1、一个人脸上的表情比她身上穿得更重要。 The expression on a person's face is more important than what she wears.
2、一分钟的成功,付出的代价却是好些年的失败。 A minute's success costs years of failure.
3、不为不值得的人生气,不为不值得的事失眠。 Don't get angry for the unworthy, and lose sleep for the unworthy.
4、不屈不挠的精神,是人生成功的法宝。 Indomitable spirit is the magic weapon of success in life.
5、不能制约自己的人,不能称之为*的人。 People who can't restrict themselves can't be called free people.
6、不要对我太好,以免我以身相许你又不要。 Don't be too nice to me in case I promise you not.
7、不要忘本,任何时候,任何事情生活感悟。 Don't forget the origin, any time, anything, life experience.
8、人只因承担责任才是*的,这是生活的真谛。 People are free only because they take responsibility. This is the essence of life.
9、人可以没有傲气,但不能没有傲骨! People can not be arrogant, but can not be without pride!
10、人活着,不容易,别想太多,别为难自己! Life is not easy, don't think too much, don't embarrass yourself!
11、人生太难了,希望未来的我们能变得更加优秀。 Life is too difficult, I hope we can become better in the future.
12、你和蔼可亲,有人说智商不够。 You are amiable. Some people say that I.Q. is not enough.
13、凉白开最解渴,大实话才动人。 Cool white open the most thirst, the truth is moving.
14、勤劳盈有财富,知识蕴含成功。 Industry is wealth, knowledge is success.
15、只有超出别人的付出,才会有超出别人的收获。 Only beyond other people's pay, will have the harvest which surpasses others.
16、同一块石头,一半做成佛,一半做成台阶。 The same stone is made into a Buddha and a step.
17、哭的事情总有一天会笑着说出来。 Crying will be said with a smile one day.
18、圣人执着于真理,愚人执着于谬误。 Sages cling to truth, while fools cling to fallacies.
19、在每个人的内心,都有几处不为人知的暗伤。 In everyone's heart, there are several hidden injuries.
20、多活一点给自己看吧,很多人事与你毫不相干。 Live a little more to show yourself, a lot of personnel have nothing to do with you.
21、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has ups and downs. Pat the dust and keep going.
22、大隐隐于朝,中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野。 The great hidden in the dynasty, the middle hidden in the city, the small hidden in the wild.
23、女人最大的败笔就是逞强,而男人,却都信了。 The biggest failure of women is to be brave, but men believe it.
24、尽道而不要道,做了不等于做到。 Do not mean to do it.
25、山不解释自己的高度,并不影响它的耸立云端。 The mountain does not explain its height, does not affect its towering clouds.
26、年轻时候,如果爱,别说永远,说珍惜。 When young, if you love, don't say forever, say cherish.
27、当你停下脚步的时候,不要忘了别人还在奔跑。 When you stop, don't forget that others are still running.
28、当你想明白了,你就发现,活着就是幸福。 When you want to understand, you will find that living is happiness.
29、怎么做,都不对,做什么,都是错。 How to do it is not right. What you do is wrong.
30、恰恰是实现梦想的可能性,才使生活变得有趣。 It is the possibility of realizing dreams that makes life interesting.
31、想知道金钱的价值,只需向别人借点。 To know the value of money, just borrow from others.
32、愿你阳光下像个孩子,风雨里像个大人。 May you look like a child in the sun and an adult in the wind and rain.
33、成长是场蓄谋已久的阴谋,错了便是错了。 Growth is a long-standing conspiracy, wrong is wrong.
34、我以为对你真心付出,你就会为我停住脚步。 I thought to you sincerely pay, you will stop for me.
35、我们这个年纪是因为爱,还是因为寂寞而说爱。 Our age is because of love, or because of loneliness and say love.
36、推销员不一定什么都知道,但通常都能言善辨。 Salesmen don't necessarily know everything, but they are usually eloquent.
37、无眠的夜,回忆充填空虚,梦想继续。 Sleepless night, memories fill the void, dreams continue.
38、无论发生什么,都要面朝阳光,心怀希望。 No matter what happens, we should face the sun and hope.
39、无论推销什么东西,先推销自己。 Whatever you sell, sell yourself first.
40、时光趁我不注意,把所有人都换了摸样。 Time took advantage of my inattention, changed everyone.
41、时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,收获就在哪里。 Time is like a net, where you sow, where you harvest.
42、月圆是诗,月缺是花,仰首是春,俯首是秋。 The full moon is a poem, the moon is a flower, looking up is spring, bowing is autumn.
43、有点累,有种想要沉沉睡去的感觉。 I'm a little tired. I feel like I'm going to sleep.
44、梦境还没有结束,所有的故事都停滞。 The dream is not over, all the stories are stagnant.
45、每一个春天,都有一个,落花烟雨的轻愁。 Every spring, there is a light sorrow of falling flowers and misty rain.
46、水在冰下流凉,风在花上过香。 The water is cool under the ice, and the wind is fragrant on the flowers.
47、永不假设,永不强求,顺其自然。 Never assume, never force, let it be.
48、活着不是靠心情,而是靠心态。 To live is not by mood, but by mentality.
49、淤泥不染才为佳人,宣纸墨染更为才子。 It's a beautiful woman to be able to dye mud, and a talented person to dye Xuan paper and ink.
50、生活不比奢侈,要知足常乐。 Life is no more than luxury. Be content.
51、生活是一种感知,人活着是一种心情。 Life is a kind of perception, and living is a kind of mood.
52、知道自己目的地的人,才是旅行得最远的人。 He who knows his destination is the one who travels furthest.
53、等待是最傻的一件事情,每个人都做过。 Waiting is the stupidest thing. Everyone has done it.
54、脾气嘴巴不好,心地再好也不能算好人。 If you have a bad temper and a bad mouth, you can't be a good person.
55、讨厌一个人而不翻脸,你就懂得了至极的尊重。 If you hate someone and don't turn over, you will know the utmost respect.
56、诚心诚意,“诚”字的另一半就是成功。 Sincerity, the other half of "sincerity" is success.
57、跟着冬天走下去,春天就不远了。 Follow winter, spring is not far away.
58、错把绝不当勇气的人,人生路会越走越窄。 The wrong person will never be brave, the road of life will be narrower and narrower.
59、问道问道,一问就盗。一步一卡,二步一停。 Ask a question, ask a question to steal. One card at a time, one stop in two steps.
60、顺风适合飞翔,逆风适合成长! With the wind suitable for flying, headwind for growth!