1、一生一世,是海誓的定笃。 Life is the pledge of the sea.

2、一生等待,几世缘分。 A lifetime of waiting, several generations of fate.

3、不敢妄谈来世,只想共度余生。 I dare not talk about the afterlife, just want to spend the rest of my life together.

4、不求海枯石烂,只愿心灵相伴。 I don't want the sea to be dry and the rocks to be rotten, I just want my heart to be with me.

5、亲爱的,我要与你永远在一起。 Honey, I want to be with you forever.

6、人生的意义是什么?是你。 What is the meaning of life? It's you.

7、今夜还吹着风,想起你好温柔。 Tonight is still blowing wind, think of you gentle.

8、今生今世,十里桃花。 This life, ten mile peach blossom.

9、他和夏天一起来了。 He came with summer.

10、他是我凶了以后又想哄开心的人。 He is the one who wants to make me happy after I am fierce.

11、以爱老婆为荣,以背叛老婆为耻。 Take pride in loving your wife and shame on betraying your wife.

12、余生好长,你好难忘。 The rest of my life is long, you are unforgettable.

13、你依然,是我的最爱。 You are still my favorite.

14、你喜欢的样子我都有。 I have everything you like.

15、你是我全世界,最喜欢的猪啊。 You are my favorite pig in the world.

16、你是我手心里的优乐美。 You are the beauty in my hand.

17、你是我的爱错,我却不肯认错。 You are my love mistake, but I refuse to admit it.

18、你有什么特长,我爱你时间长。 What's your specialty? I love you for a long time.

19、你的名字,是我最深的眷恋。 Your name is my deepest attachment.

20、你眼光璨若山河,可偏偏没有我。 Your eyes are as bright as mountains and rivers, but there is no me.

21、你短短几秒的语音,我听了一年。 I've listened to your voice in a few seconds for a year.

22、你若离去,后悔无期。 If you leave, you will regret it forever.

23、你要是再丑点,我可能会追你。 If you were uglier, I might chase you.

24、你身上有我余生的味道。 You smell like the rest of my life.

25、做你的神,颠倒众生。 Be your God and turn the world upside down.

26、别偷我的说说,来偷我的心好吗。 Don't steal my words, just steal my heart.

27、十里桃花,不及你镜中芳华。 Ten li peach blossom, less than you in the mirror.

28、只要你不放开,我就不会松手。 As long as you don't let go, I won't let go.

29、在你心里的,幸福感。 In your heart, happiness.

30、外面风大,和我回家。 It's windy outside. Come home with me.

31、天气很热,想找个人冷战。 It's hot. I'm looking for someone.

32、好好生活,慢慢爱你。 Live a good life and love you slowly.

33、宝贝,相信我,我爱你。 Baby, believe me, I love you.

34、尽余生之慷慨,许你一世之偏爱。 Be generous for the rest of your life, and I promise you a lifetime of favoritism.

35、山海错落,你是人间星光。 Scattered mountains and seas, you are the stars in the world.

36、开,一朵地老天荒的花。 Open, a flower of the end of time.

37、往后余生,好好爱人。 Love for the rest of your life.

38、悲喜皆不谈,开口只谈你。 I don't talk about sadness and happiness, but only about you.

39、情丝缕缕,牵肠挂肚。 I'm in love with you.

40、想变成太阳花,永远对着太阳笑。 Want to become a sunflower, always smile at the sun.

41、想对你浪漫的说三个字:我爱你! I want to say three words to you: I love you!

42、我余光中都是你。 I'm all about you.

43、我发觉你今天有点怪,怪好看的。 I found that you are a little strange today. You look good.

44、我既媚君姿,君亦悦我颜。 I flatter you and you please me.

45、我最喜欢的位置,就是你身边。 My favorite position is around you.

46、我爱你,我们要甜甜蜜蜜往前走。 I love you. We're going to move on.

47、我的,就是你的。 Mine is yours.

48、我要赢一壶酒,拿来娶你。 I want to win a pot of wine and marry you.

49、我送她回家,她怕黑,你们玩。 I take her home, she is afraid of the dark, you play.

50、我闭上眼睛,却满脑子是你。 I close my eyes and my head is full of you.

51、所有好吃的都归你,我不馋。 All the delicious food belongs to you. I'm not greedy.

52、投我以求桃,报之以琼瑶。 Give me a peach and give it back to Qiongyao.

53、抱怨没用,抱我啊。 It's no use complaining. Hold me.

54、拥抱你,如浴柔水。 Embracing you is like bathing in soft water.

55、时光,不负良人。 Time pays off my beloved.

56、春风十里,不如你。 Spring breeze ten miles, not as good as you.

57、晴空万里,不及心中有你。 Clear sky, less than the heart of you.

58、最难忘,是你的容颜。 The most unforgettable is your face.

59、有一种牵手,白头偕老。 There is a kind of hand in hand.

60、有你,再大的波折也不担忧。 With you, no matter how big the twists and turns are.

61、未经允许,喜欢你。 I like you without permission.

62、每一场不期而遇,都是我喜欢你。 Every unexpected encounter is that I like you.

63、比赛总会结束,但想你不会。 The game will always end, but I don't think you will.

64、活活鲜鲜,拼凑珍藏。 It's a piece of treasure.

65、温柔,只给意中人。 Gentle, only for the right person.

66、爱你一生一世,直到地老天荒! Love you forever, until the end of time!

67、爱你,是我的荣幸。 It's my pleasure to love you.

68、爱就一个字,我只说一次。 Love is a word, I only say it once.

69、甜蜜的笑容,为你绽。 Sweet smile for you.

70、用你的名字,写一首诗。 Write a poem in your name.

71、用着我的情,开心如意。 With my love, happy Ruyi.

72、眼中喜,心中爱。 Joy in the eyes, love in the heart.

73、祝你们爱情甜蜜,幸福如意。 I wish you sweet love and happiness.

74、给你一束玫瑰,携手浪漫前行。 Give you a bunch of roses, hand in hand romantic forward.

75、给我一个拥抱,我会陪你到老。 Give me a hug, I will accompany you to old age.

76、老婆,一生爱你! Wife, I love you all my life!

77、苦尽甘来,所以你来了。 It's hard and sweet, so you're here.

78、苦尽甘来,所以你来了! It's hard work, so you're here!

79、表白这么简单的,我爱你就行了。 It's so simple to say that I love you.

80、见过那么多的猪,还是你最可爱。 I've seen so many pigs, but you are the cutest.

81、这一次,我想给你全世界。 This time, I want to give you the world.

82、遇见你以后,是最好的时光。 It's the best time to meet you.

83、陪你欢喜,陪你微笑。 Accompany you happy, accompany you smile.

84、陪你,到长发及腰。 Accompany you, to long hair and waist.

85、雨天能为你,撑起一把小伞。 Rainy day can hold up a small umbrella for you.