1、一份好心情,是人生唯一不能被剥夺的财富。 A good mood is the only wealth that can't be deprived of in life.

2、不会宽容人的人,是不配受到别人的宽容的。 Those who will not tolerate people are not worthy of being tolerated by others.

3、不知道自己会遇到谁,就先学会善待身边的人。 If you don't know who you will meet, you should learn to treat the people around you.

4、不管现在有多么艰辛,我们也要做个生活的舞者。 No matter how hard it is now, we have to be a dancer of life.

5、不要追随前人的足迹,去自己开路并留下足迹。 Don't follow the footprints of your predecessors. Go ahead and leave your footprints.

6、不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 If you don't fly, you will fly into the sky.

7、中规中矩,赢得尊重。赢得尊重,也赢得信赖。 To be regular, to win respect. Win respect and trust.

8、为自己而进步,而不是为了满足谁,讨好谁。 Make progress for yourself, not to satisfy or please others.

9、书,能保持我们的童心;书能保持我们的青春。 Books can keep our childlike innocence; books can keep our youth.

10、人往往不是没有力量去做事,而是不肯去做。 People are often not powerless to do things, but unwilling to do them.

11、你需要的不是成功中的昂首,而是失败中的挺立。 What you need is not to hold your head high in success, but to stand up in failure.

12、凡是能冲上去,能散发出来的焰火,都是美丽的。 Whatever can rush up, can send out fireworks, are beautiful.

13、医院是一个使人终于把命看得比钱更重的地方。 The hospital is a place where people finally put their lives above money.

14、原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。 To forgive others is to leave space in your heart so that you can maneuver.

15、发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。 When you are angry, shut your mouth so that you do not increase your anger.

16、只有大胆地去放弃一段感情,才会收获一段回忆。 Only boldly to give up a relationship, will harvest a memory.

17、可以失败,不可以失志;可以失望,不可以绝望。 You can fail, you can't lose your ambition; you can be disappointed, you can't despair.

18、唯有燃烧一切的雄心,方有创造一切的意志。 Only by burning all ambition can we have the will to create everything.

19、在你的生命中,不要让别人来告诉你你做不到。 In your life, don't let others tell you you can't do it.

20、太执着一件事反而让人不太容易认清它的本质。 It is not easy to recognize the essence of a thing if you are too persistent.

21、奢侈品是给别人看的,必需品是给自己用的。 Luxury is for others to see, necessities are for their own use.

22、好好吃饭,好好睡觉,好好挣钱,好好花钱。 Eat well, sleep well, make money and spend money.

23、实现自我既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。 To achieve the goal set by oneself, one must be able to endure loneliness and work alone.

24、对凌驾于命运之上的人来说,信心是命运的主宰。 For those who are above destiny, confidence is the master of destiny.

25、小鸟眷恋春天,因为它懂得飞翔才是生命的价值。 Birds love spring because they know that flying is the value of life.

26、希望像太阳一样,只能升起在现实的地平线上。 On the horizon can only rise like the sun.

27、当一个人熬过了所有苦难,也就没那么难过了。 When a person through all the suffering, it is not so sad.

28、当你有勇气把长发剪成短发你就有勇气放弃过去。 When you have the courage to cut long hair into short hair, you have the courage to give up the past.

29、当你没有空休息的时候,就是你该休息的时候。 When you don't have time to rest, it's time to rest.

30、得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。 Get and lose, always more hurt than never get.

31、心若相知,无言也默契;情若相眷,不语也怜惜。 If the heart knows each other, there is tacit understanding when there is no word; if the feeling is attached to each other, there is no language but pity.

32、愿你有前进一寸的勇气,亦有后退一尺的从容。 May you have the courage to move forward an inch and the ease to step back a foot.

33、懦弱的人埋怨生活紧张,聪明的人才自己找乐趣! Cowards complain that life is tense, and smart people have fun by themselves!

34、我们之间的秘密,与时间无关是人心变得太快了。 The secret between us, it has nothing to do with time, is that people become too fast.

35、我们要以微笑对待每一天,以微笑对待每个人。 We should treat every day with a smile and treat everyone with a smile.

36、我所做的一切,我努力改变自己,都是为了你。 Everything I do, I try to change myself, is for you.

37、我需要的只是一份关怀,还有那真实的安全感。 All I need is care and a real sense of security.

38、扩大交友圈,主动出击,不要等别人上门找你。 Expand the circle of friends, take the initiative to attack, do not wait for others to come to you.

39、把爱心当做启蒙的雨露,用真情唤起心灵的共鸣。 Take love as the rain and dew of enlightenment, and arouse the resonance of the soul with true feelings.

40、拥有健康的身体和心灵,是实现诸多目标的基石。 Having a healthy body and mind is the cornerstone of many goals.

41、拥有希望,也许会失望。放弃希望,却一定绝望。 If you have hope, you may be disappointed. Give up hope, but must despair.

42、时间摞走了激情,却不小心的又没有带走记忆。 Time stack left passion, but not careful to take away the memory.

43、有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,才能知道你的位置。 Sometimes it takes a hard fall to know where you are.

44、有潜力的人影响别人,没潜力的人,受人影响。 People with potential influence others; people without potential influence others.

45、有选择时,选最好的。没选择时,尽力做到最好。 When there is a choice, choose the best. When there is no choice, try to be the best.

46、本周举绩,皆大欢乐,职域行销,划片经营。 This week's performance, are great joy, professional marketing, piecemeal operation.

47、没有再比读书更廉价的娱乐,更持久的满足了。 There is no entertainment, no more lasting satisfaction, than reading.

48、活着的时候想开点,开心点,因为我们要死很久! When we live, we want to be happy, because we have to die for a long time!

49、深深的话我们浅浅的说,长长的路我们慢慢的走。 Deep words we shallow said, long road we slowly walk.

50、现实地去活,自有心安;知足地去乐,自有晴天。 To live realistically is to have peace of mind; to enjoy contentedly is to have sunny days.

51、眉上的汗水与眉下的泪水,你必须选择一种。 The sweat on the eyebrow and the tears under the eyebrow, you must choose one.

52、真正的满足来自你的内心,而不是外界的人和物。 Real satisfaction comes from your heart, not from people and things outside.

53、穿衣服第一粒扣子扣错了,后面很容易就错了。 The first button of clothes is wrong. It's easy to get wrong at the back.

54、自尊不要轻人,自信不要自大,自立不要孤立。 Self esteem should not be belittled, self-confidence should not be arrogant, and independence should not be isolated.

55、要么努力向上爬,要么烂在社会最底层的泥淖里。 Either try to climb up, or rot in the mud at the bottom of society.

56、让生涯的句号圈住的人,是无奈前时半步的。 Let the life of the full circle of people, is helpless half step ahead.

57、说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢? If you tell a lie, why bother to make up ten lies to make up for it?

58、这世界上除了你自己,没有谁可以真正帮到你。 No one in the world can really help you except yourself.

59、青春激扬,共创辉煌,追求卓越,勇攀高峰。 Youth, create brilliance together, pursue excellence and climb the summit bravely.

60、默默的关怀与祝福别人,是一种无形的布施。 Silent care and blessing to others is an invisible charity.