finally left.

35、当初写在骨子里的承诺,都被时间轻易的改为爱过。 The promise that was written in the bones is easily changed to love.

36、当我问你怎么了,不是为了听你随口说一句没事。 When I ask you what's wrong, not to listen to your casual remark.

37、总是不肯绝望,不愿放弃,总幻想着。 Always refuse to despair, not willing to give up, always fantasize.

38、总有一个人,他的离开让你瞬间觉得自己一无所有。 There is always one person, and his leaving makes you feel like you have nothing.

39、我一直只在努力、为什么你就看不到。 I've been working hard and why you can't see it.

40、我们不是不会哭泣,只是想慢慢的学会不去哭泣。 We don't cry, we just want to learn slowly not to cry.

41、我会停止我的自作多情,我会永远退出你的生命。 I will stop my love and I will quit your life forever.

42、我唯一的信仰,是清除在心中那些积存已久的伤怀。 The only faith I have is the removal of those long-suffering wounds in my heart.

43、我好想念我们曾经的时光,可你已不在。 I miss our time, but you are not here.

44、我将一切回忆掩埋,只想拥有一个美好的未来。 I buried all memories, just want to have a beautiful future.

45、我干的最勇敢的事,曾经帮别人养过几年老婆。 The bravest thing I did was to help others for a few years.

46、我想要的只是你在身边,哪怕不说话也好。 All I want is for you to be around, even if you don't talk.

47、我没说过的,你没问过的却都懂了,才叫默契。 I didn't say that, you didn't ask but understand, talent call tacit understanding.

48、我能拥有的,只有我自己和我的影子。 All I can have is myself and my shadow.

49、我讨厌我在乎的人对别人好,没有理由,就是讨厌。 I hate the people I care about being nice to other people, no reason, just hate.

50、所谓的遗忘不过是已忘。惦记的太多也只是虚无。 The so-called forgotten is forgotten. Too much is missing.

51、才发现,原来我的快乐在你面前是如此地卑微。 I found that my happiness was so humble before you.

52、把梦里的画面保存下了,因为里面有你。 Save the picture in your dream because you are inside.

53、放下曾经的幸福,才能遇见我的幸福。 Put down once happiness, can meet my happiness.

54、既然是你选择了与我背道而驰。就不要再回头。 Since you chose to go against me. Don't look back.

55、时间的稀释,今夜的雨是不是可以洗去以往的沉痛。 The dilution of time, the rain tonight can be washed away from the past pain.上一页12下一页

56、曾今的漂亮画面,现在一点一滴破裂、纷飞。 Once beautiful picture, now a bit of broken, fly.

57、最后的最后,我还没准备好,你就已经走远了。 Finally, I'm notready. You're far away.

58、每天等你到那么晚,就是想跟你说几句话。 Every day when you get there, you just want to say a few words with you.

59、每段,感情背后都会有个莫名心伤的女人。 Every paragraph, the sentiment behind there will be a woman with a strange heart.

60、爱两端聚又散,哪怕多误差一秒,也能抱紧你。 Love will be able to hold you even if the error is one second.

61、爱你是我最美的伤口,我的成就,我的所有。 Love you is my most beautiful wound, my achievement, my all.

62、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言。而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 Love is not a strong oath. It is accompanied by a light touch.

63、爱情需要多少泪水来浇灌,才能长成茁壮的森林。 Love needs many tears to water to grow into a strong forest.

64、爱情,一场眼泪的盛宴,哭过就、忘了。 Love, a feast of tears, is forgotten.

65、爱,心底埋藏,因为不想失去,所以选择不说。 Love, deep down, because you don't want to lose, so choose not to say.

66、用一朵花开的时间,等待另一朵花开。 In one blossom time, wait for another blossom.

67、疼你的爱在说不出口的孤岛上,失去平衡。 It hurts your love to lose your balance on an unexported island.

68、相识,总是那么美丽;分手,总是优雅不起。 Acquaintance, always so beautiful; Break up,always grace.

69、谁明白我初夏烦躁也是个梦,但我真的痛。 Who knows my early summer fidget is also a dream, but I really pain.

70、过去的一页不要再翻,翻落的灰尘会迷了眼。 Do not turn over the last page, and the dust will be lost.

71、这一段情爱,是不是该重来,给我一个妥善的安排。 This is a love, should not be heavy, give me a proper arrangement.
