1、一定是上帝想要打篮球了,愿黑曼巴安息。 It must be that God wants to play basketball. May Black Mamba rest in peace.

2、一直都是向前者,不惧挑战。 Always forward, not afraid of challenges.

3、不敢相信,看了好几遍才确认,伟大的科比,愿青春永在,热爱永存。 I can't believe it. It took me several times to confirm that the great Kobe Bryant is willing to be young and love forever.

4、不断激励、不断超越、不断传承,科比的伟大,足以激励一代人。 Continuously inspire, surpass and inherit. Kobe's greatness is enough to inspire a generation.

5、世间再无科比,黑曼巴精神永存。 There is no Kobe in the world, and the black mamba spirit will last forever.

6、从今天开始你将永远地消失在这个世上,但是你的精神还一直在。 From today on you will disappear forever in this world, but your spirit is still there.

7、他改变了无数的年轻人,承载了无数年轻人的梦想和青春记忆。 He has changed countless young people and carried their dreams and memories.

8、他的豪情壮志,他的鲜活真实,就是一代人心目中永恒的篮球记忆。 His lofty aspiration, his vivid reality, is the eternal basketball memory in the mind of a generation.

9、以后再也没机会看到他本人,只能从录像里看到他的身影。 I will never see him again. I can only see his figure in the video.

10、你打球时,我是科黑,因为你夺走太多人的梦想。 When you play, I am Kohei, because you take away too many people's dreams.

11、你是我男朋友的整个青春。 You are my boyfriend's whole youth.

12、你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶吗?而在这个焦虑弥漫的凌晨,很多人的青春戛然而止。 Have you seen Los Angeles at 4 a.m? But in this anxious early morning, many people's youth suddenly stops.

13、凌晨四点的洛杉矶,太阳会照常升起,只是朝阳中不再有你的身影。 At 4 a.m. in Los Angeles, the sun will rise as usual, but there will be no more you in the rising sun.

14、凌晨时把儿子哭醒了,他问我谁是科比,我说:他是爸爸的信仰。 Wake up crying in the early morning, he asked me who is Kobe Bryant, I said: he is the father's faith.

15、历史最伟大,永远会是你的球迷。 The greatest thing in history will always be your fans.

16、又一个噩耗传来,篮球巨星科比因飞机坠毁去世。 Another bad news came that basketball superstar Kobe Bryant died of a plane crash.

17、史上最伟大球员之一!感谢你制造的所有这些回忆! One of the greatest players in history! Thank you for making all these memories!

18、天啊,曼巴,愿你的灵魂安息,让回忆化为祝福。 God, Mamba, may your soul rest in peace, and let memory be a blessing.

19、天堂有路,走好!伟大的篮球巨星科比布莱恩特! Heaven has a way, go! Great basketball superstar Kobe Bryant!

20、如果这是假新闻,该有多好。 If it's fake news, how good.

21、就像一位不知名的科密说的一样,你的后仰没有酒,我却醉得像条狗! As an unknown Komi said, your back has no wine, but I am drunk like a dog!

22、忘了是那一天喜欢上你,因为太久了。总之,那时候,你还年轻,我也正青春。 Forget that day I like you, because it's too long. In a word, at that time, you were young and I was young.

23、怀念科比,永远的科比。 Miss Kobe, forever Kobe.

24、性格孤傲的科比,甚至不给我们这一代人看他老去的机会。 Kobe Bryant, who is aloof, doesn't even give our generation a chance to see him grow old.

25、悲伤已经无法表达我的心情……我的兄弟……我真的,真的无法相信这件事。 Sadness has been unable to express my feelings My brother I really can't believe it.

26、想知道什么是人类进攻极限吗?去防守科比吧!他不会让你失望的。 Want to know what is the human attack limit? Go defend Kobe! He won't let you down.

27、感谢你为篮球做的一切,我很开心能够让你的脸上挂上这样大大的笑容。 Thank you for everything you do for basketball. I'm very happy to be able to put such a big smile on your face.

28、感谢科比,最有意义的做法是,永远把科比装在心里,怀念。 Thank Kobe, the most meaningful way is to always put Kobe in mind, miss.

29、愿天堂能继续你的梦,一路走好,我的英雄,我的青春。 May heaven continue your dream, walk well all the way, my hero, my youth.

30、我从小就看他的比赛,看着他赢下总冠军,他就是我崇拜的偶像。 I've been watching his games since I was a kid, watching him win the championship, and he's my idol.

31、我们将一直想念你,科比。 We'll always miss you, Kobe.

32、我是他的粉丝,超爱看他打球,他是黑曼巴耶! I'm his fan. I love watching him play. He's Black Mamba!

33、我的记忆里,一想起科比,便会想起她。所谓青春的记忆,这便是了。 In my memory, when I think of Kobe, I think of her. The so-called memory of youth, this is it.

34、我的青春,我的信仰,我的偶像就在这一刻完全没了。 My youth, my faith and my idol are all gone at this moment.

35、曼巴精神,绝境求生。 Mamba spirit, desperate for survival.

36、永远爱你的,科比。 Always love you, Kobe.

37、没有人见过洛杉矶早上四点钟的样子,我见过。 No one has seen Los Angeles at four in the morning. I have.

38、没有科比,我什么都不是。 Without Kobe, I'm nothing.

39、爱你,科比,你永远是我的兄弟,愿灵魂安息,我的朋友。 Love you, Kobe. You will always be my brother. May the soul rest in peace, my friend.

40、科比之名响彻寰宇精神不毁,篮球之神名贯中外旷古烁金! Kobe's name resounds all over the world, the spirit is not destroyed, and the magic name of basketball runs through the ancient world!

41、科比是我最崇拜球员,他的技术炉火纯青。 Kobe is my favorite player. He's very skilled.

42、科比离开了,缅怀科比的方式,除了流泪,还有记住他的一些话。 Bryant left, the way to remember him, in addition to tears, but also remember some of his words.

43、科比,承载着我父亲青年到中年的记忆,同样承载着我从童年到现在的记忆。 Kobe, carrying my father's memories from youth to middle age, also carrying my memories from childhood to now.

44、科比,是我们这代人的偶像,是我们这代人玩篮球模仿的终极目标。 Kobe Bryant, the idol of our generation, is the ultimate goal of our generation to play basketball imitation.

45、篮球史上最无畏的杀手之一! One of the most fearless killers in basketball history!

46、老飞侠科比,一代巨星“陨落”了,离我们远去的还有不朽的青春。 Old flying hero Kobe Bryant, a generation of superstars "fell", leaving us far away from the immortal youth.

47、谢谢科比,给我的青春增添了色彩。再见科比,愿天堂一切安好。 Thank you Kobe for adding color to my youth. Goodbye to Kobe, good luck in heaven.

48、这辈子最后为老大熬的一次夜,希望老大在天国也能开心、快乐! This is the last night for the eldest brother. I hope the eldest brother can be happy in heaven!

49、退役球衣并不代表永别,只要记忆还在,那么就不会说再见。 Retired Jersey does not mean goodbye, as long as the memory is still there, then will not say goodbye.

50、陪你长大的人,毫无征兆的离去,青春很痛,青春也很无力。 Accompany the person that you grow up, leave without omen, youth is very painful, youth is also very powerless.

51、黑曼巴的骨子里有着无比的偏执和骄傲,从一开始到现在。 Black Mamba's bones are full of bigotry and pride, from the beginning to the present.