1、一个无任何特色的教师,他教育的学生不会有任何特色。 No characteristic of a teacher, his education students will not have any special features.

2、一次小小的鼓励,往往会给孩子终生的回忆。 A little encouragement, and tend to give their children a lifetime of memories.

3、不尊重学生,就是不尊重自己。 Don't respect students, just don't respect myself.

4、不能只埋头拉车而不抬头看路。 Not only his cart and don't look up at the way.

5、为他人的幸福而工作,才能达到自身的完善。 Work for the happiness of others, to achieve their own perfect.

6、为别人照亮道路, Illuminates the path for others, the ego must emit light.

7、为师者当高风亮节,动之以情,付之以爱。 For teacher when upright character, and to love.

8、主要不靠“嘴”教育孩子。靠的是情境,靠的是行动。 Main without "mouth" education of the children. By situation, by action.

9、习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。 Habit forming character, character determines destiny.

10、习惯,我们每个人或多或少都是它的奴隶。 Habit, every one of us more or less are all slaves of it.

11、人不能够瞧不起自我。 People can't look down upon yourself.

12、人人喜欢习惯,因为造它的就是自己。 Everyone likes to habit, because it is his.

13、人生如下棋,务必有远见方能获胜。 Life is like playing chess, be sure to have vision to carry.

14、你改变不了环境,但可以改变自已。 You can't change the environment, but can change yourself.

15、假如你厌恶学生,那么,当你工作开始时,就已结束了。 If you hate a student, so, when you work in the beginning, has ended.

16、做一件好事并不难,难的是养成一种做好事的习惯。 It is not difficult to do a good deed, is a good habit.

17、做一名美和爱的使者。 To be a beauty, and the angel of love.

18、做本真教师,教本色语文,育世纪人才。 Be true teacher, teach nature language, century talents.

19、全心全意为学生服务。 Wholeheartedly service for students.

20、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Rome was not built in a day.

21、勤对工作,爱对学生,礼对家长,谦对同事。 Frequently for work, love for students, for parents, modest to colleagues.

22、名副其实的教育,本质上就是品格教育。 Real education, education is essentially a character.

23、含辛茹苦,呕心沥血,忘我工作。 Put up, cough, hardworking.

24、喜欢孩子,善待孩子。 Like children, be kind to children.

25、在教育中守望快乐,享受幸福。 Watch happy in education, enjoy happiness.

26、学生的满意,是最大的幸福。 Student satisfaction is the greatest happiness.

27、宁做奋斗者登山的拐杖,不做闲逸人享乐的温床。 Rather do striver mountaineering crutch, don't do a hotbed of leisure people enjoyment.

28、对于世界,学生只是孩子;对于教师,学生就是世界。 To the world, students just kids; For teachers, students is the world.

29、将快乐传递给每一个孩子,让孩子的世界变得更加美丽精彩。 Will be happy to every child, let the children of the world become more beautiful.

30、小鸟展翅看大鸟,学生成长靠教师。 See big bird, the bird wings students grow up by teachers.

31、尽心尽力,无怨无悔。 Best, complaint or regret.

32、差生身上应更多体现着老师的爱。 Should be reflected more difference on the teacher'slove.

33、师生之间心与心的交汇之处是爱的圣地。 Between teachers and students of the heartand heart is where the love of the holy land.

34、师的人格就是教育工作中的一切。 Teacher's personality is everything in the education work.

35、循循善诱,诲人不倦的是老师。 Coaxing, teaching is a teacher.

36、德者业治本,业者德之着。 Virtue industry, industry of DE.

37、想教学生如何正派为人,教师应先从自己正派为人做起。 Want to teach students how to decent man, the teacher should start from the decent itself.

38、愿作园丁勤浇灌,甘为蜡炬尽燃烧。 May be the gardener regular watering, as their wax torch burning.

39、我热爱这份事业,无论平凡,无论贫穷。 I love this career, regardless of the ordinary, regardless of the poor.

40、执着杏坛,乐于奉献。 Persistent almond altar, dedicated.

41、把爱带给每位学生。 Bring love to every student.

42、把爱心献给孩子,诚心送给家长,信心留给自己。 Devoted love to the child, give parents the truth, the confidence to yourself.

43、抓养成,促导学,求发展。 Develop and promote learning, for development.

44、拥有童心,读懂童心的人,才会拥有育人资格证书。 Have a childlike innocence, read childishness, educational qualifications.

45、播种期望,收获明天! Seeding expectations, harvest tomorrow!

46、教师和画家的相同点就是创造具有美的人。 Teachers and similarity of the artist is to create a beautiful person.

47、教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业,孩子的笑脸是校园里最灿烂的阳光。 Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun, the children's smiling face is the most brilliant sunshine in the campus.上一页12下一页

48、教师的人格是教育的基石。 The teacher's personality is the foundation of education.

49、教师的天职在勇于探索教育。 The first duty of a teacher in courageous enough to probe into education.

50、教师的春风,日日沐我心。 Teachers in the spring breeze, massage my heart day by day.

51、教师要用爱心关爱学生,用真心、真意、真诚呵护学生的成长。 Teachers love students with love, true, true, sincere care for the growth of the students.

52、教育技巧的全部奥秘也就是在于如何看护儿童。 Education skill is all lies in how to care for children.


54、教育者的关注和爱护在学生的心灵上会留下不可磨灭的印象。 The attention of educators and love in the hearts of students will leave an indelible impression.

55、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。 Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command.

56、有所尝试,就有所作为。 Something attempted, something.

57、每一个不曾起舞的日子都是对性命的辜负。 Every day never dance is to live up to for life.

58、没有成功不代表没有努力,之所以尚未成功,是因为尚需努力。 No success does not mean that no efforts, the reason has not been successful, because it remains to be hard.

59、没有爱的教学,宛如无水池塘,终将群鲜枯竭。 Teaching without love, just like water pond, will eventually group of fresh dried up.

60、热心对待工作,真心呵护幼儿,诚心服务家长。 Eager to work, sincerely care for infants, parents sincerely service.

61、爱生如爱己,教生如教子。 Love born as thyself, teaching such as godson.

62、父母给了我生命,您给了我智慧,使我得以健康成长。 Parents gave me life, you gave me the wisdom, enabled me to healthy growth.

63、率先垂范,教师重责。 Governs incorruptibly, teachers' responsibility.

64、生命不能从谎言之中开出灿烂的鲜花。 Life can't depart from lies a bright flowers.

65、生命正因为风雨而变得精彩。 Life is become wonderful because of the rain.

66、用我们的辛勤劳动托起明天的希望。 Hope that with our hard work in order to tomorrow.

67、用爱的琴弦,弹奏和谐的乐曲;用心的泉水,浇灌美丽的花朵。 With love the strings, playing the music of harmony; Pour out heart spring, the beauty of the flowers.

68、相信自己的工作能力,相信学生的认知能力。 Believe in your ability to work, I believe the students' cognitive ability.

69、真正的教师,极力防止自我的坏习惯及于学生。 The real teacher,trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student.

70、给学生一个世界,给老师一片天空。 Give students a world, a piece ofthe sky to the teacher.

71、给学生一个机会,学生还老师一个惊喜。 Give students a chance to students will return a surprise to the teacher.

72、耕耘在绿草地,此生无怨无悔。 Cultivated in the green grass, this life with no regrets.

73、职业道德是做人之本,为师之本。 Professional ethics is the human, is the foundation of the division.

74、行为比语言更有说服力。 Actions are more persuasive than words.

75、表扬和鼓励是激发学生潜能的最佳途径。 Praise and encouragement is the best way to stimulate students' potential.

76、表扬用喇叭,批评用电话。 Praise the trumpet, criticism on the phone.

77、要散步阳光到别人心里,必须自己心里有阳光。 Walking to the sunlight to others in the mind, must have the sun in my mind.

78、言传身教,衣带渐宽终不悔;鞠躬尽瘁,一腔热血洒教坛。 Precept, pine will not regret; Exert all his efforts and vigor on theworld.

79、认认真真教书,踏踏实实育人。平平凡凡做事,堂堂正正帮人。 Teach conscientious, steadfast and educating. Ordinary work, open and others.

80、让学生在感兴趣的自主活动中进行自主学习。 Let the students interested in autonomic activities of autonomous learning.

81、让学生张扬个性,放飞想象的春天。 Let the student individuality, spring release imagination.

82、评价一堂课的优劣,不在于听课教师的评说,而在于学生的喜好。 The lesson can be evaluated, is not a class teacher's sentiments, but in the be fond of of students.

83、诚挚的心灵,是学生情感的钥匙。 Sincere heart, is the key to the student emotion.

84、课间十分钟的充分休息,是上课专心听讲的首要保证。 Lesson 10 minutes rest adequately, is the first guarantee of listen attentively in class.

85、谁爱孩子,孩子就爱她;只有爱孩子的人,她才能教育孩子。 Who love children, the children will love her; Only the person to love her children, she can education of the children.

86、走进学生心灵,追求诗意课堂,享受教育幸福。 Go into the minds of students, the pursuit of poetry class, enjoy the happiness of education.

87、踏踏实实做人、认认真真做事。 Steadfast, serious work.

88、踏踏实实地做,心中也踏踏实实。 Builders of do, in the heart is steadfast.

89、鹤发银丝映日月,丹心热血沃新花。 A crane silver mirror the sun steps blood new flowers.

90、鼓励,是学海中劈波斩浪的桨;鼓励,是人生中相互支撑的拐杖。 Encouragement, is made in university paddle; Encouragement is the crutches to support each other in life.
