1、不开心的时候,尽量少说话多睡觉。 When you are unhappy, try to talk less and sleep more.

2、不是每一种鸟都叫做鹰,你要学会看清自己。 Not every kind of bird is called eagle. You should learn to see yourself clearly.

3、交通局温馨提示您:天气寒冷,小心车祸。 Traffic Bureau warm prompt you: cold weather, be careful of traffic accidents.

4、人海茫茫相遇,像沙漠里下了场暴雨。 The vast sea of people met like a rainstorm in the desert.

5、人生天地之间,若白驹之过隙,忽然而已。 Life between heaven and earth, if Baiju's gap, suddenly just.

6、人生是一次旅程,有上坡也有下坡。 Life is a journey, up and down.

7、人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远。 People's influence is short and weak, while the influence of books is extensive and far-reaching.

8、以岁月的名义,照亮你体内小小的倔强和忧郁。 In the name of years, light up the small stubborn and melancholy in your body.

9、你笑得越用力,你的心底就越悲伤。 The harder you laugh, the more sad you feel.

10、信人生之如梦兮,了万事之皆虚。 Believe that life is like a dream, everything is empty.

11、做人,要想收获比别人多,就要付出比别人多。 If you want to gain more than others, you have to pay more than others.

12、傻过,才知道适时的坚持与放弃。 Stupid, just know the right time to adhere to and give up.

13、像穷人一样讲价,像绅士一样付账。 Bargain like a poor man and pay like a gentleman.

14、其实。你爱我像谁。任何的表情我都会给。 Actually. Who do you love me like. I'll give any expression.

15、凉白开最解渴,大实话才动人。 Cool white open the most thirst, the truth is moving.

16、只有成为女王,才能吸引邻国的国王啊! Only by becoming queen can we attract the kings of neighboring countries!

17、君当仗剑,大杀四方,妾自抚琴,浮沉随郎。 You should hold up your sword and kill all sides. I play the piano and follow Lang.

18、唯愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。 I only wish I were like the star king and the moon, and the flowing light was bright at night.

19、啥都不怕,就怕宝宝生病,宝宝一病全家出动。 Nothing is afraid of, just afraid of the baby sick, a sick baby, the whole family out.

20、在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。 In my heart, company and understanding are more important than love.

21、坚强到,让自己心疼;努力到,让自己感动! Strong to, let oneself heartache; efforts, let oneself move!

22、女人如花,不但美丽自己,亦芬芳他人。 Women like flowers, not only beautiful themselves, but also fragrance others.

23、如果人生不停泊,你这辈子算白活! If you don't park your life, you'll live in vain!

24、如果我们当初忍住做朋友,会不会更长久。 If we had refrained from being friends, would it have been longer.

25、如果钱为粪土,那么我就是屎壳郎。 If money is dirt, then I am a dung beetle.

26、姑娘心里最珍视的东西是她们自己的美貌。 The most precious thing in a girl's heart is her own beauty.

27、学的到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练。 What you can learn is exercise, what you can't learn is practice.

28、平生不善个人谋,坦荡皆无得失忧。 In his life, he is not good at personal planning, and he is magnanimous and has no worries about gain or loss.

29、忙碌充实的生活,才是幸福的希望。 A busy and full life is the hope of happiness.

30、态度决定状态,状态决定心态。 Attitude determines state, state determines mentality.

31、感情的戏太过苛刻,我演绎不了那华丽的场剧。 Emotional drama is too harsh, I can't perform that gorgeous play.

32、我们渴望成功,首先要志在成功。 We long for success, first of all, we must aim at success.

33、我再深情的拥抱,也敌不过她谄媚的一笑。 No matter how affectionate I embrace, I can't resist her flattering smile.

34、我就是自己的太阳,无须凭借谁的光。 I am my own sun, no need to rely on whose light.

35、无明不过是本性中缘起之幻相。 Ignorance is nothing but the illusion of origin in nature.

36、最深最重的爱,必须和时日起成长。 The deepest and heaviest love must grow with time.

37、有些笑容背后,是紧咬牙关的灵魂。 Behind some smiles is the soul that clenches his teeth.

38、每一次失望都败在三个字:我以为。 Every time I was disappointed, I lost in three words: I thought.

39、每当我找到了成功的钥匙,就有人把所给换了。 Whenever I found the key to success, someone changed it.

40、永远不要找错对象,不然会死得很惨。 Never find the wrong person, or you will die miserably.

41、爱是烧痛我双手的烟火,却也为你照亮了黑。 Love is the fireworks burning my hands, but also for you to light up the black.

42、猝然死去本无甚苦痛,长期累死倒真难以忍受。 Sudden death is not very painful, but it is really unbearable to die of exhaustion for a long time.

43、用心,看看为什么别人这样对待自己。 Heart, see why others treat themselves like this.

44、留不住的东西,不如用力扔的远一点。 If you can't keep something, you'd better throw it far away.

45、看到的不要全信,知道的不要都说。 Don't believe everything you see and don't say everything you know.

46、立身靠信,立业靠勤,立世靠才,立功靠拼。 We should rely on faith, diligence, talent and hard work.

47、素描再美,却描绘不出你回眸的色彩。 No matter how beautiful the sketch is, it can't describe the color you look back on.

48、经历过失去的人,会懂得珍惜现在。 Those who have experienced the loss will know how to cherish the present.

49、老了,才看清这个世界还很年轻。 Old, just see this world is still very young.

50、色彩刺激感官,思想触动灵魂。 Color stimulates the senses, and thought touches the soul.

51、诚信交得天下友,法治换得万家安。 Good faith makes friends all over the world, and the rule of law makes a good family.

52、诚实是人生永远最美好的品格。 Honesty is the best character in life forever.

53、谁能走到时间的前面,帮我看看未来的画面。 Who can go to the front of time and help me see the picture of the future.

54、贪不义之财易毁,信不忠之人多祸。 It is easy to destroy those who are greedy and dishonest.

55、跌倒了站起来,换个好看的姿势再倒下去。 Fall down, stand up, change a good posture and fall again.

56、过去,是梦,是虚空。未来,也是苍白。 The past is a dream, a void. The future is pale.

57、遇到了喜欢的人,就要主动的犯个贱。 When you meet someone you like, you should be humble.

58、钱是花出来的,病是攒出来的。 Money is spent, illness is saved.

59、青春的梦想,是未来的真实的投影。 The dream of youth is the real projection of the future.

60、黑暗里想念焰彩,迷雾里思忖晴霞。 Miss the flame color in the dark, think of the fine haze in the fog.