1、一个人不孤单,想一个人才孤单。 A person is not alone, want a talent alone.
2、一直一起,一起到老。 Always together, always together.
3、一觉醒来,更加爱你了。 Wake up and love you more.
4、一颗心,只装你一人。 A heart can only hold you.
5、万千灯火,就是看上了你。 Thousands of lights, is in love with you.
6、与你同行,无惧路远。 Walking with you, no fear of a long way.
7、世界欠你的温柔,我给。 The world owes you tenderness, I give you.
8、为你坚守,快乐阵营。 Stick to it for you, happy camp.
9、争吵耽误了我们很多相爱的时间。 We lost a lot of time in love because of the quarrel.
10、亲爱的,我好爱你! Dear, I love you so much!
11、人间太吵了,住我心里吧。 The world is too noisy, live in my heart.
12、从认识你,就没想过换人。 I haven't thought of changing people since I met you.
13、众生皆草木,唯你是青山。 All living beings are plants, only you are green mountains.
14、余笙与你,度余生。 Yu Sheng will spend the rest of his life with you.
15、你一枝独秀,便抵山河万色。 If you stand out, you will reach all colors of mountains and rivers.
16、你不用踮脚,我会弯腰。 You don't have to stand on tiptoe. I'll bend.
17、你只有一颗心,真诚待它。 You have only one heart, treat it sincerely.
18、你就是我,要寻找的小幸福。 You are the little happiness I am looking for.
19、你是我一生的守候,永远珍惜。 You are my life's waiting, always cherish.
20、你的心,只准有我。 Your heart, only me.
21、你的忧愁,我“独家承受”。 Your sorrow, I "exclusive bear".
22、你的鼓励,我的失望消散。 Your encouragement, my disappointment dissipated.
23、你长的好像我男朋友。 You look like my boyfriend.
24、你,是我见过,最美丽的风景。 You are the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen.
25、倾心相守,永不分离。 We will stay together and never separate.
26、做什么都十拿九稳,就差你一吻。 I'm sure I'll do anything, but I'll give you a kiss.
27、初见乍欢心,久初仍怦然。 The first time I saw you, I was still happy.
28、别等来世了,这辈子还就行。 Don't wait for the afterlife, just this life.
29、只要有你在身边,比什么都好。 As long as you are around, it's better than anything.
30、和你甜蜜牵手,一起幸福慢慢走! Hand in hand with you, happy together, walk slowly!
31、和她一起,慢慢变老。 Grow old with her.
32、善意可以给所有人,但爱不行。 Kindness can be given to everyone, but love can't.
33、喜欢你,诚心诚意。 I like you. I'm sincere.
34、在平淡无奇的岁月里我只喜欢你。 In the ordinary years, I only like you.
35、大吉大利,有钱有你。 Lucky, you have the money.
36、天天看着你,是一种享受。 It's a pleasure to watch you every day.
37、好多年前的今天,我们相遇了。 Many years ago today, we met.
38、嫁给你,不渴望荣华富贵。 I don't want to be rich when I marry you.
39、守你,我被安逸追随着。 Keep you, I am followed by ease.
40、宝贝,我们梦里见鸭。 Baby, we see ducks in our dreams.
41、寻了一生的春天,你一笑便是了。 Looking for a lifetime of spring, you just smile.
42、将浪漫包装,给你快乐连连。 Package romance to make you happy.
43、弱水三千,只取一瓢。 Three thousand weak water, take only one scoop.
44、彼此的承诺,携手伴侣。 Mutual commitment, hand in hand partner.
45、待我长发及腰,将军归来可好。 When my hair achieves waist length, the general returns.
46、想你,是我一生最快乐的事。 Missing you is the happiest thing in my life.
47、想陪你到,两鬓斑白。 I want to accompany you here, my temples are white.
48、愿一生,为你痴狂。 May I be crazy for you all my life.
49、愿与你相伴一生,心不变。 I wish to be with you all my life.
50、愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 May you pick more, this is the most Acacia.
51、我不想撩你,奈何心不由己。 I don't want to tease you, but I can't help myself.
52、我们之间不需要套路,只需要套。 We don't need routines, we just need routines.
53、我和你除了恋爱没什么好谈的。 You and I have nothing to talk about but love.
54、我很爱很爱你,永远不丢下你。 I love you very much, I will never leave you.
55、我想悄悄的和你说,我爱你。 I want to whisper to you that I love you.
56、我是例外,你是我的例外。 I'm the exception. You're the exception.
57、我爱你,你听见了吗。 I love you. Do you hear me.
58、我爱你,爱你地久天长! I love you, love you forever!
59、我要对你说,有你真好! I want to say to you, it's good to have you!
60、我,还是让你住在了我心里。 I still let you live in my heart.
61、拥你入怀,疼你入骨。 Hold you in my arms, love you to the bone.
62、时间不早不晚,刚好我遇见了你。 It's not too early or too late. I just met you.
63、曾有数不清的梦,每个梦里有你。 There have been countless dreams, each dream has you.
64、最想牵的,还是你的手。 Most want to hold, or your hand.
65、最近很想你,最远也是。 I miss you very much recently, and I miss you as far as I can.
66、来日方长给你,朝朝夕夕也给你。 I'll give it to you day and night.
67、永不改变的,是对你深深的爱恋。 What will never change is my deep love for you.
68、滴滴的甜蜜,只为你酝酿。 Every drop of sweetness is brewed for you.
69、爱你,在激烈的心跳里。 Love you, in the intense heartbeat.
70、爱情是一块糖,甜蜜幸福的天堂。 Love is a piece of sugar, a sweet and happy paradise.
71、爱,亦是共度余生的岁月长情。 Love is also a long time to spend the rest of your life together.
72、爱,让我们相见。 Love, let's meet.
73、片片飞花弄晚,蒙蒙残雨笼晴。 Pieces of flying flowers make late, Mengmeng residual rain cage clear.
74、独此一家,别无分店。 It's the only one with no branch.
75、男有心女有意,铜墙铁壁都能进。 If a man has a heart and a woman has a heart, he can enter the gate.
76、白头偕老不辜负,才是幸福。 It is happiness to grow old together and live up to it.
77、相濡以沫,执子之手偕老。 Help each other and grow old together.
78、等你,海枯石烂。 Wait for you, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten.
79、给你们介绍下,她是我的女朋友。 To introduce you, she is my girlfriend.
80、若你在,荒草丛生之处也极美。 If you are there, the place where the grass grows is also very beautiful.
81、见过宇宙,但只爱一颗星星。 I've seen the universe, but I love only one star.
82、距离,不会让故事结局。 Distance doesn't make the story end.
83、运气不在你身边,我在你身边。 Luck is not with you, I am with you.
84、途有好伴,不觉路远。 If you have a good companion, you don't know it's a long way.