1、一定是上帝想要打篮球了,愿黑曼巴安息。 It must be that God wants to play basketball. May Black Mamba rest in peace.

2、一直都是向前者,不惧挑战。 Always forward, not afraid of challenges.

3、不敢相信,看了好几遍才确认,伟大的科比,愿青春永在,热爱永存。 I can't believe it. It took me several times to confirm that the great Kobe Bryant is willing to be young and love forever.

4、不断激励、不断超越、不断传承,科比的伟大,足以激励一代人。 Continuously inspire, surpass and inherit. Kobe's greatness is enough to inspire a generation.

5、从今天开始你将永远地消失在这个世上,但是你的精神还一直在。 From today on you will disappear forever in this world, but your spirit is still there.

6、他改变了无数的年轻人,承载了无数年轻人的梦想和青春记忆。 He has changed countless young people and carried their dreams and memories.

7、他的豪情壮志,他的鲜活真实,就是一代人心目中永恒的篮球记忆。 His lofty aspiration, his vivid reality, is the eternal basketball memory in the mind of a generation.

8、以后再也没机会看到他本人,只能从录像里看到他的身影。 I will never see him again. I can only see his figure in the video.

9、你有了一个伟大而圆满的结束,正走向一个新的开始,我由衷地祝福你! You have a great and complete end, is moving towards a new beginning, I sincerely wish you!

10、凌晨四点的洛杉矶,太阳会照常升起,只是朝阳中不再有你的身影。 At 4 a.m. in Los Angeles, the sun will rise as usual, but there will be no more you in the rising sun.

11、凌晨时把儿子哭醒了,他问我谁是科比,我说:他是爸爸的信仰。 Wake up crying in the early morning, he asked me who is Kobe Bryant, I said: he is the father's faith.

12、历史最伟大,永远会是你的球迷。 The greatest thing in history will always be your fans.

13、唉,英年早逝,太早! Alas, it's too early to die!

14、大师之路,一直都在。 Master's road, always in.

15、天亮的慢一点,爱他的人多睡一会吧。 Slow down in the morning. People who love him should have more sleep.

16、如今科比离去……一路走好!谢谢你的陪伴! Now Kobe is gone Go all the way! Thank you for your company!

17、就像一位不知名的科密说的一样,你的后仰没有酒,我却醉得像条狗! As an unknown Komi said, your back has no wine, but I am drunk like a dog!

18、感谢你为篮球做的一切,我很开心能够让你的脸上挂上这样大大的笑容。 Thank you for everything you do for basketball. I'm very happy to be able to put such a big smile on your face.

19、我们也会永远记住科比,就像他从未离开一样。 We will always remember Kobe as if he never left.

20、我是他的粉丝,超爱看他打球,他是黑曼巴耶! I'm his fan. I love watching him play. He's Black Mamba!

21、无畏的竞争者,史上最伟大的球员之一! Fearless competitor, one of the greatest players in history!

22、此时此刻所有科黑,你们都应该放下了。 At this moment, all Kohei, you should put it down.

23、永不落幕!致敬与缅怀传奇巨星科比。 Never end! Honor and remember Kobe Bryant.

24、永远爱你的,科比。 Always love you, Kobe.

25、永远的曼巴,倒数五秒,球在我的手里。永远爱你,科比。 Forever Mamba, count down to five seconds, the ball is in my hand. Always love you, Kobe.

26、热血!科比留给我们的精神遗产。 Warm blood! The legacy of Kobe Bryant.

27、科比之名响彻寰宇精神不毁,篮球之神名贯中外旷古烁金! Kobe's name resounds all over the world, the spirit is not destroyed, and the magic name of basketball runs through the ancient world!

28、科比做到了,他终于活成了他梦想中的样子,也成了无数球迷心中的一座丰碑。 Kobe did it. He finally lived his dream and became a monument in the hearts of countless fans.

29、科比,是我们这代人的偶像,是我们这代人玩篮球模仿的终极目标。 Kobe Bryant, the idol of our generation, is the ultimate goal of our generation to play basketball imitation.

30、篮球史上最无畏的杀手之一! One of the most fearless killers in basketball history!

31、致敬这一美好时刻,伟大的回忆,从你身上学到了很多,享受最后的征程吧。 Pay homage to this wonderful moment, great memories, learn a lot from you, enjoy the last journey.

32、谢谢科比,给我的青春增添了色彩。再见科比,愿天堂一切安好。 Thank you Kobe for adding color to my youth. Goodbye to Kobe, good luck in heaven.

33、退役球衣并不代表永别,只要记忆还在,那么就不会说再见。 Retired Jersey does not mean goodbye, as long as the memory is still there, then will not say goodbye.